Reputation: 91
I recieve h264 data from server, I want to decode this stream using mediacodec and texture view on android.I got the data from the server , parssing it to get the SPS , the PPS and the video frame data, then I passed this data to the mediacodec , but the function dequeueOutputBuffer(info, 100000) always returns -1 and I get dequeueOutputBuffer timed out.
Any help please, I'am stucked at this issues from three weeks.
this is the code used to decode the video frame.
public class H264PlayerActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements TextureView.SurfaceTextureListener {
private TextureView m_surface;// View that contains the Surface Texture
private H264Provider provider;// Object that connects to our server and gets H264 frames
private MediaCodec m_codec;// Media decoder
// private DecodeFramesTask m_frameTask;// AsyncTask that takes H264 frames and uses the decoder to update the Surface Texture
// the channel used to receive the partner's video
private ZMQ.Socket subscriber = null;
private ZMQ.Context context;
// thread handling the video reception
// byte[] byte_SPSPPS = null;
//byte[] byte_Frame = null;
public static String stringSubscribe=null;
public static String myIpAcquisition=null;
public static byte[] byte_SPSPPS = null;
public static byte[] byte_Frame = null;
boolean isIframe = false;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
// Get a referance to the TextureView in the UI
m_surface = (TextureView) findViewById(;
// Add this class as a call back so we can catch the events from the Surface Texture
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)
// Invoked when a TextureView's SurfaceTexture is ready for use
public void onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture surface, int width, int height) {
// when the surface is ready, we make a H264 provider Object. When its constructor runs it starts an AsyncTask to log into our server and start getting frames
provider = new H264Provider(stringSubscribe, myIpAcquisition,byte_SPSPPS,byte_Frame);
// Invoked when the SurfaceTexture's buffers size changed
public void onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged(SurfaceTexture surface, int width, int height) {
// Invoked when the specified SurfaceTexture is about to be destroyed
public boolean onSurfaceTextureDestroyed(SurfaceTexture surface) {
return false;
// Invoked when the specified SurfaceTexture is updated through updateTexImage()
public void onSurfaceTextureUpdated(SurfaceTexture surface) {
private class H264Provider {
String stringSubscribe = "";
String myIpAcquisition = "";
byte[] byte_SPSPPS = null;
byte[] byte_PPS = null;
byte[] byte_Frame = null;
H264Provider(String stringSubscribe, String myIpAcquisition, byte[] byte_SPS, byte[] byte_Frame) {
this.stringSubscribe = stringSubscribe;
this.myIpAcquisition = myIpAcquisition;
this.byte_SPSPPS = byte_SPS;
this.byte_PPS = byte_PPS;
this.byte_Frame = byte_Frame;
System.out.println(" subscriber client started");
//SetUpConnection setup=new SetUpConnection();
// setup.execute();
PlayerThread mPlayer = new PlayerThread();
void release(){
// close ØMQ socket
//terminate 0MQ context
byte[] getCSD( ) {
return byte_SPSPPS;
byte[] nextFrame( ) {
return byte_Frame;
private class PlayerThread extends Thread
public PlayerThread()
System.out.println(" subscriber client started");
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)
public void run() {
// Prepare our context and subscriber
ZMQ.Context context = ZMQ.context(1);
//create 0MQ socket
ZMQ.Socket subscriber = context.socket(ZMQ.SUB);
//create outgoing connection from socket
String address = "tcp://" + myIpAcquisition + ":xxxx";
Boolean bbbb = subscriber.connect(address);
subscriber.setHWM(20);// the number of messages to queue.
