Reputation: 41
This drives me nuts.
chart_AllData = slideref.shapes.add_chart(XL_CHART_TYPE.BAR_STACKED_100, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data)
chart = chart_AllData.chart
plot = chart.plots[0]
pointCount = 0
for answer in consolidatedAnswersList: # Looping over the answer codes
print('answer: ', answer)
catBar = plot.series[pointCount].points
for cat in catBar: # Looping over the categories (= the declarations)
fill = cat.format.fill
colorString = ccpStatistics.gAnswerCodeColorDict.get(answer, 'FFFFFF')
r = int(colorString[0]+colorString[1], 16)
g = int(colorString[2]+colorString[3], 16)
b = int(colorString[4]+colorString[5], 16)
fill.fore_color.rgb = RGBColor(r , g , b)
print('setting ', answer, ' to ', colorString)
pointCount += 1
category_axis = chart.category_axis
category_axis.minor_tick_mark = XL_TICK_MARK.OUTSIDE
category_axis.tick_labels.font.italic = True
category_axis.tick_labels.font.size = Pt(12)
value_axis = chart.value_axis
value_axis.format.line.color.rgb = RGBColor(0 , 0 , 0)
value_axis.tick_labels.font.size = Pt(int(thisPageDict.get('SCALEFONTSIZE', ['18'])[0]))
value_axis.major_tick_mark = XL_TICK_MARK.OUTSIDE
value_axis.has_major_gridlines = True
value_axis.tick_labels.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0,0,0)
value_axis.major_tick_mark.number_format = '0.0"%"'
chart.has_legend = True
chart.legend.position = XL_LEGEND_POSITION.RIGHT
chart.legend.include_in_layout = False # set to true
chart.legend.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0,0,0)
chart.legend.font.size = Pt(int(thisPageDict.get('LEGENDSIZE', ['12'])[0]))
plot.has_data_labels = True
data_labels = plot.data_labels
data_labels.position = XL_LABEL_POSITION.CENTER
data_labels.font.size = Pt(int(thisPageDict.get('LEGENDSIZE', ['10'])[0]))
data_labels.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
The content of the ccpStatistics.gAnswerCodeColorDict is as follows:
{'oaq_NoAnswer': 'DCDCDC', 'maq_NoAnswer': 'DCDCDC', 'Answer code': 'Answer code color', '1': 'FF0000', '2': 'FF6600', '3': 'FFC301', '4': '00B050', 'OK': '00B050', 'NOK': 'FF0000', 'NA': '333333', 'NEU': 'FF00FF', 'maq': '3A87AD', 'dq': '660000', 'txta': '660000', 'nq': '660000'}
Now, the graph gets properly colored according to the settings in series... And the names of the series in the legend is OK too... But the colors of the legend does not correspond to the colors in the bar.
NOTE, similar code seems to work well in other methods. I'm at wit's end now.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 977
Reputation: 29021
Try setting the color at the series level rather than at the individual point level.
fill = series.format.fill
fill.fore_color.rgb = RGBColor(r, g, b)
Upvotes: 5