Reputation: 8004
I have this table on MS SQL Server
Customer Month Amount
Tom 1 10
Kate 1 60
Ali 1 70
Tom 2 50
Kate 2 40
Tom 3 80
Ali 3 20
I want the select to get accumulation of the customer for each month
Customer Month Amount
Tom 1 10
Kate 1 60
Ali 1 70
Tom 2 60
Kate 2 100
Ali 2 70
Tom 3 140
Kate 3 100
Ali 3 90
Noticing that Ali has no data for the month of 2 and Kate has no data for the month of 3
I have done it but the problem is that for the missing month for each customer no data shows i.e. Kate has to be in month 3 with 100 amount and Ali has to be in Month 2 with 70 amount
declare @myTable as TABLE (Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int)
(Customer, Month, Amount)
('Tom', 1, 10),
('Kate', 1, 60),
('Ali', 1, 70),
('Tom', 2, 50),
('Kate', 2, 40),
('Tom', 3, 80),
('Ali', 3, 20);
select * from @myTable
SUM(b.Amount),a.Customer, a.Month
@myTable a
inner join
@myTable b
on a.Customer = b.Customer and
a.Month >= b.Month
group by
a.Customer, a.Month
Upvotes: 8
Views: 622
Reputation: 45096
I think this does what you want
declare @myTable as TABLE (Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int);
INSERT INTO @myTable (Customer, Month, Amount)
('Tom', 1, 10),
('Kate', 1, 60),
('Ali', 1, 70),
('Tom', 2, 50),
('Kate', 2, 40),
('Tom', 3, 80),
('Ali', 3, 20);
select dts.Month, cts.Customer, isnull(t.Amount, 0) as Amount
, sum(isnull(t.Amount, 0)) over(partition by cts.Customer order by dts.Month) as CumAmt
from ( select distinct customer
from @myTable
) cts
cross join ( select distinct Month
from @myTable
) dts
left join @myTable t
on t.Customer = cts.Customer
and t.Month = dts.Month
order by dts.Month, cts.Customer;
Month Customer Amount CumAmt
----------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- -----------
1 Ali 70 70
1 Kate 60 60
1 Tom 10 10
2 Ali 0 70
2 Kate 40 100
2 Tom 50 60
3 Ali 20 90
3 Kate 0 100
3 Tom 80 140
Upvotes: 1
to be clear(in answer Amount and AmountSum)
DECLARE @myTable TABLE(Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int);
INSERT INTO @myTable(Customer, Month, Amount)
('Tom', 1, 10),
('Kate', 1, 60),
('Ali', 1, 70),
('Tom', 2, 50),
('Kate', 2, 40),
('Tom', 3, 80),
('Ali', 3, 20);
DECLARE @FullTable TABLE(Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int);
INSERT INTO @FullTable(Customer, Month, Amount)
SELECT c.Customer, m.Month, ISNULL(mt.Amount, 0)
LEFT JOIN @myTable AS mt ON m.Month = mt.Month AND c.Customer = mt.Customer
SELECT t1.Customer, t1.Month, t1.Amount, (t1.Amount + ISNULL(, 0)) AS AmountSum
FROM @FullTable AS t1
CROSS APPLY (SELECT SUM(Amount) AS sm FROM @FullTable AS t WHERE t.Customer = t1.Customer AND t.Month < t1.Month) AS t2
ORDER BY Month, Customer
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1484
try this: create table #tmp (Customer VARCHAR(10), [month] INT ,Amount INT)
SELECT 'Tom',1,10
union all
SELECT 'Kate',1,60
union all
SELECT 'Ali',1,70
union all
SELECT 'Tom',2,50
union all
SELECT 'Kate',2,40
union all
SELECT 'Tom',3,80
union all
SELECT 'Ali',3,20
;WITH cte1 AS (
SELECT [month], ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by [month] desc) rn
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [month] as [month] FROM #tmp) a
, cte2 AS (
SELECT customer, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by customer desc) rn
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT customer as customer FROM #tmp) b
SELECT t2.Customer,t2.[month],ISNULL(t1.Amount,0) As Amount
into #tmp2
from #tmp t1
(select [month],customer from cte1
cross apply
cte2) t2 ON t1.customer=t2.customer and t1.[month]=t2.[month]
