Reputation: 2224
Created Tables
create table Empl(E_ID nvarchar(36) primary key, Name varchar(50), Designation varchar(50))
create table Location(L_ID nvarchar(36) primary key, Location varchar(50), E_ID nvarchar(36) foreign key references Empl(E_ID))
create table Contact_Emp (C_ID nvarchar(36) primary key, Contact_Number varchar(50), Lo_ID nvarchar(36) foreign key references Location(L_ID))
Store Procedure
alter proc InsertMultiplevalue
@Name varchar(50),
@Designation varchar(50),
@Location varchar(50),
@Contact varchar(50)
insert into Empl values(newid(),@Name, @Designation)
declare @Employee_ID nvarchar(36) = NEWID()
insert into Location values(@Location,@Employee_ID)
declare @Cot_ID nvarchar(36) = NEWID()
insert into Contact_Emp values(@Contact,@Cot_ID)
Ececute SP
exec InsertMultiplevalue 'UserName','Programmer','India','[email protected]'
I am getting this error
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Procedure InsertMultiplevalue, Line 25 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Location__E_ID__33D4B598". The conflict occurred in database "LocalDBTest", table "dbo.Empl", column 'E_ID'. The statement has been terminated. Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Procedure InsertMultiplevalue, Line 27 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Contact_E__Lo_ID__36B12243". The conflict occurred in database "LocalDBTest", table "dbo.Location", column 'L_ID'.
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Views: 289
Reputation: 2224
changes in STore procedure it works
alter proc InsertMultiplevalue
@Name varchar(50),
@Designation varchar(50),
@Location varchar(50),
@Contact varchar(50)
declare @Employee_ID nvarchar(36) = NEWID()
insert into Empl values(@Employee_ID,@Name, @Designation)
declare @Location_ID nvarchar(36) = NEWID()
insert into Location values(@Location_ID,@Location,@Employee_ID)
declare @Cot_ID nvarchar(36) = NEWID()
insert into Contact_Emp values(@Cot_ID,@Contact,@Location_ID)
Upvotes: 0