Reputation: 199
I am using C# 2008 Windows Forms application.
In my project there is a TextBox
control and in that I want make an auto generate numbers for samples s00, next when I come back to form again it should be increment like s01,s02, that
Please help me
Upvotes: 8
Views: 36310
Reputation: 1
This is the solution to generator auto incremented id in C# which don't need to increase or do anything. It will just work. whenever a new object created its value will increase by 1.
public class Employee
static long AutoId = 0;
public long Id { get; private set; } = ++AutoId;
public string EmployeeName { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
{ try { //madhura// SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(@"select 'Column_name'+ REPLACE(STR(MAX(CAST(Right(Column_name,5) as int)+1 ),6),SPACE(1),'0') as Column_name from TabelName ", con); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt);
if (dt.Rows[0][" Column_name'"].ToString() == null) { Label1.Text = "DMBP-000001"; } else{ Label.Text= dt.Rows[0][" Column_name'"].ToString(); } } catch { } }
Upvotes: -2
Reputation: 11
If the text component of the string is unknown (with or without a number at the end of the string), variations of this function may be helpful:
private string increment_number_at_end_of_string(string text_with_number_at_the_end)
string text_without_number = text_with_number_at_the_end.TrimEnd('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');
string just_the_number = text_with_number_at_the_end.Substring(text_without_number.Length);
int number = -1;
if (int.TryParse(just_the_number, out number))
return text_without_number + (number + 1).ToString();
return text_with_number_at_the_end;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11233
Another single line approach would be:
string sampleNum = "s" + (counter++).ToString("00");
Where counter defines like this:
int counter= 0;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
Try This For auto generation of number and auto incrementation of number:
// Stock is table name
// metal id is unique number that is auto generated as well as auto incremented
private void textBox9_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string s = "select max(metalid)+1 from stock";
SqlCommand csm = new SqlCommand(s, con);
SqlDataReader dd = csm.ExecuteReader();
while (dd.Read())
int n = dd.GetInt32(0);
textBox1.Text = n.ToString();
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21
A slightly better variation of oyvind-knobloch-brathen's above:
int incNumber=0;
s + String.Format("{0:00}", incNumber);
//s00, s01, s02. If you want, say, the range 0001-9999, just change "00" to "0000", etc.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 18430
Do as suggested by Øyvind Knobloch-Bråthen but if you want it to be done automatically when form is Deactivated and Activated (You come back to the form and give it focus) then you can do somthing like this.
This only works if you are sure the text in box will always be in the mentioned format
this.Activated += (s, ev)=>{
string tmp = textbox1.Text;
int num = String.Substring(1) as int;
if(nuum != null)
textbox1.Text = "s" + num.Tostring();
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1676
Just as Øyvind Knobloch-Bråthen said: Keep track of the integer using a variable. Only you should format it like this (Microsoft preferred):
int incNumber = 0;
string formattedIncNumber = String.Format("s{0:D2}", incNumber);
Or if you want to do it with one line less code:
int incNumber = 0;
string formattedIncNumber = String.Format("s{0:D2}", incNumber++);
See MSDN for a complete reference for formatting integers.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 60744
Quite easy. Keep a variable to keep the current number.
int incNumber = 0;
Then on click of button, generate the number string like this:
string nyNumber = "s" + incNumber.ToString("00");
Upvotes: 7