Reputation: 635
I am trying to import json data from a link containing valid json data to MongoDB. When I run the script I get the following error:
TypeError: document must be an instance of dict, bson.son.SON, bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument, or a type that inherits from collections.MutableMapping
What am I missing here or doing wrong?
import pymongo
import urllib.parse
import requests
replay_url = ""
userid = 769630584166547456
url2 = replay_url + urllib.parse.urlencode({'userid': userid}) + '&page_size=1000'
print(f"Replay url: {url2}")
raw_replay_data = requests.get(url2).json()
uri = 'mongodb://testuser:[email protected]:45687/liveme'
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)
db = client.get_default_database()
replays = db['replays']
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Views: 257
Reputation: 56
You can make one field as _id
for mongodb document
use the following line before insert_many
for i in raw_replay_data['data']['video_info']:
i['_id'] = i['vid']
this will make the 'vid' field as your '_id'. Just make sure that the 'vid' is unique for all videos.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 56
I saw that you are getting the video information data for 22 videos.
You can use :
for saving them
Upvotes: 1