Reputation: 75
I am trying to collect data coming in from 3 Arduino nodes (which are connected to some sensors) via XBees. The 3 Arduino nodes are each attached to an XBee Series 1 radio (End Device), while the Coordinator is connected to my PC (but it will later be connected to a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B).
I was thinking, is there is a way to implement UART interrupts in Python on the Raspberry Pi? This is because, based on my code below, I am adopting a polling approach to read the data that is coming in from my 3 Arduino sensor nodes. The data the is coming in from the 3 Arduino sensor nodes every second, as seen from the code below.
However, my polling approach is causing some issues because I only do "arduino.readline()" at the very beginning of my code and after that, I will proceed on to do other things in the Python code.
Hence, I was wondering if there are any ways to implement UART interrupt with Python so that whenever there is incoming data, I will do an arduino.readline() and proceed on to handle the data.
My codes are as of below: (The Arduino code is about the same for all of the 3 nodes.)
Python code:
import threading
import logging
import time
import serial
import csv
# Arduino; Arduino is now replaced by XBee modules
arduino = serial.Serial('COM18', 9600, timeout=1) # Open serial port. By right, should check if it is open
def checker(field):
if 'b' in field:
field = field.replace('b', '')
if 't' in field:
field = field.replace('t', '')
return field
def make_backup(finalmatrix, field_send, flag): # Back up the 2 most-recent data.
matrix1 = [] # declares a list
matrix1.append(flag) # appends the counter 'flag'
matrix1.extend(field_send) # attaches the list to the end of current list; doesn't work with int
# finalmatrix is a list of list; if len(finalmatrix) == 2 means: finalmatrix == [[1,2], [3,4]]
if (len(finalmatrix) == 2):
finalmatrix = finalmatrix[1:] # Create a new list, take the 2nd mini-list in the list and put it in the new list
finalmatrix.append(matrix1) # appends the new matrix1
return finalmatrix
def acquire_data():
flag = 1
finalmatrix = []
count = 0
while True:
# data_in
start_time = time.time()
data_in = arduino.readline() # read serial data from Arduino
# logging.warning(data_in) # debugger
global data_stripped
data_stripped = data_in.strip() # Removes spaces and \n
for data_stripped in arduino:
if data_stripped.startswith('b') and data_stripped.count(
',') == 3: # first char identifies where data is coming from; count commas to double-check incoming string
field = data_stripped.split(',') # split data to be put into 'boxes'
bed_sen = field[0] + ',' + field[1] + ',' + field[2] # We have 3 data sensor fields
bed_sen_fill = True # A flag to show that this if-statement has been completed
if data_stripped.startswith('t') and data_stripped.count(',') == 3:
field = data_stripped.split(',')
table_sen = field[0] + ',' + field[1] + ',' + field[2]
table_sen_fill = True
if data_stripped.startswith('d') and data_stripped.count(',') == 3:
field = data_stripped.split(',')
door_sen = field[0] + ',' + field[1] + ',' + field[2]
door_sen_fill = True
if bed_sen_fill == True and table_sen_fill == True and door_sen_fill == True:
data_combi = bed_sen + ',' + table_sen + ',' + door_sen
if data_combi:
datasplit = data_combi.split(",")
field1 = datasplit[0]
field2 = datasplit[1]
field3 = datasplit[2]
field4 = datasplit[3]
field5 = datasplit[4]
field6 = datasplit[5]
field7 = datasplit[6] # To be deprecated in future; IR sensor no longer in use.
field8 = datasplit[7]
field9 = datasplit[8]
# Removes 'b', 't' chars in strings
field1 = checker(field1)
field2 = checker(field2)
field3 = checker(field3)
field4 = checker(field4)
field5 = checker(field5)
field6 = checker(field6)
field8 = checker(field8)
field9 = checker(field9)
##### Data Validity Check #####
field_send = [] # rearrange into list
if flag == 1:
finalmatrix = make_backup(finalmatrix, field_send, flag)
flag = flag + 1
finalmatrix = make_backup(finalmatrix, field_send, flag)
flag = 1
# print finalmatrix
if (count == 2 and int(field1) > 1000 or field1 == ''): # If re-sends, 'b' will appear twice; light_val<1000 always.
field1 = (int(finalmatrix[0][1]) + int(finalmatrix[1][1])) / 2
# print ("Error1!")
if (count == 2 and field2.count('-') == 2 or len(field2) > 3 or field2 == ''): # If re-send, '-' will appear twice; field2 max 3 digits
field2 = (int(finalmatrix[0][2]) + int(finalmatrix[1][2])) / 2
# print ("Error2!")
if (count == 2 and len(field3) > 1 or field3.count('01') == 1 or field3.count('10') == 1 or field3.count('-') == 1 or field3 == ''): # Motion_sen is purely binary.
field3 = (int(finalmatrix[0][3]) + int(finalmatrix[1][3])) / 2
# print ("Error3!")
if (count == 2 and int(field4) > 1000 or field4 == ''): # If re-sends, 't' will appear twice; light_val<1000 always.
