
Reputation: 43

Fit CDF with 2 Gaussian using LeastSq

I am trying to fit empirical CDF plot to two Gaussian cdf as it seems that it has two peaks, but it does not work. I fit the curve with leastsq from scipy.optimize and erf function from scipy.special. The fitting only gives constant line at a value of 2. I am not sure in which part of the code that I make mistake. Any pointers will be helpful. Thanks!

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.array([ 90.64115156,  90.85690063,  91.07264971,  91.28839878,
        91.50414786,  91.71989693,  91.93564601,  92.15139508,
        92.36714415,  92.58289323,  92.7986423 ,  93.01439138,
        93.23014045,  93.44588953,  93.6616386 ,  93.87738768,
        94.09313675,  94.30888582,  94.5246349 ,  94.74038397,
        94.95613305,  95.17188212,  95.3876312 ,  95.60338027,
        95.81912935,  96.03487842,  96.2506275 ,  96.46637657,
        96.68212564,  96.89787472,  97.11362379,  97.32937287,
        97.54512194,  97.76087102,  97.97662009,  98.19236917,
        98.40811824,  98.62386731,  98.83961639,  99.05536546,
        99.27111454,  99.48686361,  99.70261269,  99.91836176,
       100.13411084, 100.34985991, 100.56560899, 100.78135806,
       100.99710713, 101.21285621])
y = np.array([3.33333333e-04, 3.33333333e-04, 3.33333333e-04, 1.00000000e-03,
       1.33333333e-03, 3.33333333e-03, 6.66666667e-03, 1.30000000e-02,
       2.36666667e-02, 3.40000000e-02, 5.13333333e-02, 7.36666667e-02,
       1.01666667e-01, 1.38666667e-01, 2.14000000e-01, 3.31000000e-01,
       4.49666667e-01, 5.50000000e-01, 6.09000000e-01, 6.36000000e-01,
       6.47000000e-01, 6.54666667e-01, 6.61000000e-01, 6.67000000e-01,
       6.76333333e-01, 6.84000000e-01, 6.95666667e-01, 7.10000000e-01,
       7.27666667e-01, 7.50666667e-01, 7.75333333e-01, 7.93333333e-01,
       8.11333333e-01, 8.31333333e-01, 8.56333333e-01, 8.81333333e-01,
       9.00666667e-01, 9.22666667e-01, 9.37666667e-01, 9.47333333e-01,
       9.59000000e-01, 9.70333333e-01, 9.77333333e-01, 9.83333333e-01,
       9.90333333e-01, 9.93666667e-01, 9.96333333e-01, 9.99000000e-01,
       9.99666667e-01, 1.00000000e+00])

# Fitting with 2 Gaussian
from scipy.special import erf
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

def two_gaussian_cdf(params, x):
    (mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2) = params
    model = 0.5*(1 + erf( (x-mu1)/(sigma1*np.sqrt(2)) )) +\
            0.5*(1 + erf( (x-mu2)/(sigma2*np.sqrt(2)) ))
    return model

def residual_two_gaussian_cdf(params, x, y):
    model = double_gaussian(params, x)
    return model - y

params = [5.,2.,1.,2.]
out = leastsq(residual_two_gaussian_cdf,params,args=(x,y))

which return to this plot

enter image description here

Upvotes: 1

Views: 589

Answers (2)

James Phillips
James Phillips

Reputation: 4657

Here is how I used the scipy.optimize.differential_evolution module to generate initial parameter estimates for curve fitting. I have coded the sum of squared errors as the target for the genetic algorithm as shown below. This scipy module uses the Latin Hypercube algorithm to ensure a thorough search of parameter space, which requires parameter bounds within which to search. In this case, the parameter bounds are automatically derived from the data so that there is no need to provide them manually in the code.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import warnings

from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
from scipy.special import erf

# bounds on parameters are set in generate_Initial_Parameters() below
def two_gaussian_cdf(x, mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2):
    model = 0.5*(1 + erf( (x-mu1)/(sigma1*np.sqrt(2)) )) +\
            0.5*(1 + erf( (x-mu2)/(sigma2*np.sqrt(2)) ))
    return model

# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
# bounds on parameters are set in generate_Initial_Parameters() below
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # do not print warnings by genetic algorithm
    return np.sum((yData - two_gaussian_cdf(xData, *parameterTuple)) ** 2)

def generate_Initial_Parameters():
    # data min and max used for bounds
    maxX = max(xData)
    minX = min(xData)
    maxY = max(yData)
    minY = min(yData)

    parameterBounds = []
    parameterBounds.append([minX, maxX]) # parameter bounds for mu1
    parameterBounds.append([minY, maxY]) # parameter bounds for sigma1
    parameterBounds.append([minX, maxX]) # parameter bounds for mu2
    parameterBounds.append([minY, maxY]) # parameter bounds for sigma2

