Reputation: 3805
I have written a function that calculates the timing of growth stages in crops (growing degree days). As a background, after a crop is planted, it moves from one stage to another stage after it has accumulated certain heat units. For e.g. for a given plant day, a crop needs 300°C,500°C,600°C accumulated heat units to reach stage1, stage2 and stage 3 respectively.
This function takes a vector of temperature, temp.vec
which is basically a day you want to start calculating accumulated heat units, a base temperature, an optimum temperature and a critical temperature.
sample.temp <- data.frame(day = 1:365,tmean = c(sample(25:32,365, replace = T)))
gdd.func <- function(temp.vec,,t.base,t.opt,t.cri){
x <- temp.vec[temp.vec >]
fT <- ifelse(x >= t.base & x <= t.opt,(x - t.base)/(t.opt - t.base),
ifelse(t.opt <= x & x <= t.cri,(t.cri - x)/(t.cri - t.opt),0))
Te <- t.base + fT*(t.opt - t.base)
thermal.units <- Te - t.base
day.stage1 <- which.max(cumsum(thermal.units) >= 300) # this will give me the day when cumulative accumulation of thermal units crossed 300 heat units
# once growth stage 1 is reached, t.base,t.opt and t.cri are updated
t.base <- t.base - 2
t.opt <- t.opt - 2
t.cri <- t.cri - 2
fT[(day.stage1 + 1):length(fT)] <- ifelse(x[(day.stage1 + 1):length(fT)] >= t.base & x[(day.stage1 + 1):length(fT)] <= t.opt,(x[(day.stage1 + 1):length(fT)] - t.base)/(t.opt - t.base), ifelse(t.opt <= x[(day.stage1 + 1):length(fT)] & x[(day.stage1 + 1):length(fT)] <= t.cri,(t.cri - x[(day.stage1 + 1):length(fT)])/(t.cri - t.opt),0))
Te[(day.stage1 + 1):length(Te)] <- t.base + fT[(day.stage1 + 1):length(fT)]*(t.opt - t.base)
thermal.units[(day.stage1 + 1):length(Te)] <- Te[(day.stage1 + 1):length(Te)] - t.base
day.stage2 <- which.max(cumsum(thermal.units) >= 500)
# once growth stage 2 is reached, t.base,t.opt and t.cri are updated again
t.base <- t.base - 1
t.opt <- t.opt - 1
t.cri <- t.opt - 1
fT[(day.stage2 + 1):length(fT)] <- ifelse(x[(day.stage2 + 1):length(fT)] >= t.base & x[(day.stage2 + 1):length(fT)] <= t.opt,(x[(day.stage2 + 1):length(fT)] - t.base)/(t.opt - t.base), ifelse(t.opt <= x[(day.stage2 + 1):length(fT)] & x[(day.stage2 + 1):length(fT)] <= t.cri,(t.cri - x[(day.stage2 + 1):length(fT)])/(t.cri - t.opt),0))
Te[(day.stage2 + 1):length(Te)] <- t.base + fT[(day.stage2 + 1):length(fT)]*(t.opt - t.base)
thermal.units[(day.stage2 + 1):length(Te)] <- Te[(day.stage2 + 1):length(Te)] - t.base
day.stage3 <- which.max(cumsum(thermal.units) >= 600)
Doing a test run
t.base <- 24
t.opt <- 32
t.cri <- 36
plant.dates <- gdd.func(temp.vec = sample.temp$tmean, = 10,t.base,t.opt,t.cri)
# [1] 66 117 144
The output is a vector of three days which gives the occurrence of stage1, stage2 and stage3 for a
My question is if I want to run the above function for multiple
across multiple location and year. For e.g. imagine this data: <- data.frame(id1 = rep(1:20, each = 730*36), year = rep(rep(1980:2015, each = 365*2), times = 20),day = rep(rep(1:730, times = 36), times = 20), tmean = sample(25:32,20*730*36,replace = T))
id1 year day tmean
1 1 1980 1 26
2 1 1980 2 32
3 1 1980 3 25
4 1 1980 4 26
5 1 1980 5 28
6 1 1980 6 28
The data consists of 20 locations, each location has 36 years of data. Each year has 730 days (365*2) and the mean temperature of each day.
I have three
plant.vec <- c(250,290,302)
I want to select each planting day and generate the three growth stages for each of my location X year combination
for(p in seq_along(plant.vec)) <- plant.vec[p] %>% group_by(id1,year) %>% # how to insert my gdd.func here so that it runs for each id1 and year combination)
Thank you
Upvotes: 1
Views: 307
Reputation: 11955
Does this help?
plant.vec <- c(10, 20, 30)
final_lst <- lapply(plant.vec, function(x) %>%
group_by(id1,year) %>%
summarise(plant.dates = paste(gdd.func(temp.vec = tmean, = x, t.base, t.opt, t.cri), collapse=",")))
Upvotes: 1