Reputation: 157
I have a batch file that runs and calls .vbs file called "SelectNBType.vbs" The mentioned .vbs file prompt a small UI output for the user to input a string as shown.
///Start of Batch file///
For /F "Tokens=2 Delims=" %%I In ('cscript //nologo SelectNBType.vbs') Do
Set _NBType=%%I
IF %_NBType%==n (
Echo Normal
IF %_NBType%=="c" (
Echo Common
And the .VBS as below
////Start of .VBS file
titletext = "Select Notebook Type"
prompttext = "Enter NB Type"
NBType = inputbox(prompttext & chr(13) & " (Type n if NORMAL user NB)" &
chr(13) & " (Type n if COMMON/POOL user NB)", titletext)
if NBType = "n" Then
x=MsgBox ("You have selected a Normal Notebook",0+32,"Notification")
WScript.Quit 1
elseif NBType = "c" Then
x=MsgBox ("You have selected a Common/Pool Notebook",0+32,"Notification")
End If
I am trying to figure out a way to allow the .vbs file to return the output entered by the user as a string to the batch file so that it can be used later in the batch file in the if conditions as shown.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1580
Reputation: 206
Use wscript.echo
in VBScript which write to StdOut when run with CScript
(and a msgbox
when run with wscript
For /f "delims=" %%A in (`cscript //nologo c:\file.vbs`) do echo %%A
See for /?
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 565
Do you really need to pass the selection as a string? If you have only two options, you can return each of them with either WScript.Quit 1 or WScript.Quit 2 and use that value in the batch file like that:
titletext = "Select Notebook Type"
prompttext = "Enter NB Type"
NBType = inputbox(prompttext & chr(13) & " (Type n if NORMAL user NB)" & chr(13) & " (Type c if COMMON/POOL user NB)", titletext)
If NBType = "n" Then
MsgBox "You have selected a Normal Notebook",0+32,"Notification"
WScript.Quit 1
Elseif NBType = "c" Then
MsgBox "You have selected a Common/Pool Notebook",0+32,"Notification"
WScript.Quit 2
End If
cscript //nologo SelectNBType.vbs
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 ECHO You have selected a Normal Notebook.
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 ECHO You have selected a Common/Pool Notebook.
Upvotes: 1