order by t2.[month]
SELECT Customer,[Month] ,SUM (Amount) OVER(partition by customer order by customer ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING ) as Amount
FROM #tmp2
order by [month]
drop table #tmp
drop table #tmp2
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 585
Try this the table name is "a". Using a combination of Cte and sub query. Tried it out in MSSQL2008R2
with cte as
select * from (
select Customer from a
group by Customer)c
cross join (values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9), (10),(11),(12))a(Months)
select Customer,Months,
(select SUM(total) from
(select customer , month , sum(amount)as total from a group by customer,
month) as GroupedTable
where GroupedTable.customer= cte.customer and GroupedTable.month<= cte.Months) as total
from cte
Group by Customer,Months
order by Customer,Months
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2328
Do you want get the sum amount every month for each customer , what ever the customer has transaction in that month? In following script, If you have a customer table, you can join the customer table, do not need use (SELECT DISTINCT Customer FROM @myTable)
declare @myTable as TABLE (Customer varchar(50), Month int, Amount int);
INSERT INTO @myTable(Customer, Month, Amount)
('Tom', 1, 10),
('Kate', 1, 60),
('Ali', 1, 70),
('Tom', 2, 50),
('Kate', 2, 40),
('Tom', 3, 80),
('Ali', 3, 20),
('Jack', 3, 90);
SELECT c.Customer,sv.number AS Month ,SUM(CASE WHEN t.Month<=sv.number THEN t.Amount ELSE 0 END ) AS Amount
FROM master.dbo.spt_values AS sv
LEFT JOIN @myTable AS t ON t.Customer=c.Customer
WHERE sv.type='P' AND sv.number BETWEEN 1 AND MONTH(GETDATE())
GROUP BY sv.number,c.Customer
ORDER BY c.Customer,sv.number
---------- Customer Month Amount -------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- Ali 1 70 Ali 2 70 Ali 3 90 Jack 1 0 Jack 2 0 Jack 3 90 Kate 1 60 Kate 2 100 Kate 3 100 Tom 1 10 Tom 2 60 Tom 3 140
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1460
with cte as
(select *
(select distinct customer from myTable ) c
cross join ( values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12)) t(month))
select cte.customer, cte.month,
sum(myTable.amount) over (partition by cte.customer order by cte.month) as cumamount
from cte left join myTable
on cte.customer = myTable.customer and cte.month = myTable.month
order by cte.month, cte.customer desc
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 50163
Use window function
select Customer, Month,
sum(Amount) over (partition by customer order by month) Amount
from table t
So, you want some kind of look up
tables which has possible months with customers.
with cte as
select * from (
select Customer from table
group by Customer)c
cross join (values (1),(2),(3))a(Months)
) -- look-up table
select c.Customer, c.Months,
sum(t.Amount) over (partition by c.Customer order by c.Months) Amount
from cte c left join table t
on t.Month = c.Months and t.Customer = c.Customer
Result :
Customer Months Amount
Tom 1 10
Kate 1 60
Ali 1 70
Tom 2 60
Ali 2 70
Kate 2 100
Ali 3 90
Kate 3 100
Tom 3 140
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1169
This should do it for you. Also here is a link to the Microsoft docs regarding aggregation functions.
Customer, Month, SUM(Amount) as Amount
FROM myTable
GROUP BY Customer, Month
ORDER BY Customer, Month
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1549
Try Sum Over Partition By
This will help you get the idea how to accumulate. If the code i use in postgresql like this
Select sum(amount) over(partition by customer, month)
Upvotes: 0