Hi i wanted to change the value of hostname for new computer but things didn't work as i try to input the value and getting the value for the hostname. I try to restart the computer the result is still the same.. I am testing to see whether this script is capable of updating the hostname for pcs or computer name
here is my code
REM This script runs in MS-DOS Batch File Language
@echo off
set /p id= Enter ID or Hostname:
echo %id%
WMIC computersystem where caption='%ComputerName%' rename %id%
REM exit the applications
echo "Export completed successfully. Press any key to exit"
pause >nul
exit /B
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Views: 8536
Reputation: 1
I tested the below batch script to change the windows 10 hostname through batch script and it work perfectly fine try it out and reboot the system atlast !
set /p NEW_NAME="Please enter computer name: "
for /f %%i in ('hostname') do set OLD_NAME=%%i
echo %OLD_NAME%
echo %NEW_NAME%
WMIC computersystem where caption="%OLD_NAME%" rename "%NEW_NAME%"
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Reputation: 38579
Here's how I'd probably do it:
@Echo Off
Echo Your current name is %ComputerName%
Set "ID="
Set /P "ID=Enter your new name: "
If Not Defined ID (Echo Can not be empty
GoTo AskID)
If /I "%ID%"=="%ComputerName%" Exit /B
If "%ID:~,1%"=="." (Echo Must not begin with a period
GoTo AskID)
Rem Put here some more checks for disallowed words or characters
WMIC ComputerSystem Where Name="%ComputerName%" Call Rename "%ID%"
arked line's advice.Upvotes: 2