
Reputation: 48893

Analog of "until" command like in GDB for WinDbg or easy way to leave loop in WinDbg?

Currently I press right mouse button to select "Copy file path to clipboard" menu. Next left click to source line until where execute code, outside loop (this line number indicated in bottom right corner of WinDbg).

Next in command prompt I set breakpoint (by inserting from clipboard path to file and typing line number, which read from status bar):

bp `d:\home\devel\plugin\plugin-svn\common\win-gui-admin.c:788`

This seems too complicate. In GDB for leaving loops resurved command until. Any way to do this in WinDbg?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 487

Answers (2)


Reputation: 9007

again a very late answer but one can use source level syntax in windbg

.lines to enable src line support
l+* to enable all src options
lsf to load src file
ls from,to to inspect src lines from current src file
lsc to show current src file
`module!srcfile:linenum` to denaote any line from any src file (src syntax needs to be wrapped in grave accents not single quotes)

here is a sample walkthrough

jmpouttaloo:\>dir /b

jmpouttaloo:\>type jmpouttaloo.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
    int i=0,j=0,k=0,l=0;
    while (i++ < 100)
        while (j++ < 100)
            while(k++ < 100)
    return 0;
jmpouttaloo:\>cl /Zi /nologo jmpouttaloo.cpp

jmpouttaloo:\>dir /b *.exe


.lines turns on src line support in cdb (it is on by defaukt in windbg )
l+* enables all src line options
lsf load src file jmpouttaloo.cpp
set a bp on main and run the exe

jmpouttaloo:\>cdb -c ".lines;l+*; lsf jmpouttaloo.cpp; bp jmpouttaloo!main;g" jmpouttaloo.exe

stepping with p steps one src line per step
in 6 steps we land inside the innermost while loop
now we want to get out of each loop systematically

ls start , count shows the src lines from start number to startnumber+count

to run until we get to certain src line

do g graveaccent colon linenumber graveaccent

the complete src line syntax as follows

graveaccent modulename! filename : linenumber graveaccent

first run

0:000> cdb: Reading initial command '.lines;l+*; lsf jmpouttaloo.cpp; bp jmpouttaloo!main;g'

Breakpoint 0 hit
>    3: {
0:000> p
>    4:     int i=0,j=0,k=0,l=0;
>    5:     while (i++ < 100)
>    7:         while (j++ < 100)
>    9:             while(k++ < 100)
>   11:                 l++;
>   12:             }
>    9:             while(k++ < 100)

we are in loop line 12 back to line 9 we need to exit out of this loop at line 13

0:000> ls 13,6   view src lines from line number 13 to 18 (6 lines )

13:             l++;
14:         }
15:         l++;
16:     }
17:     printf("%d\n",l);
18:     return 0;

0:000> dv  view locals we have stepped only once so all locals must be 1

          j = 0n1
          l = 0n1
          k = 0n1
          i = 0n1

0:000> g `:13` lets get out of innermost loop and look at the locals
>   13:             l++;
0:000> dv  
              j = 0n1
              l = 0n100 <-------
              k = 0n101 <-------------
              i = 0n1

0:000> g `:15` getting out of second innermost loop and inspect locals
>   15:         l++;
0:000> dv
              j = 0n101
              l = 0n200
              k = 0n200
              i = 0n1
0:000> g `:17` getting out of all loops   and inspect locals
>   17:     printf("%d\n",l);
0:000> dv
              j = 0n200
              l = 0n300
              k = 0n200
              i = 0n101
0:000> p
300    <--------------- output of printf 
>   18:     return 0;

second run

another jig this time we break on line 15 straight without even loading the src

jmpouttaloo:\>cdb -c ".lines;g `jmpouttaloo!jmpouttaloo.cpp:15`;dv;q" jmpouttaloo.exe | grep -A 4 "j ="
              j = 0n101
              l = 0n200
              k = 0n200
              i = 0n1


Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 5499

F7 gives you the "Run to Cursor" command, which I think does what you're looking for. Just put the cursor on whatever source line you want and then hit F7.


Upvotes: 3

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