Reputation: 383
I've got an Athena table where some fields have a fairly complex nested format. The backing records in S3 are JSON. Along these lines (but we have several more levels of nesting):
timestamp double,
stats array<struct<time:double, mean:double, var:double>>,
dets array<struct<coords: array<double>, header:struct<frame:int,
seq:int, name:string>>>,
pos struct<x:double, y:double, theta:double>
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('ignore.malformed.json'='true')
LOCATION 's3://test-bucket/test-folder/'
Now we need to be able to query the data and import the results into Python for analysis. Because of security restrictions I can't connect directly to Athena; I need to be able to give someone the query and then they will give me the CSV results.
If we just do a straight select * we get back the struct/array columns in a format that isn't quite JSON. Here's a sample input file entry:
{"timestamp":1520640777.666096,"stats":[{"time":15,"mean":45.23,"var":0.31},{"time":19,"mean":17.315,"var":2.612}],"dets":[{"coords":[2.4,1.7,0.3], "header":{"frame":1,"seq":1,"name":"hello"}}],"pos": {"x":5,"y":1.4,"theta":0.04}}
And example output:
select * from test
"1.520640777666096E9","[{time=15.0, mean=45.23, var=0.31}, {time=19.0, mean=17.315, var=2.612}]","[{coords=[2.4, 1.7, 0.3], header={frame=1, seq=1, name=hello}}]","{x=5.0, y=1.4, theta=0.04}"
I was hoping to get those nested fields exported in a more convenient format - getting them in JSON would be great.
Unfortunately it seems that cast to JSON only works for maps, not structs, because it just flattens everything into arrays:
SELECT timestamp, cast(stats as JSON) as stats, cast(dets as JSON) as dets, cast(pos as JSON) as pos FROM "sampledb"."test"
Is there a good way to convert to JSON (or another easy-to-import format) or should I just go ahead and do a custom parsing function?
Upvotes: 23
Views: 12350
Reputation: 23
I also had to adjust the @tarun code, because I had more complex data and nested structures. Here is the solution I've got, I hope it helps:
import re
import json
import numpy as np
pattern1 = re.compile(r'(?<=[{,\[])\s*([^{}\[\],"=]+)=')
pattern2 = re.compile(r':([^{}\[\],"]+|()(?![{\[]))')
pattern3 = re.compile(r'"null"')
def convert_metadata_to_json(value):
if type(value) is str:
value = pattern1.sub('"\\1":', value)
value = pattern2.sub(': "\\1"', value)
value = pattern3.sub('null', value)
elif np.isnan(value):
return None
return json.loads(value)
df = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
df['metadata_json'] = df.metadata.apply(convert_metadata_to_json)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
I worked around this by creating a second table using the same S3 location, but changed the field's data type to string. The resulting CSV then had the string that Athena pulled from the object in the JSON file and I was able to parse the result.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 166
I used a simple approach to get around the struct -> json Athena limitation. I created a second table where the json columns were saved as raw strings. Using presto json and array functions I was able to query the data and return the valid json string to my program:
--Array transform functions too
json_extract_scalar(dd, '$.timestamp') as timestamp,
transform(cast(json_extract(json_parse(dd), '$.stats') as ARRAY<JSON>), x -> json_extract_scalar(x, '$.time')) as arr_stats_time,
transform(cast(json_extract(json_parse(dd), '$.stats') as ARRAY<JSON>), x -> json_extract_scalar(x, '$.mean')) as arr_stats_mean,
transform(cast(json_extract(json_parse(dd), '$.stats') as ARRAY<JSON>), x -> json_extract_scalar(x, '$.var')) as arr_stats_var
(select '{"timestamp":1520640777.666096,"stats":[{"time":15,"mean":45.23,"var":0.31},{"time":19,"mean":17.315,"var":2.612}],"dets":[{"coords":[2.4,1.7,0.3], "header":{"frame":1,"seq":1,"name":"hello"}}],"pos": {"x":5,"y":1.4,"theta":0.04}}' as dd);
I know the query will take longer to execute but there are ways to optimize.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 824
This method is not by modifying the Query.
Its by Post Processing For Javascript/Nodejs we can use the npm package athena-struct-parser.
Detailed Answer with Example
Reference -
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1267
The python code from @tarun almost got me there, but I had to modify it in several ways due to my data. In particular, I have:
Here is the code that worked for me, hopefully will be useful for others:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import io
import re, sys
pattern1 = re.compile(r'(?<={)([a-z]+)=', re.I)
pattern2 = re.compile(r':([a-z][^,{}. [\]]+)', re.I)
pattern3 = re.compile(r'\\"', re.I)
with[1]) as f:
headers = list(map(lambda f: f.strip(), f.readline().split(",")))
for line in f.readlines():
orig_line = line
#save the double quote cases, which mean there is a string with quotes inside
line = re.sub('""', "#", orig_line)
data = []
for i, l in enumerate(line.split('","')):
item = re.sub('^"|"$', "", l.rstrip())
if (item[0] == "{" and item[-1] == "}") or (item[0] == "[" and item[-1] == "]"):
data.append(headers[i] + ":" + item)
else: #we have a string
data.append(headers[i] + ": \"" + item + "\"")
line = "{" + ','.join(data) + "}"
line = pattern1.sub(r'"\1":', line)
line = pattern2.sub(r':"\1"', line)
#restate the double quotes to single ones, once inside the json
line = re.sub("#", '"', line)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 146510
I have skimmed through all the documentation and unfortunately there seems to be no way to do this as of now. The only possible workaround is
converting a struct to a json when querying athena
Or I would convert the data to json using post processing. Below script shows how
#!/usr/bin/env python
import io
import re
pattern1 = re.compile(r'(?<={)([a-z]+)=', re.I)
pattern2 = re.compile(r':([a-z][^,{}. [\]]+)', re.I)
pattern3 = re.compile(r'\\"', re.I)
with"test.csv") as f:
headers = list(map(lambda f: f.strip(), f.readline().split(",")))
for line in f.readlines():
orig_line = line
data = []
for i, l in enumerate(line.split('","')):
data.append(headers[i] + ":" + re.sub('^"|"$', "", l))
line = "{" + ','.join(data) + "}"
line = pattern1.sub(r'"\1":', line)
line = pattern2.sub(r':"\1"', line)
The output on your input data is
{"timestamp":1.520640777666096E9,"stats":[{"time":15.0, "mean":45.23, "var":0.31}, {"time":19.0, "mean":17.315, "var":2.612}],"dets":[{"coords":[2.4, 1.7, 0.3], "header":{"frame":1, "seq":1, "name":"hello"}}],"pos":{"x":5.0, "y":1.4, "theta":0.04}
Which is a valid JSON
Upvotes: 9