Reputation: 1032
Facing problem with staring up the Filebeat in windows 10, i have modified the filebeat prospector log path with elasticsearch log folder located in my local machine "E:" drive also i have validated the format of filebeat.yml after made the correction but still am getting below error on start up.
Filebeat version : 6.2.3
Windows version: 64 bit
Filebeat.yml (validated yml format)
type: log
enabled: true
- 'E:\Research\ELK\elasticsearch-6.2.3\logs\*.log'
path: '${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml'
reload.enabled: false
index.number_of_shards: 3
host: 'localhost:5601'
- 'localhost:9200'
username: elastic
password: elastic
Filebeat Startup Log:
E:\Research\ELK\filebeat-6.2.3-windows-x86_64>filebeat --setup -e
2018-03-24T22:58:39.660+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:468 Home path: [E:\Research\ELK\filebeat-6.2.3-windows-x86_64] Config path: [E:\Research\ELK\filebeat-6.2.3-windows-x86_64] Data path: [E:\Research\ELK\filebeat-6.2.3-windows-x86_64\data] Logs path: [E:\Research\ELK\filebeat-6.2.3-windows-x86_64\logs]
2018-03-24T22:58:39.661+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:475 Beat UUID: f818bcc0-25bb-4545-bcd4-3523366a4c0e
2018-03-24T22:58:39.662+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:213 Setup Beat: filebeat; Version: 6.2.3
2018-03-24T22:58:39.662+0530 INFO elasticsearch/client.go:145 Elasticsearch url: http://localhost:9200
2018-03-24T22:58:39.665+0530 INFO pipeline/module.go:76 Beat name: DESKTOP-J932HJH
2018-03-24T22:58:39.666+0530 INFO [monitoring] log/log.go:97 Starting metrics logging every 30s
2018-03-24T22:58:39.666+0530 INFO elasticsearch/client.go:145 Elasticsearch url: http://localhost:9200
2018-03-24T22:58:39.672+0530 INFO elasticsearch/client.go:690 Connected to Elasticsearch version 6.2.3
2018-03-24T22:58:39.672+0530 INFO kibana/client.go:69 Kibana url: http://localhost:5601
2018-03-24T22:59:08.882+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:583 Kibana dashboards successfully loaded.
2018-03-24T22:59:08.882+0530 INFO elasticsearch/client.go:145 Elasticsearch url: http://localhost:9200
2018-03-24T22:59:08.885+0530 INFO elasticsearch/client.go:690 Connected to Elasticsearch version 6.2.3
2018-03-24T22:59:08.888+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:301 filebeat start running.
2018-03-24T22:59:08.888+0530 INFO registrar/registrar.go:108 Loading registrar data from E:\Research\ELK\filebeat-6.2.3-windows-x86_64\data\registry
2018-03-24T22:59:08.888+0530 INFO registrar/registrar.go:119 States Loaded from registrar: 5
2018-03-24T22:59:08.888+0530 INFO crawler/crawler.go:48 Loading Prospectors: 1
2018-03-24T22:59:08.889+0530 INFO log/prospector.go:111 Configured paths: [E:\Research\ELK\elasticsearch-6.2.3\logs\*.log]
2018-03-24T22:59:08.890+0530 INFO log/harvester.go:216 Harvester started for file: E:\Research\ELK\elasticsearch-6.2.3\logs\elasticsearch.log
2018-03-24T22:59:08.892+0530 ERROR fileset/factory.go:69 Error creating prospector: No paths were defined for prospector accessing config
2018-03-24T22:59:08.892+0530 INFO crawler/crawler.go:109 Stopping Crawler
2018-03-24T22:59:08.893+0530 INFO crawler/crawler.go:119 Stopping 1 prospectors
2018-03-24T22:59:08.897+0530 INFO log/prospector.go:410 Scan aborted because prospector stopped.
2018-03-24T22:59:08.897+0530 INFO log/harvester.go:216 Harvester started for file: E:\Research\ELK\elasticsearch-6.2.3\logs\elasticsearch_deprecation.log
2018-03-24T22:59:08.897+0530 INFO prospector/prospector.go:121 Prospector ticker stopped
2018-03-24T22:59:08.898+0530 INFO prospector/prospector.go:138 Stopping Prospector: 18361622063543553778
2018-03-24T22:59:08.898+0530 INFO log/harvester.go:237 Reader was closed: E:\Research\ELK\elasticsearch-6.2.3\logs\elasticsearch.log. Closing.
2018-03-24T22:59:08.898+0530 INFO crawler/crawler.go:135 Crawler stopped
2018-03-24T22:59:08.899+0530 INFO registrar/registrar.go:210 Stopping Registrar
2018-03-24T22:59:08.908+0530 INFO registrar/registrar.go:165 Ending Registrar
2018-03-24T22:59:08.910+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:308 filebeat stopped.
2018-03-24T22:59:08.948+0530 INFO [monitoring] log/log.go:132 Total non-zero metrics
2018-03-24T22:59:08.948+0530 INFO [monitoring] log/log.go:133 Uptime: 29.3387858s
2018-03-24T22:59:08.949+0530 INFO [monitoring] log/log.go:110 Stopping metrics logging.
2018-03-24T22:59:08.950+0530 ERROR instance/beat.go:667 Exiting: No paths were defined for prospector accessing config
Exiting: No paths were defined for prospector accessing config
Upvotes: 0
Views: 7984
Reputation: 1
I understand that this topic is a bit old however looking at the amount of views that this has received at the time of posting this (June 2019), I think it would be safe to add more informations as this is fairly frustrating to get while very easy to fix.
Before I explain what I did, allow me to say I had this problem on a Linux system but the problem/solution should be the same on all plateforms.
After having updated the logback-spring.xml and restarted the service, it kept refusing spitting back the following error:
ERROR instance/beat.go:824 Exiting: Can only start an input when all related states are finished: {Id:163850-64780 Finished:false Fileinfo:0xc42016c1a0 Source:/some/path/here/error.log Offset:0 Timestamp:2019-06-13 09:15:35.481163602 -0400 EDT m=+0.107516982 TTL:-1ns Type:log Meta:map[] FileStateOS:163850-64780}
My solution was simply to edit the /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml and comment as much stuff as I could (Going back to nearly a vanilla/basic configuration).
After having done so, restarting filebeat worked and this ended up being a duplicate path entry with another file somewhere in the system, possibly under the modules.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
Check this path ${path.config}/modules.d/
or check by command line "filebeat.exe modules list", if some modules are active, which do not work with windows.
For instance the system.yml (module) does not run on plain windows, because there is no syslog. But the system module is active by default. So you have to disable it first. If I have it enabled, I run in the exactly the same error message, and filebeat stops.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 691
Rewrite the first part of the yml using this format:
- type: log
enabled: true
- /var/log/*.log
#- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\*
Remove also the empty new line and take attention to the indentation.
Upvotes: 0