Reputation: 6861
In a few guides, message handling in parent components is made like this;
type Msg
= NavMsg Nav.Msg
| SidebarMsg Sidebar.Msg
| WidgetMsg Widget.Msg
And parent components handle them in updates with:
update : Msg -> AppModel -> (AppModel, Cmd Msg)
update message model =
case message of
WidgetMsg subMsg ->
(updatedWidgetModel, widgetCmd) =
Widget.update subMsg model.widgetModel
({ model | widgetModel = updatedWidgetModel }, WidgetMsg widgetCmd)
_ ->
However, I couldn't find a simple way to do the same if the child components are inside a list. How can I tell the correct sub component to react to a message directed to him?
I thought of adding the component object to the message:
type Msg
= MessageToParent
| MessageToChild Child Child.Msg
But this seems very inefficient if the Child component is big, and still gives me trouble when trying to delegate the inner Child.Msg
to the right Child
What's the best way to handle message passing to a list of components?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 219
Reputation: 21047
I would suggest using an array (or Dict) and code like this
type Msg
= WidgetMsg Int Widget.Msg
update : Msg -> AppModel -> (AppModel, Cmd Msg)
update message model =
case message of
WidgetMsg idx subMsg ->
|> Array.get idx
|> (Widget.update subMsg)
|> (\(m,c) ->
({ model | widgetModels = Array.set idx m model.widgetModels }
, Widgetmsg idx c)
|> Maybe.withDefault (model, Cmd.none)
_ ->
Upvotes: 2