field4 = (int(finalmatrix[0][4]) + int(finalmatrix[1][4])) / 2
# print ("Error4!")
if (count == 2 and field5.count('-') == 2 or len(field5) > 3 or field5 == ''): # If re-send, '-' will appear twice; field5 max 3 digits
field5 = (int(finalmatrix[0][5]) + int(finalmatrix[1][5])) / 2
# print ("Error5!")
if (count == 2 and len(field6) > 1 or field6.count('01') == 1 or field6.count('10') == 1 or field6.count('-') == 1 or field6 == ''): # Motion_sen is purely binary.
field6 = (int(finalmatrix[0][6]) + int(finalmatrix[1][6])) / 2
# print ("Error6!")
if (count == 2 and len(field8) > 1 or field8.count('01') == 1 or field8.count('10') == 1 or field8.count('-') == 1 or field8 == ''): # Motion_sen is binary.
field8 = (int(finalmatrix[0][8]) + int(finalmatrix[1][8])) / 2
# print ("Error7!")
if (count == 2 and len(field9) > 1 or field9.count('01') == 1 or field9.count('10') == 1 or field9.count('-') == 1 or field9 == ''): # SW is binary too!
field9 = (int(finalmatrix[0][9]) + int(finalmatrix[1][9])) / 2
# print ("Error8!")
with open('abs_testdatadiscrep4.csv', 'ab') as csvfile: # 'ab' to remove newline char after each print
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
sensor_fields = [field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8, field9,
if time.time() - start_time >= 1:
count = count + 1
if count == 2:
count = 2
print "My program took", time.time() - start_time, "to run"
# print "My program took", time.time() - start_time, "to run"
def counting():
while True:
sum = 3 + 2
sum2 = sum * 8
def on_light():
strin = '1'
print "Confirm ON"
def off_light():
strin = '0'
print "Confirm OFF"
# now threading1 runs regardless of user input
threading1 = threading.Thread(target = acquire_data)
threading2 = threading.Thread(target = counting)
while True:
if raw_input() == 't':
print "ON"
if raw_input() == 'r':
print "OFF"
Arduino code:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define lightPin A0 // Light Sensor at Arduino A0 pin
#define echoPin 7 // Echo Pin
#define trigPin 8 // Trigger Pin
#define LEDPinUS 13 // LED at Pin 13 (Ultrasound)
#define pirPin 9 // Input for HC-S501
#define LEDPinPIR 12 // LED at Pin 12 (PIR)
SoftwareSerial xbee(2, 3); // RX, TX
int light ; //Value from light sensor
String lightID = "0";
String distanceUS = "0";
String pirID = "0";
String comma = ",";
int maximumRange = 150; // Maximum range needed
int minimumRange = 0; // Minimum range needed
long duration, distance; // Duration used to calculate distance
int OOR = 0; // OOR = Out of Range
int pirValue; // Place to store read PIR Value
int pirNum = 0;
int pirNumyes = 0;
int pirNumno = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //Baud rate must be the same as is on xBee module
pinMode(lightPin, INPUT); // Light sensor
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Ultrasound sensor
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Ultrasound sensor
pinMode(LEDPinUS, OUTPUT); // Ultrasound sensor indicator
pinMode(pirPin, INPUT); // PIR sensor
pinMode(LEDPinPIR, OUTPUT); // Ultrasound sensor indicator
digitalWrite(LEDPinUS, LOW);
digitalWrite(LEDPinPIR, LOW);
void loop() {
// Light Sensor, "t" = table_sensors
light = analogRead(lightPin);
String ID = "t";
lightID = ID + light + comma; //20-Mar-18: Added ","; disabled ',' printed serially
// Ultrasound Sensor
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // clears Trigger pin
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
// Calculate the distance (in cm) based on the speed of sound.
distance = duration / 58.2;
if (distance >= maximumRange || distance <= minimumRange) {
/* Send a negative number to computer and Turn LED ON
to indicate "out of range" */
OOR = -1;
distanceUS = OOR + comma; //20-Mar-18: Added ","; disabled ',' printed serially; removed "+ ID"
digitalWrite(LEDPinUS, HIGH);
} else {
/* Send the distance to the computer using Serial protocol, and
turn LED OFF to indicate successful reading. */
distanceUS = distance + comma; //20-Mar-18: Added ","; disabled ',' printed serially; removed "+ ID"
digitalWrite(LEDPinUS, LOW);
// Motion sensor
pirValue = digitalRead(pirPin);
if (pirValue == HIGH) {
pirNumyes = 1;
pirID = pirNumyes + comma; //20-Mar-18: Added ","; disabled ',' printed serially; removed "+ ID"
digitalWrite(LEDPinPIR, HIGH);
} else {
pirNumno = 0;
pirID = pirNumno + comma; //20-Mar-18: Added ","; disabled ',' printed serially; removed "+ ID"
digitalWrite(LEDPinPIR, LOW);
String together = lightID + distanceUS + pirID;
I have tried searching Google for an answer, but I can't seem to find any. The closest I got to was an answer from a similar StackOverflow post at Read serial data without high CPU use.
However, may I ask if there is a Python implementation for UART interrupts on Raspberry Pi?
Thank you very much for all your help! :)
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4256
Reputation: 21
If you install an additional wire from the RX
pin to any available GPIO
you could then at least use the RpiGPIO
module edge interrupt to alert you that a transfer is in process. It won't tell you that the buffer is full, you'll have to check for that when you service the GPIO
interrupt. At least this would allow you to do something else other than wait in a loop and/or poll the UART
for buffer data.
Upvotes: 2