Reputation: 143
I have a BAT file that parses out the header of a CSV file and replaces spaces with underscores, then merges a series of CSV files here. The problem is, my header file is very long and is being truncated at 1024 characters. Does anyone have a suggestion? I’m hoping to not have to go to PowerShell or anything beyond basic batch programming if possible.
The only issue is with the headers.
set Outputfolder=c:\Test
REM Get the header string out of one of the files
for %%I in (%outputFolder%\*_stats.csv) do set /p HeaderString=< %%I
REM replace the spaces in that header string with underscores
SET HeaderString=%HeaderString: =_%
REM write that header as the first line of the output file
REM append the non-header lines from all the files
>>%outputFolder%\all_stats_merged.csv (
for %%I in (%outputFolder%\*_stats.csv) do more +1 "%%I"
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2630
Reputation: 38654
Despite your preference to steer away from PowerShell
, (if possible), give the following .ps1
a go and see if it helps change your preference:
$First = $True
GCI 'C:\test\*_stats.csv' | % {$Csv = $_
$Lines = $Lines = GC $Csv
$Write = Switch($First) {$True {$Line = $Lines | Select -First 1
$Line.Replace(' ','_')
$First = $False}
$False {$Lines | Select -Skip 1}}
AC 'C:\test\all_stats_merged.csv' $Write}
For completeness, here's an untested batch file attempt using FindStr
which should be okay up to 8191 characters **:
@Echo Off
Set "OutputFolder=C:\Test"
Set "HeaderString="
For /F "Tokens=3* Delims=:" %%A In (
'FindStr /N "^" "%OutputFolder%\*_stats.csv" 2^>Nul') Do (If "%%A"=="1" (
If Not Defined HeaderString (Set "HeaderString=%%B"
Call Echo %%HeaderString: =_%%)) Else Echo %%B
The above .cmd
file was designed with %OutputFolder%
containing a drive specification; if its final value is without a drive letter, you'll need to change Tokens=3*
to Tokens=2*
** The 8191 characters will however include the full file path of each file, each lines line number and two colon separator characters.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 130879
Your problem is you are using SET /P to read the header line, which is limited to 1021 characters (not 1024). See as well as for more info.
This can easily be solved if you switch to FOR /F which can read ~8k
for %%A in (%outputFolder%\*_stats.csv) do for /f "usebackq delims=" %%B in ("%%A") do (
set "HeaderString=%%B"
goto :break
Upvotes: 4