Reputation: 832
I'm subscribe firebase list in ionic2 project.
This is my function inside the service:
getLastOrderBeta() {
return this.db.list(`Ring/${localStorage.getItem('localstorage')}`, {
query: {
equalTo: false,
orderByChild: 'status',
limitToLast: 2,
.map((orders: any) => {
return any) => {
order.userInfo = this.getProfile(order.userid);
return order;
This is my subscribe:
this.orderList = this.orderProvider.getLastOrderBeta();
this.orderList.subscribe((s: any) => {
this.selectedOrder = "";
console.log(this.playSound,"outside the if");
if ('cordova') && this.playSound && s.length) {
console.log(this.playSound,"inside the if");
this.playSound = true;
The subscribeOrder() logs showed twice.
this is my html code:
<ng-container *ngIf="orderList | async as orders">
<span *ngFor="let order of orders?.slice().reverse(); let first = first; let last = last">
<ng-container *ngIf="first && !selectedOrder" [ngTemplateOutlet]="orderView" [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{order:order,selected:false}"></ng-container>
<ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="last && (last !== first) ? beforeLastOrder : waiting" [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{order:order}"></ng-container>
<ng-container *ngIf="!orders.length">
<ion-fab bottom left>
<button (click)="logOut()" ion-fab mini>
<ion-icon name="power"></ion-icon>
<button (click)="openSettings()" ion-fab mini>
<ion-icon name="wifi"></ion-icon>
<span *ngIf="batterPercentage" class="battery">{{batterPercentage}}%</span>
<img *ngIf="!selectedOrder" class="rnb-img-waiting" src="assets/logo.png">
<ion-item (click)="showModal()" class="ion-footer">
<span class="no-orders">Previous Orders</span>
Any explanation for this duplication an how can i solved.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 66
Reputation: 832
I found the solution,
After debugging I found the problem was from the Angularfire2 query and exactly from the limitToLast.
So I disabled the limitToLast. And I created a code have the same role.
To became:
return this.db.list(`Ring/${localStorage.getItem('localstorage')}`, {
query: {
equalTo: false,
orderByChild: 'status'
.map((orders:any)=>{return orders.slice(-2)})
.map((orders: any) => {
return any) => {
order.userInfo = this.getProfile(order.userid);
return order;
}) as FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;
and that is work properly.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2454
For your case, I'm guessing there are two solutions:
Don't use async pipe at all, just save the data from firebase in subscribe and feed it to the template:
this.orderList = this.orderProvider.getLastOrderBeta();
this.orderList.subscribe((s: any) => {
this.selectedOrder = "";
console.log(this.playSound,"outside the if");
if ('cordova') && this.playSound && s.length) {
console.log(this.playSound,"inside the if");
this.playSound = true;
this.orders = s;
Then in your template:
Use async pipe but replace the subscribe in your component with a do
operator if you need a side effect:
this.orderList = this.orderProvider.getLastOrderBeta()
.do((s: any) => {
this.selectedOrder = "";
console.log(this.playSound,"outside the if");
if ('cordova') && this.playSound && s.length) {
console.log(this.playSound,"inside the if");
this.playSound = true;
this.orders = s;
Upvotes: 2