Reputation: 4112
I am trying to learn Shapeless following the excellent Shapeless-guide.
But while trying out the example i am having several stumbling blocks.
One of them is how the Generic[IceCream]
is resolved implicitly.
I haven't declared a implicit val
for an instance of Generic[IceCream] yet it is available. How?
The code looks like this and it compiles just fine,
import shapeless._
case class IceCream(name: String, numCherries: Int, inCone: Boolean)
case class Employee(name: String, number: Int, manager: Boolean)
trait CSVEncoder[A] {
def encode(value: A): List[String]
object CSVEncoder {
// "Summoner" method
def apply[A](implicit enc: CSVEncoder[A]): CSVEncoder[A] =
// "Constructor" method
def instance[A](func: A => List[String]): CSVEncoder[A] =
new CSVEncoder[A] {
def encode(value: A): List[String] =
object AdvancedShapelessUsage extends App {
//Define all typeclass instances here
def createEncoder[A](func: A => List[String]): CSVEncoder[A] =
new CSVEncoder[A] {
def encode(value: A): List[String] = func(value)
implicit val stringEncoder: CSVEncoder[String] =
createEncoder(str => List(str))
implicit val intEncoder: CSVEncoder[Int] =
createEncoder(num => List(num.toString))
implicit val booleanEncoder: CSVEncoder[Boolean] =
createEncoder(bool => List(if (bool) "yes" else "no"))
implicit val hnilEncoder: CSVEncoder[HNil] =
createEncoder(hnil => Nil)
implicit def hlistEncoder[H, T <: HList](implicit hEncoder: CSVEncoder[H], tEncoder: CSVEncoder[T]): CSVEncoder[H :: T] =
createEncoder {
case h :: t =>
hEncoder.encode(h) ++ tEncoder.encode(t)
implicit def genericEncoder[A, R]( //Use the Aux pattern to take out the `Repr` type
implicit gen: Generic[A] {
type Repr = R
enc: CSVEncoder[R]): CSVEncoder[A] = createEncoder(a => enc.encode(
val iceCreams: List[IceCream] = List(
IceCream("Sundae", 1, false),
IceCream("Cornetto", 0, true),
IceCream("Banana Split", 0, false))
def writeCsv[A](values: List[A])(implicit enc: CSVEncoder[A]): String = => enc.encode(value).mkString(",")).mkString("\n")
When we say implicit gen: Generic[A] {
type Repr = R
i figure the compiler will look for a Generic[IceCream] and then refer and assign the Repr
to the R type.
I cannot understand how without any Generic[IceCream] being available is it resolved. So magic I am not understanding I guess.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 140
Reputation: 20090
If I understood your question correctly, you wonder how that Generic[IceCream] can be resolved. It can be resolved for two reasons:
Upvotes: 1