    # "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
    result = differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError, parameterBounds, seed=3)
    return result.x

xData = np.array([ 90.64115156,  90.85690063,  91.07264971,  91.28839878,
        91.50414786,  91.71989693,  91.93564601,  92.15139508,
        92.36714415,  92.58289323,  92.7986423 ,  93.01439138,
        93.23014045,  93.44588953,  93.6616386 ,  93.87738768,
        94.09313675,  94.30888582,  94.5246349 ,  94.74038397,
        94.95613305,  95.17188212,  95.3876312 ,  95.60338027,
        95.81912935,  96.03487842,  96.2506275 ,  96.46637657,
        96.68212564,  96.89787472,  97.11362379,  97.32937287,
        97.54512194,  97.76087102,  97.97662009,  98.19236917,
        98.40811824,  98.62386731,  98.83961639,  99.05536546,
        99.27111454,  99.48686361,  99.70261269,  99.91836176,
       100.13411084, 100.34985991, 100.56560899, 100.78135806,
       100.99710713, 101.21285621])
yData = np.array([3.33333333e-04, 3.33333333e-04, 3.33333333e-04, 1.00000000e-03,
       1.33333333e-03, 3.33333333e-03, 6.66666667e-03, 1.30000000e-02,
       2.36666667e-02, 3.40000000e-02, 5.13333333e-02, 7.36666667e-02,
       1.01666667e-01, 1.38666667e-01, 2.14000000e-01, 3.31000000e-01,
       4.49666667e-01, 5.50000000e-01, 6.09000000e-01, 6.36000000e-01,
       6.47000000e-01, 6.54666667e-01, 6.61000000e-01, 6.67000000e-01,
       6.76333333e-01, 6.84000000e-01, 6.95666667e-01, 7.10000000e-01,
       7.27666667e-01, 7.50666667e-01, 7.75333333e-01, 7.93333333e-01,
       8.11333333e-01, 8.31333333e-01, 8.56333333e-01, 8.81333333e-01,
       9.00666667e-01, 9.22666667e-01, 9.37666667e-01, 9.47333333e-01,
       9.59000000e-01, 9.70333333e-01, 9.77333333e-01, 9.83333333e-01,
       9.90333333e-01, 9.93666667e-01, 9.96333333e-01, 9.99000000e-01,
       9.99666667e-01, 1.00000000e+00])

# generate initial parameter values
initialParameters = generate_Initial_Parameters()

# curve fit the data
fittedParameters, niepewnosci = curve_fit(two_gaussian_cdf, xData, yData, initialParameters)

# create values for display of fitted peak function
mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2 = fittedParameters
y_fit = two_gaussian_cdf(xData, mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2)

plt.plot(xData, yData) # plot the raw data
plt.plot(xData, y_fit) # plot the equation using the fitted parameters


Upvotes: 0

M Newville
M Newville

Reputation: 7862

You may find lmfit (see http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/) to be a useful alternative to leastsq here as it provides a higher-level interface to optimization and curve fitting (though still based on scipy.optimize.leastsq). With lmfit, your example might look like this (cutting out the definition of x and y data):

#!/usr/bin/env python  
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lmfit import Model

# define the basic model.  I included an amplitude parameter
def gaussian_cdf(x, amp, mu, sigma):
    return (amp/2.0)*(1 + erf( (x-mu)/(sigma*np.sqrt(2))))

# create a model that is the sum of two gaussian_cdfs
# note that a prefix names each component and will be
# applied to the parameter names for each model component
model = Model(gaussian_cdf, prefix='g1_') + Model(gaussian_cdf, prefix='g2_')

# make a parameters object -- a dict with parameter names
# taken from the arguments of your model function and prefix
params = model.make_params(g1_amp=0.50, g1_mu=94, g1_sigma=1,
                           g2_amp=0.50, g2_mu=98, g2_sigma=1.)

# you can apply bounds to any parameter
#params['g1_sigma'].min = 0   # sigma must be > 0!

# you may want to fix the amplitudes to 0.5:
#params['g1_amp'].vary = False
#params['g2_amp'].vary = False

# run the fit
result = model.fit(y, params, x=x)

# print results

# plot results, including individual components
comps = result.eval_components(result.params, x=x)

plt.plot(x, y,'r.', label='data')
plt.plot(x, result.best_fit, 'k-', label='fit')
plt.plot(x, comps['g1_'], 'b--', label='g1_')
plt.plot(x, comps['g2_'], 'g--', label='g2_')

This prints out a report of

    (Model(gaussian_cdf, prefix='g1_') + Model(gaussian_cdf, prefix='g2_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 66
    # data points      = 50
    # variables        = 6
    chi-square         = 0.00626332
    reduced chi-square = 1.4235e-04
    Akaike info crit   = -437.253376
    Bayesian info crit = -425.781238
    g1_amp:    0.65818908 +/- 0.00851338 (1.29%) (init = 0.5)
    g1_mu:     93.8438526 +/- 0.01623273 (0.02%) (init = 94)
    g1_sigma:  0.54362156 +/- 0.02021614 (3.72%) (init = 1)
    g2_amp:    0.34058664 +/- 0.01153346 (3.39%) (init = 0.5)
    g2_mu:     97.7056728 +/- 0.06408910 (0.07%) (init = 98)
    g2_sigma:  1.24891832 +/- 0.09204020 (7.37%) (init = 1)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(g1_amp, g2_amp)     = -0.892
    C(g2_amp, g2_sigma)   =  0.848
    C(g1_amp, g2_sigma)   = -0.744
    C(g1_amp, g1_mu)      =  0.692
    C(g1_amp, g2_mu)      =  0.662
    C(g1_mu, g2_amp)      = -0.607
    C(g1_amp, g1_sigma)   =  0.571

and a plot like this:

enter image description here This fit is not perfect, but it should get you started.

Upvotes: 1

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