Reputation: 617
I have viewPager with 2 fragments of user complete profile, what my problem is I dont want to let the user to swipe the second fragment of my view pager unless user completes the first profile fragment. My aim is user must fill the first profile fragment and click confirm button then my view pager will swipe the second fragment.
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Views: 145
Reputation: 768
you can use this link can create custom ViewPager
which will disable swipe gestures and after it, you can make call to your second fragment as
btn_confirm.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener{
public void onClick(View v){
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1102
You can use StepperView for your purpose. Kindly go through this library. You can add a form validation on button on first page, if validation satisfies, then step into next step. Android Material Stepper
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