Reputation: 47
Hello i am trying to make my own strstr()
function and i can't figure out why it is returning a segmentation fault.I am trying to search a string within another string and then return a pointer to the first 'same' letter. Any help would be appreciated.
This is my code:
char* ms_search(char *Str1,char* Str2){
char* p = NULL;
int i,k=0,j = 0;
for(i = 0;i < ms_length(Str1); i++){
if(Str1[i] == Str2[k]){
if(k == 0){
p = &Str1[i];
j= i;
if(k == ms_length(Str2)){
if(Str1[i] == Str2[0]){
p = &Str1[i];
j= i;
k = 0;
p = NULL;
if(p != NULL){
Str1[ms_length(Str2)+1] = '\0';
return &Str1[j];
int main(){
int i;
char* p2;
char* p="lolaaa";
char* p1= "aaa";
//char ar2[] = "aaa4";
//if(ms_ncompare(p,p1,3) == 1) printf("einai idia");
p2 = ms_search(p,p1);
return 0;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 17862
Reputation: 1
Your standalone strstrl is correct. I have my preferences, and you have yours. Neither is perfect. You prefer
if ( *b == 0 ) {
return (char *) s1;
I prefer
if ( ! *b ) return (char *) s1;
You prefer
str += 1;
I prefer
You prefer
while (1)
I prefer
for (;;)
If I rewrite your strstrl with my preferences, we get
char *strstr1(const char *str, const char *substring)
const char *a, *b = substring;
if ( !*b ) return (char *) str;
for ( ; *str ; str++) {
if (*str != *b) continue;
a = str;
for (;;) {
if ( !*b ) return (char *) str;
if (*a++ != *b++) break;
b = substring;
return NULL;
Note that this rewritten version has the same snippet
if ( ! *b ) return (char *) str;
in two locations. Can we rearrange to do that test only once?
Note how we do two tests when lead character matches
if ( *str != *b )
and again later for the same lead char
a = str ; if ( *a++ != *b++)
Can we rearrange that to do a single test?
My rewrite of your standalone strstr is below. It might not be your style, but it is in many ways similar to your standalone strstr. My rewrite is shorter and, I want to believe, easier to understand. I believe it is easier to understand because of less indentation, depth, or loops within loops. Your implementation has a for loop inside of a for loop, while mine has a single for loop. I will grant that the continue in the middle of my for loop can be unavailable on ancient versions of the C programming language. Additionally, I will grant that some programmers strongly dislike the side effect of plusplus increment inside of a conditional. These people believe that a conditional should be strictly a test and not a modifier.
char *strstr(const char *str, const char *substring)
const char *a = str, *b = substring;
for (;;) {
if ( !*b ) return (char *) str;
if ( !*a ) return NULL;
if ( *a++ == *b++) continue;
a = ++str;
b = substring;
Some people will insist on strongly descriptive variable names. and descriptive variable names will often improve the source. Below is my attempt with slightly better variable names.
char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
const char *h = haystack, *n = needle;
for (;;) {
if ( !*n ) return (char *) haystack;
if ( !*h ) return NULL;
if ( *h++ == *n++) continue;
h = ++haystack;
n = needle;
Unfortunately, in some fonts, it is difficult to tell the difference between h and n.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6298
Hello i am trying to make my own strstr()
First of all you have to follow the C standard.
The C89/C99 prototype is:
char *strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2);
Standard strstr()
function will NOT change the passed buffers.
The functionality is described as:
function locates the first occurrence in the string pointed to by s1
of the sequence of characters (excluding the terminating null character) in the string pointed to by s2.
The strstr
function returns a pointer to the located string, or a null pointer if the string is not found. If s2
points to a string with zero length, the function returns s1
In standard C, this can be implemented as:
#include <string.h> /* size_t memcmp() strlen() */
char *strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2)
size_t n = strlen(s2);
return (char *) (s1-1);
return 0;
The standalone implementation is given below:
#include <stdio.h>
char *strstr1(const char *str, const char *substring)
const char *a;
const char *b;
b = substring;
if (*b == 0) {
return (char *) str;
for ( ; *str != 0; str += 1) {
if (*str != *b) {
a = str;
while (1) {
if (*b == 0) {
return (char *) str;
if (*a++ != *b++) {
b = substring;
return NULL;
int main (void)
char string[64] ="This is a test string for testing strstr";
char *p;
p = strstr1 (string,"test");
printf("String found:\n" );
printf ("First occurrence of string \"test\" in \"%s\" is:\n%s", string, p);
printf("String not found!\n" );
return 0;
String found:
First occurrence of string "test" in "This is a test string for testing strstr" is:
test string for testing strstr
Upvotes: 5