I have a data frame object, where the first column is mass and the second is abundance.
dd <- read.table(text = "771.55 0
772.35 0
772.9 10
773.81 0
885.64 0
885.65 110
885.68 313
885.70 313
885.78 71
885.82 0
889.12 0
889.13 506
885.82 0
900.31 0
900.34 10
901.22 1901
902.8 0
908.8 0")
I have to select only sub-dataframe with consecutive zero value (starting with 0 and ending with 0) in the second column with abundance (second column value) > 100. The result must be:
list1 <- read.table(text= "885.64 0
885.65 110
885.68 313
885.70 313
885.78 71
885.82 0")
list3 <- read.table(text= "889.12 0
889.13 506
885.82 0")
Someone suggested this solution:
dd[!!ave(dd$V2, c(0, cumsum(diff(dd$V2) == 0)), FUN = function(x) any(x > 100)), ]
It works very well, but it cuted also when their is duplicate abundance value. Instead of cutting:
list <- read.table(text= "885.64 0
885.65 110
885.68 313
885.70 313
885.78 71
885.82 0")
It cuts wrongly in the middle of the serie:
list <- read.table(text= "885.64 0
885.65 110
885.68 313")
list <- read.table(text= "885.70 313
885.78 71
885.82 0")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 131
Reputation: 12569
Here is a solution with data.table
to construct a grouping variable:
dt <- fread(
"x y
771.55 0
772.35 0
772.9 10
773.81 0
885.64 0
885.65 10
885.68 313
885.70 313
885.78 71
885.82 0
889.12 0
889.13 506
885.82 0
900.31 0
900.34 10
901.22 1901
902.8 0
908.8 0")
dt[, ':='(y2=shift(y), y3=shift(y, type="lead"))]
dt[, ':='(start=(y==0 & y3>0), stop=(y==0 & y2>0))]
dt[, group:=(rleid(start, stop)+1)%/%3]
dt[, if (.N>=3 && max(y)>100) .SD[, .(x, y)], group]
# > dt[, if (.N>=3 && max(y)>100) .SD[, .(x, y)], group]
# group x y
# 1: 2 885.64 0
# 2: 2 885.65 10
# 3: 2 885.68 313
# 4: 2 885.70 313
# 5: 2 885.78 71
# 6: 2 885.82 0
# 7: 3 889.12 0
# 8: 3 889.13 506
# 9: 3 885.82 0
# 10: 4 900.31 0
# 11: 4 900.34 10
# 12: 4 901.22 1901
# 13: 4 902.80 0
Here is a short variant:
dt[, group:=rleidv(y==0 & shift(y)==0) %/%2][, if (.N>2 && max(y)>100) .SD, group]
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 42564
Here is another data.table
solution which uses a non-equi join and groups within the join:
# coerce to data.table and append row numbers
setDT(dd)[, rn := .I]
# find start and end indices of subsequences from zero to zero
mdt <- dd[, {tmp = .I[V2 == 0]; .(beg = head(tmp, -1L), end = tail(tmp, -1L))}]
# non-equi join of index ranges and group within the join
# to return only subsequences which fulfill the condition
result <- dd[mdt, on = .(rn >= beg, rn <= end), .SD[any(V2 > 100)], by = .EACHI][
# return mass, abundance, and group id
, .(V1, V2, rleid(rn))]
V1 V2 V3 1: 885.64 0 1 2: 885.65 110 1 3: 885.68 313 1 4: 885.70 313 1 5: 885.78 71 1 6: 885.82 0 1 7: 889.12 0 2 8: 889.13 506 2 9: 885.82 0 2 10: 900.31 0 3 11: 900.34 10 3 12: 901.22 1901 3 13: 902.80 0 3
The grouping variable V3
should be sufficient for further group-wise processing. However, if it is required to separate the sub-data tables:
split(result, by = "V3")
$`1` V1 V2 V3 1: 885.64 0 1 2: 885.65 110 1 3: 885.68 313 1 4: 885.70 313 1 5: 885.78 71 1 6: 885.82 0 1 $`2` V1 V2 V3 1: 889.12 0 2 2: 889.13 506 2 3: 885.82 0 2 $`3` V1 V2 V3 1: 900.31 0 3 2: 900.34 10 3 3: 901.22 1901 3 4: 902.80 0 3
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 79288
V1 V2 group
1: 885.64 0 2
2: 885.65 110 2
3: 885.68 313 2
4: 885.70 313 2
5: 885.78 71 2
6: 885.82 0 2
V1 V2 group
1: 889.12 0 3
2: 889.13 506 3
3: 885.82 0 3
V1 V2 group
1: 900.31 0 4
2: 900.34 10 4
3: 901.22 1901 4
4: 902.80 0 4
5: 908.80 0 4
Upvotes: 1