Reputation: 313
I'm trying to replicate git log --graph --oneline
with some information added. The problem is that my current alias shows me the logs for all branches like this:
$ git lg
* 7683440c6 - (origin/Branch1, Branch1) Message1 (48 minutes ago) by Author1
* 297b8a9cc - (HEAD -> Branch2, origin/Branch2) Message2 (4 days ago) by Author2
| * a21d8248e - (origin/Branch3, Branch3) Message3 (4 days ago) by Author2
| * 11f0f5aea - (origin/Branch4) Message4 (5 days ago) by Author3
| * b9b816d84 - (origin/Branch5) Message5 (5 days ago) by Author4
| * 1acf9435f - (origin/Branch6, Branch6) Message6 (5 days ago) by Author1
* 982aab25a - Message7 (5 days ago) by Author5
* 48df9d049 - Message8 (5 days ago) by Author5
and what I want is something like this:
$ git log --graph --oneline
* 297b8a9cc (HEAD -> Branch2, origin/Branch2) Message2
* 982aab25a Message7
* 48df9d049 Message8
* b409cbed5 Message9
* 2868a5794 Message10
* 46cd8e98f Message11
* 3c6ac0b8d Message12
As you can see I'm on Branch2
and git log --graph --oneline
shows me only what is on this branch, but my alias shows my additional info (for rest of branches) and I don't want that.
How can I replicate the above command on my alias so I have only the commits on my current branch (plus the ones on which Branch2
is on top - like git log --graph --oneline
My current alias looks like this:
lg = log --first-parent --graph --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %C(cyan)(%cr) %Cresetby %C(bold blue)%aN%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --branches
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4332
Reputation: 52081
Remove the --branches
from your alias.
behaves as if you had explicitly written the names of all branches on the command line.
If you remove --branches
from your git lg
alias, you can still view all of your branches by typing
git lg --branches
Upvotes: 1