Reputation: 405
I have a complex nested json structure in a postgres json field. I want to list all element values with key '$type' no matter where in the nested structure they appear. The structure contains arrays nested within arrays to several levels deep. What is the sql query I should use?
The table structure is:
create table if not exists documents
id text not null
constraint documents_pkey primary key,
value json not null
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2369
Reputation: 121754
This recursive function extracts all attributes from a complex jsonb object:
create or replace function jsonb_extract_all(jsonb_data jsonb, curr_path text[] default '{}')
returns table(path text[], value text)
language plpgsql as $$
if jsonb_typeof(jsonb_data) = 'object' then
return query
select (jsonb_extract_all(val, curr_path || key)).*
from jsonb_each(jsonb_data) e(key, val);
elseif jsonb_typeof(jsonb_data) = 'array' then
return query
select (jsonb_extract_all(val, curr_path || ord::text)).*
from jsonb_array_elements(jsonb_data) with ordinality e(val, ord);
return query
select curr_path, jsonb_data::text;
end if;
end $$;
Example usage:
with my_table(data) as (
"$type": "a",
"other": "x",
"nested_object": {"$type": "b"},
"array_1": [{"other": "y"}, {"$type": "c"}],
"array_2": [{"$type": "d"}, {"other": "z"}]
select f.*
from my_table
cross join jsonb_extract_all(data) f
where path[cardinality(path)] = '$type';
path | value
{$type} | "a"
{array_1,2,$type} | "c"
{array_2,1,$type} | "d"
{nested_object,$type} | "b"
(4 rows)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 31
You can use a resursive query. I have done most of the work here:
with recursive dived(jkey, jval, jtype) as (
select t.key, t.value,
json_typeof(t.value) jtype
from json_each('{"id":"243769","name":"domains","type":"TABLE","adata":{"sfield":"name"},"fields":{"id":{"ind":1,"enum":null,"refs":[null,null],"reqd":true,"type":"int4","constr":["p",null],"default":null},"name":{"ind":2,"enum":null,"refs":[null,null],"reqd":true,"type":"text","constr":["u",null],"default":null},"appid":{"ind":5,"enum":null,"refs":["apps","id"],"reqd":true,"type":"int4","constr":[null,null],"default":null},"userid":{"ind":8,"enum":null,"refs":["users","id"],"reqd":true,"type":"int8","constr":[null,null],"default":null},"createdat":{"ind":6,"enum":null,"refs":[null,null],"reqd":true,"type":"timestamptz","constr":[null,null],"default":null},"updatedat":{"ind":7,"enum":null,"refs":[null,null],"reqd":true,"type":"timestamptz","constr":[null,null],"default":null},"subdomainforward":{"ind":4,"enum":null,"refs":[null,null],"reqd":false,"type":"text","constr":[null,null],"default":null},"wilcardsubdomain":{"ind":3,"enum":null,"refs":[null,null],"reqd":false,"type":"bool","constr":[null,null],"default":null}},"schema":"web","relchecks":0,"relhasrules":false,"relhastriggers":true,"relrowsecurity":false,"relforcerowsecurity":false}'::json) t
union all
select t.key, t.value,
json_typeof(t.value) jtype
from dived, json_each(dived.jval) as t
where dived.jtype in ('object' /*, 'array'*/)
select * From dived where jkey = 'yourkey' limit 100
You will simply need to add in an case when or some logic when it comes to arrays and json_array_elements.
Iterating through nested arrays with json is not too difficult with a recursive query but I find it tedious.
Place the CASE WHEN in front of the json_each as something like:
CASE WHEN dived.jtype = 'array' then
json_array_elements(dived.jval) t
It may be possible to handle the situation with the case when scenario, otherwise you may need a separate recursive query specifically for arrays and then do a union with the object keys/values.
You also may find more info here: Collect Recursive JSON Keys In Postgres
I hope this helps!
Upvotes: 0