
Reputation: 999

Implementing smooth colouring in mandelbrot set

I am trying to colour MandelBrot using HSV values and the PIL Library.

Even after multiple tries fiddling with HSV values, I could not achieve the desired effect.

here is what I currently have


Here is the desired effect


This is the code that I am trying, It could also be beneficial if you could add some tips to optimise the below code to compute the set faster, I am new to python

from PIL import Image
import random
import math
from decimal import Decimal

# Size of the Image Canvas
HEIGHT = 500

ZOOM = 0.0
Y_PAN = 0.0

# Range of the Complex Plane
MIN_X = -2.0 + ZOOM
MAX_X = 2.0 - ZOOM

MAX_Y = 2.0 + Y_PAN - ZOOM
MIN_Y = -2.0 + Y_PAN + ZOOM

DATA = []

def map_to_scale_d(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    # returns float
    return float((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min)

def map_to_scale(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    # returns int
    return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min

# Max iterations till Zn
ITER = 200

# loop to traverse every single point in Canvas
for y in xrange(HEIGHT):
    for x in xrange(HEIGHT):

        # convert to complex plane scale
        a = map_to_scale_d(x, 0, HEIGHT, MIN_X, MAX_X)
        b = map_to_scale_d(y, 0, HEIGHT, MAX_Y, MIN_Y)

        # original values
        _a = a  
        _b = b  

        counter = 0
        # start the iteration at (a,b) in complex plane
        # calculate z^2 + c
        while(counter < ITER):

            aa = a * a - b * b
            bb = 2 * a * b

            a = aa + _a
            b = bb + _b

            if((abs(aa + bb)) > 4):

            counter = counter + 1

        # initialise color
        h = 0
        s = map_to_scale(counter, 0, ITER, 0, 100)
        v = map_to_scale(counter, 0, ITER, 0, 100)

        if(counter == ITER):
            h = 0
            s = 0
            v = 0

        # convert to 8-bit
        h = map_to_scale(h, 0, 360, 0, 255)
        s = map_to_scale(s, 0, 100, 0, 255)
        v = map_to_scale(v, 0, 100, 0, 255)

        DATA.append((h, s, v))

img = Image.new('HSV', (HEIGHT, HEIGHT))


Upvotes: 7

Views: 1335

Answers (1)


Reputation: 13666

This is a great article on drawing Mandelbrot set in Python that describes the process in great detail. The basic idea is that color will be black when Mandelbrot set is stable, and the Hue and Saturation will depend on the stability value when it is less then 1.

Following their instructions you can get following:

enter image description here

And here is the code:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import log
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

class Viewport:
    image: Image.Image
    center: complex
    width: float

    def height(self):
        return self.scale * self.image.height

    def offset(self):
        return self.center + complex(-self.width, self.height) / 2

    def scale(self):
        return self.width / self.image.width

    def __iter__(self):
        for y in range(self.image.height):
            for x in range(self.image.width):
                yield Pixel(self, x, y)

class Pixel:
    viewport: Viewport
    x: int
    y: int

    def color(self):
        return self.viewport.image.getpixel((self.x, self.y))

    def color(self, value):
        self.viewport.image.putpixel((self.x, self.y), value)

    def __complex__(self):
        return (
                complex(self.x, -self.y)
                * self.viewport.scale
                + self.viewport.offset

class MandelbrotSet:
    max_iterations: int
    escape_radius: float = 2.0

    def __contains__(self, c: complex):
        return self.stability(c) == 1

    def stability(self, c: complex, smooth=False, clamp=True):
        value = self.escape_count(c, smooth) / self.max_iterations
        return max(0.0, min(value, 1.0)) if clamp else value

    def escape_count(self, c: complex, smooth=False):
        z = 0
        for iteration in range(self.max_iterations):
            z = z ** 2 + c
            if abs(z) > self.escape_radius:
                if smooth:
                    return iteration + 1 - log(log(abs(z))) / log(2)
                return iteration
        return self.max_iterations

def paint(mandelbrot_set, viewport, palette, smooth):
    for pixel in viewport:
        stability = mandelbrot_set.stability(complex(pixel), smooth)
        index = int(min(stability * len(palette), len(palette) - 1))
        pixel.color = palette[index % len(palette)]
def denormalize(palette):
    return [
        tuple(int(channel * 255) for channel in color)
        for color in palette
def make_gradient(colors, interpolation="linear"):
    X = [i / (len(colors) - 1) for i in range(len(colors))]
    Y = [[color[i] for color in colors] for i in range(3)]
    channels = [interp1d(X, y, kind=interpolation) for y in Y]
    return lambda x: [np.clip(channel(x), 0, 1) for channel in channels]
black = (0, 0, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 1)
brick = (0.9, 0.7, 0.4)
navy = (0, 0, 0.2)
red = (1, 0, 0)
light_gray = (0.9,0.9,0.9)       
gray = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) 

num_colors = 1024
colors = [ navy, blue, light_gray, brick, gray, light_gray, black]
gradient = make_gradient(colors, interpolation="cubic")
palette = denormalize([
    gradient(i / num_colors) for i in range(num_colors)

image = Image.new(mode="RGB", size=(800, 500))
mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=35,  escape_radius=1000)
viewport = Viewport(image, center=-0.75, width=3.75)
paint(mandelbrot_set, viewport, palette,  smooth=True)

Upvotes: 1

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