Reputation: 1
I was wondering if I could have some input in the following problem: I try to have an optimal value returned for my function, after using modCost and modFit to get results.
So what essentially I try to do is toy around with a basic forecast, optimizing to get a good fit (which I think works). But I would also like the 'yi' parameter to be included as a parameter in the Modfit function.
Is there a specific function I can use for that perhaps or a workaround? Any help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Apologies for the poorly written code, first post etc :)
## function derivs
derivs <- function(time, y, pars) {
with (as.list(c(y, pars)), {
dy = a * y
## parameters
pars <- c(a = 0.1)
## initial values
y <- c(Y = yi)
## time steps
times <- c(seq(2005, 2017, 1))
## numerical solution of ODE
out <- ode(y = y, parms = pars, times = times, func = derivs)
## example observation data
yobs <- data.frame(
time = 2005:2017,
Y = c(3,6,9,10,12,8,7,9,14,16,18,15,19)
## model cost function, see help file and vignette for details
modelCost <- function(p) {
out <- ode(y = y, func = derivs, parms = p, times = yobs$time)
return(modCost(out, yobs))
## start values for the parameters
startpars <- c(a = 0.1)
## fit the model; nprint = 1 shows intermediate results
fit <- modFit(f = modelCost, p = startpars, control = list(nprint = 1))
## graphical result
out2 <- ode(y = y, parms = startpars, times = times, func = derivs)
out3 <- ode(y = y, parms = fit$par, times = times, func = derivs)
plot(out, out2, out3, obs = yobs)
legend("topleft", legend=c("original", "startpars", "fitted"),
col = 1:3, lty = 1:3)
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Adapting only the following lines of code seems to work:
## model cost function, see help file and vignette for details
modelCost <- function(p) {
out <- ode(y = p["Y"], func = derivs, parms = p["a"], times = yobs$time)
return(modCost(out, yobs))
## start values for the parameters
startpars <- c(Y = 6, a = 0.1)
You'll notice in the solution that both the initial condition and parameter have been optimised for:
# Y a
#5.81276026 0.09872004
Note that the differential equation has an analytical solution: y = yi * exp(a * (time - time_0))
. Consequently, a simpler approach is to fit this directly to the data using optim
# My cost function
ls_cost <- function(p){
sum((p["Y"] * exp(p["a"] * (yobs$time - min(yobs$time))) - yobs$Y)^2)
# Optimise for initial condition and 'a'
optim(par = startpars, fn = ls_cost)
which gives,
# Y a
#5.81256899 0.09872287
Pretty close to the other approach.
Now, comparing the two using microbenchmark
we get the following:
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
modFit(f = modelCost, p = startpars) 36.22868 37.52432 40.68432 38.3405 40.02509 85.91644 100
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
optim(par = startpars, fn = ls_cost) 1.927786 1.980567 2.082507 2.010147 2.094988 5.522633 100
So, the latter approach is an order of magnitude faster.
Upvotes: 1