Reputation: 89
I am currently working on making an NxN arrays of circles where N>0 with varying circle radius inside a 1024 by 1024 meshgrid. The n_circles defines the number of circles in an array, and R is the radius. I used a repmat function to replicate the array depending on the number of circles I choose. Here's my code below:
n_circles = 4 % Define the number of circles to be plotted
n0 = round(1024/n_circles); % Define the size of the basic mask
M0 = zeros(n0); % Initialize the basic mask
I = 1:n0; % Define the x and y coordinates of the basic mask
x = I - n0/2;
y = n0/2 - I;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); % Create the mask
R = 4; % Define the radius of the basic circle
% Get the indices of the points inside the basic circle
A = (X.^2 + Y.^2 <= R^2);
M0(A) = 1; % Set basic mask
% Replicate basic mask according to the number of circles to be plotted
M(2^10,2^10) = 0; % zerofill the rest of the matrix
daspect([1 1 1])
The problem is that the circles are not touching each other, i.e. when I replicate them, they are far away from each other. I need to generate a 2D array of circles that are touching from each other, with the radius set at low values. I attached a picture below to visualize my concern.
So in the picture, the circles have a distance of 2 radii from their centers, and the radius of the circle is very small in such a way that the whole 2D array of circles is smaller than the whole meshgrid. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 466
Reputation: 1300
by calling ind2sub
, so [x0+xx-R,y0+yy-R]
will be the indexes of a circle with the center [x0,y0]
to get real indexes of it.(It seems pretty strange but I only got this way, waiting for better answers.)for
loop to generate all the circles in the M
.Note that if n_circle
is odd, we should do some math and move the centers of the circle a little to keep all the circles in the middle of the picture.
clc; clear;
n_circles = 4; % Define the number of circles to be plotted
R = 4; % Define the radius of the basic circle
M=zeros(Len); % Create the hole mask
% Get the indices of the points inside the basic circle
M0 = zeros(2*R+1); % Initialize the basic mask
I = 1:(2*R+1); % Define the x and y coordinates of the basic mask
x = (I - R)-1;
y = (R - I)+1;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); % Create the mask
A = (X.^2 + Y.^2 <= R^2);
[xx,yy]=ind2sub(size(M0),find(A == true));
for ii=1:n_circles
for jj=1:n_circles
% [MidX MidY]
The output image is:
hope it helps!
Upvotes: 3