Reputation: 21
Hello i have small problem with nunit and teststack white.
Here i have small test (Window is localized with option WithCache):
[Test] public void ShouldLogIn()
var loginPanel = Window.Get<Panel>("txbLogin");
var loginTextBox = loginPanel.Get<TextBox>("mobTextBox1");
loginTextBox.BulkText = "user1";
Now i run this test from VS, and debugging each step. I can notice, that Get takes around 50ms, Get 30ms. Next i run the same test using nunit3-console.exe and now, after attaching to process i can notice around 3 time longer execution of each step. Its not problem with attaching, becouse i checked it in longer test and always steps takes longer.
Another long process is getting new window. My application show new windows, which covers actual one, so i need to get new window when new one appears. Command Application.GetWindows().Last() takes around 200-300ms from VS, but from nunit console in worst case can take about 3 seconds.
Maybe someone of you have similar problem and have any solution for me.
HERE I HAVE EXAMPLE: You need to download app from here:
Build it, run application, login into it with credentials: login: demo password: demo123
Then create new unit test prkject, add nuget pacakges for nunit and teststack.white. Here is code for this test:
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Castle.Core.Logging;
using NUnit.Framework;
using TestStack.White;
using TestStack.White.Configuration;
using TestStack.White.Factory;
using TestStack.White.UIItems;
using TestStack.White.UIItems.Finders;
using TestStack.White.UIItems.WindowItems;
namespace StackTestProject
public class Notepadtests
private Application Application;
private Window Window;
public void OneTimeInitialize()
CoreAppXmlConfiguration.Instance.FindWindowTimeout = 30000;
CoreAppXmlConfiguration.Instance.LoggerFactory = new WhiteDefaultLoggerFactory(LoggerLevel.Debug);
public void TestInitialize()
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo("John.SocialClub.Desktop.exe");
psi.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\Users\[USER NAME]\Downloads\John.SocialClub\John.SocialClub\John.SocialClub.Desktop\bin\Debug";
Application = TestStack.White.Application.AttachOrLaunch(psi);
//before this u need to have opened and logged in aplication with login:demo and password: demo123
Window = Application.GetWindow("Social Club - Membership Manager", InitializeOption.WithCache); //250ms
public void NotepadTest()
var toolbar = Window.Get<Panel>(SearchCriteria.ByClassName("tabRegistration")); //33ms
public void TestCleanup()
I hit breakpoint on line where i assign value to Window, and now i check time of getting window with name "Social Club - Membership Manager":
a) when i debug test from visual studio - its around 450ms for first assign, when i move cursor back to this line and assign again its faster and takes about 250ms
b) when i run from nunit3-console with command :
nunit3-console.exe C:\Users\kamil.chodola\source\repos\StackTestProject\StackTestProject\bin\Debug\StacktestProject.dll
and attach to proces nunit-agent.exe program stops on breakpoint and now assign of Window take around 1second, second assign takes around 700ms which is still longer than running same test from visual studio adapter. I must notice that its not problem with attaching to proces, becouse without attaching i can see as well, that this test takes longer than from visual studio.
Really interesting thing is that i reproduce this issue only on winforms applications. When i automatize app like notepad which is base on Win32 framework times are normal or even faster. Same thing on web application, and automatizing with selenium webdriver.
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