Log.e("zmq_tag", "connect connect " + bbbb);
//boolean bbbb = subscriber.setSocketOpt(zmq.ZMQ.ZMQ_SNDHWM, 1);
Log.e("zmq_tag", " zmq stringSubscribe " + stringSubscribe);
boolean bRun = true;
while (bRun) {
ZMsg msg = ZMsg.recvMsg(subscriber);
String string_SPS = null;
String string_PPS = null;
String SPSPPS = null;
String string_Frame = null;
if (msg != null) {
// create a video message out of the zmq message
VideoMessage oVideoMsg = VideoMessage.fromZMsg(msg);
// wait until get Iframe
String szInfoPublisher = new String(oVideoMsg.szInfoPublisher);
Log.e("zmq_tag", "szInfoPublisher " + szInfoPublisher);
if (szInfoPublisher.contains("0000000167")) {
isIframe = true;
String[] split_IFrame = szInfoPublisher.split("0000000165");
String SPS__PPS = split_IFrame[0];
String [] split_SPSPPS=SPS__PPS.split("0000000167");
SPSPPS="0000000167" + split_SPSPPS[1];
Log.e("zmq_tag", "SPS+PPS " + SPSPPS);
String iFrame = "0000000165" + split_IFrame[1];
Log.e("zmq_tag", "IFrame " + iFrame);
string_Frame = iFrame;
} else {
if ((szInfoPublisher.contains("0000000161")||szInfoPublisher.contains("0000000141")) && isIframe) {
if (szInfoPublisher.contains("0000000161"))
String[] split_IFrame = szInfoPublisher.split("0000000161");
String newMSG = "0000000161" + split_IFrame[1];
Log.e("zmq_tag", " P Frame " + newMSG);
string_Frame = newMSG;
} else
if (szInfoPublisher.contains("0000000141"))
String[] split_IFrame = szInfoPublisher.split("0000000141");
String newMSG = "0000000141" + split_IFrame[1];
Log.e("zmq_tag", " P Frame " + newMSG);
string_Frame = newMSG;
} else {
isIframe = false;
if (SPSPPS != null) {
byte_SPSPPS = SPSPPS.getBytes();
Log.e("zmq_tag", " byte_SPSPPS " + new String(byte_SPSPPS));
if (string_Frame != null) {
byte_Frame = string_Frame.getBytes();
Log.e("zmq_tag", " byte_Frame " + new String(byte_Frame));
if(SPSPPS != null) {
// Create the format settinsg for the MediaCodec
MediaFormat format = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, 1920, 1080);// MIMETYPE: a two-part identifier for file formats and format contents
// Set the PPS and SPS frame
format.setByteBuffer("csd-0", ByteBuffer.wrap(byte_SPSPPS));
// Set the buffer size
format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, 100000);
try {
// Get an instance of MediaCodec and give it its Mime type
m_codec = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC);
// Configure the Codec
m_codec.configure(format, new Surface(m_surface.getSurfaceTexture()), null, 0);
// Start the codec
// Create the AsyncTask to get the frames and decode them using the Codec
while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
// Get the next frame
byte[] frame = byte_Frame;
Log.e("zmq_tag", " frame " + new String(frame));
// Now we need to give it to the Codec to decode into the surface
// Get the input buffer from the decoder
int inputIndex = m_codec.dequeueInputBuffer(1);// Pass in -1 here as in this example we don't have a playback time reference
Log.e("zmq_tag", "inputIndex " + inputIndex);
// If the buffer number is valid use the buffer with that index
if (inputIndex >= 0) {
ByteBuffer buffer =m_codec.getInputBuffer(inputIndex);
// tell the decoder to process the frame
m_codec.queueInputBuffer(inputIndex, 0, frame.length, 0, 0);
MediaCodec.BufferInfo info = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo();
int outputIndex = m_codec.dequeueOutputBuffer(info, 100000);
Log.e("zmq_tag", "outputIndex " + outputIndex);
if (outputIndex >= 0) {
m_codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputIndex, true);
// wait for the next frame to be ready, our server makes a frame every 250ms
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// close ØMQ socket
//terminate 0MQ context
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2089
Reputation: 1992
sorry I can't comment, but I see some probable mistakes in your code :
Upvotes: 1