Reputation: 563
I have a dataset that looks like this:
user_id day_session rank day_diff
xyz789 2017-11-19 1 1
abc123 2017-11-19 1 1
abc123 2017-11-20 2 1
abc123 2017-11-21 3 1
abc123 2017-11-22 4 1
abc123 2017-11-23 5 1
abc123 2017-11-24 6 1
abc123 2017-11-25 7 1
abc123 2017-11-26 8 1
abc123 2017-11-27 9 1
abc123 2017-11-28 10 1
abc123 2017-11-29 11 1
abc123 2017-11-30 12 1
abc123 2017-12-01 13 1
abc123 2017-12-02 14 1
def456 2017-11-19 1 1
def456 2017-11-20 2 1
def456 2017-11-21 3 1
def456 2017-11-22 4 1
def456 2017-11-23 5 1
def456 2017-11-24 6 1
def456 2017-11-25 7 1
def456 2017-11-26 8 1
def456 2017-11-27 9 1
def456 2017-11-28 10 1
def456 2017-11-29 11 1
def456 2017-11-30 12 1
def456 2017-12-01 13 1
def456 2017-12-02 14 1
def456 2017-12-03 15 1
def456 2017-12-04 16 1
def456 2017-12-05 17 1
def456 2017-12-06 18 1
def456 2017-12-07 19 1
def456 2017-12-08 20 1
def456 2017-12-09 21 1
def456 2017-12-10 22 1
def456 2017-12-11 23 1
def456 2017-12-12 24 1
def456 2017-12-13 25 1
def456 2017-12-14 26 1
def456 2017-12-15 27 1
def456 2017-12-16 28 1
def456 2017-12-17 29 1
def456 2017-12-18 30 1
def456 2017-12-19 31 1
def456 2017-12-20 32 1
def456 2017-12-21 33 1
def456 2017-12-22 34 1
def456 2017-12-23 35 1
def456 2017-12-24 36 1
def456 2017-12-25 37 1
def456 2017-12-26 38 5
def456 2017-12-31 39 1
def456 2018-01-01 40 1
def456 2018-01-02 41 1
def456 2018-01-03 42 1
def456 2018-01-04 43 1
I'd like to calculate the number of consecutive day sessions each user_id has from the earliest day_session in the dataset. So user xyz789 would return 1, abc123 would return 14 and def456 would return 38. TIA
Upvotes: 0
Views: 478
Reputation: 2686
For what it's worth, here is a solution using SQL Server:
declare @order table (rowid int identity, user_id varchar(max), day_session datetime, isconsecutive int)
insert @order
select distinct user_id, day_session,
lag(user_id, 1,0) over (order by user_id desc, day_session)=user_id and
lag(day_session, 1,0) over
(order by user_id desc, day_session)=dateadd(dd,-1,day_session)
then 1
else 0
from #temp
order by user_id desc, day_session
declare @holding table (user_id varchar(max), consday int, day_session datetime)
declare @iterator int=1
declare @userid varchar(max)
declare @userid2 varchar(max)
declare @isconsecutive int=1
while @iterator<=(select max(rowid) from @order)
select @userid=user_id, @isconsecutive=isconsecutive
from @order
where rowid=@iterator
if @isconsecutive=0 and
(select user_id from @order where rowid=@iterator-1)=
(select user_id from @order where rowid=@iterator)
select @userid2=@userid+'_'+cast(@iterator as varchar)
if (select user_id from @order where rowid=@iterator-1)<>(select user_id from @order where rowid=@iterator)
select @userid2=null
insert @holding
select isnull(@userid2, @userid) , isconsecutive, day_session
from @order
where rowid=@iterator
set @iterator=@iterator+1
select user_id, max(cnt) maxconsdays from(
select substring(user_id, 1, len(user_id)-charindex('_', reverse(user_id)))user_id, sum(consday)+1 cnt from @holding
group by user_id)a
group by user_id
order by user_id desc
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1270391
Based on your data, you can just do:
select t.user, count(*)
from t left join
(select user, min(day_session) as minds
from t
where day_diff > 1
group by user
) tt
on t.user = tt.user
where tt.minds is null or t.day_session < tt.minds
group by t.user;
Upvotes: 1