Reputation: 41
I try make Turkey Map with balloon text. Console does not give an error, but the graph is not drawn.I thought I should first count the provinces of turkey country. I created a variable called number for this. My rules come from the variable json file as "nufusakayıtılil" name. What is wrong? How have to ı fix my code? A
This is my script:
var data = jQuery.getJSON("http://localhost:8080/personel", function(geo) {
var ilVeSayilar = {}
var personelilVeSayilar = [];
$.each(data, function(index, item) {
var il = null;
if (item.nufusakayitliolduguil != null && item.nufusakayitliolduguil.length > 2) {
il = item.nufusakayitliolduguil;
if (ilVeSayilar[il] == null) {
ilVeSayilar[il] = 0;
$.each(ilVeSayilar, function(index, item) {
newitem = {}
newitem["id"] = index;
newitem["value"] = item;
var defaultMap = "turkeyLow";
var countryMaps = {
"TR-01": ["ADANA"],
"TR-02": ["ADIYAMAN"],
"TR-04": ["AĞRI"],
"TR-68": ["AKSARAY"],
"TR-05": ["AMASYA"],
"TR-06": ["ANKARA"],
"TR-07": ["ANTALYA"],
"TR-75": ["ARDAHAN"],
"TR-08": ["ARTVİN"],
"TR-09": ["AYDIN"],
"TR-10": ["BALIKESİR"],
"TR-74": ["BARTIN"],
"TR-72": ["BATMAN"],
"TR-69": ["BAYBURT"],
"TR-11": ["BİLECİK"],
"TR-12": ["BİNGÖL"],
"TR-13": ["BİTLİS"],
"TR-14": ["BOLU"],
"TR-15": ["BURDUR"],
"TR-16": ["BURSA"],
"TR-17": ["ÇANAKKALE"],
"TR-18": ["ÇANKIRI"],
"TR-19": ["ÇORUM"],
"TR-20": ["DENİZLİ"],
"TR-21": ["DİYARBAKIR"],
"TR-81": ["DÜZCE"],
"TR-22": ["EDİRNE"],
"TR-23": ["ELAZIĞ"],
"TR-24": ["ERZİNCAN"],
"TR-25": ["ERZURUM"],
"TR-26": ["ESKİŞEHİR"],
"TR-27": ["GAZİANTEP"],
"TR-28": ["GİRESUN"],
"TR-29": ["Gümüşhane"],
"TR-31": ["HATAY"],
"TR-33": ["MERSİN"],
"TR-76": ["IĞDIR"],
"TR-32": ["ISPARTA"],
"TR-34": ["İSTANBUL"],
"TR-35": ["İZMİR"],
"TR-78": ["KARABÜK"],
"TR-70": ["KARAMAN"],
"TR-36": ["KARS"],
"TR-37": ["KASTAMONU"],
"TR-38": ["KAYSERİ"],
"TR-79": ["KİLİS"],
"TR-71": ["KIRIKKALE"],
"TR-39": ["KIRKLARELİ"],
"TR-40": ["KIRŞEHİR"],
"TR-41": ["KOCAELİ"],
"TR-42": ["KONYA"],
"TR-43": ["KÜTAHYA"],
"TR-44": ["MALATYA"],
"TR-45": ["MANİSA"],
"TR-47": ["MARDİN"],
"TR-48": ["MUĞLA"],
"TR-49": ["MUŞ"],
"TR-50": ["NEVŞEHİR"],
"TR-51": ["NİĞDE"],
"TR-52": ["ORDU"],
"TR-80": ["OSMANİYE"],
"TR-53": ["RİZE"],
"TR-54": ["SAKARYA"],
"TR-55": ["SAMSUN"],
"TR-63": ["ŞANLIURFA"],
"TR-56": ["SİİRT"],
"TR-57": ["SİNOP"],
"TR-73": ["ŞIRNAK"],
"TR-58": ["SİVAS"],
"TR-59": ["TEKİRDAĞ"],
"TR-60": ["TOKAT"],
"TR-61": ["TRABZON"],
"TR-62": ["TUNCELİ"],
"TR-64": ["UŞAK"],
"TR-65": ["VAN"],
"TR-77": ["YALOVA"],
"TR-66": ["YOZGAT"],
"TR-67": ["ZONGULDAK"],
// calculate which map to be used
var currentMap = defaultMap;
var titles = [];
if (countryMaps[geo.country_code] !== undefined) {
currentMap = countryMaps[geo.country_code][0];
// add country title
if (geo.country_name) {
"text": geo.country_name
var map = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
"type": "map",
"theme": "light",
"colorSteps": 10,
"dataProvider": {
"mapURL": "/lib/3/maps/js" + currentMap + ".js",
"getAreasFromMap": true,
"zoomLevel": 0.9,
"areas": []
"areasSettings": {
"autoZoom": true,
"balloonText": "[[title]]: <strong>[[value]]</strong>"
"valueLegend": {
"right": 10,
"minValue": "Az",
"maxValue": "Çok!"
"zoomControl": {
"minZoomLevel": 0.9
"titles": titles,
"listeners": [{
"event": "init",
"method": updateHeatmap
function updateHeatmap(event) {
var map = event.chart;
if (map.dataGenerated)
if (map.dataProvider.areas.length === 0) {
setTimeout(updateHeatmap, 100);
for (var i = 0; i < map.dataProvider.areas.length; i++) {
map.dataProvider.areas[i].value = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000);
map.dataGenerated = true;
<title>map created with amCharts | amCharts</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<div style="margin: 0;background-color: rgba(80,80,80,1);">
<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 662px;"></div>
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