
Reputation: 609

Flot chart lines with AJAX, PHP and MySQL

I'm using Flot plugin to get a chart line with two lines (Sales and Purchases) like this example but data is in mysql database and being received via AJAX. So I have this:


<div id="graph" class="demo-placeholder"></div>



  $sql = "SELECT * from sales where YEAR(date)='2013'";
  $res = mysql_query($sql);
  $return = [];

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
    $return[] = [$row['date'],$row['amount']];
echo json_encode(array("label"=>"Sales","data"=>$return));


  $sql = "SELECT * from purchases where YEAR(date)='2013'";
  $res = mysql_query($sql);
  $return = [];

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
    $return[] = [$row['date'],$row['amount']];
echo json_encode(array("label"=>"Purchases","data"=>$return));

So, in my JS code I get this data via AJAX and put it a Flot chart line enabling tooltip:

var purchases,sales;

    $.ajax({url: "purchases.php",
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(resp)
            purchases =; //Showing result:[["2013-02-01","52"],["2013-03-01","40"],["2013-03-28","200"]]          

        url: "sales.php",
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(resp)
            sales =; //Showing result: [["2013-02-05","502"],["2013-03-16","240"],["2013-03-21","260"]]       

var dataset = [
            label: "Purchases",
            data: purchases,
            label: "Sales",
            data: sales,

var chart_plot_01_settings = {
      series: {
        lines: {
          show: true,
          fill: true
        splines: {
          show: false,
          tension: 0.4,
          lineWidth: 1,
          fill: 0.4
        points: {
          radius: 3,
          show: true 
        shadowSize: 2 
      grid: { 
        verticalLines: true,
        hoverable: true,
        clickable: true,
        tickColor: "#d5d5d5",
        borderWidth: 1,
        color: '#717171'
      colors: ["rgba(38, 185, 154, 0.38)", "rgba(3, 88, 106, 0.38)"],
      xaxis: {
        tickColor: "rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.06)",
        mode: "time",
        tickSize: [1, "month"],
        axisLabel: "Date",
        axisLabelUseCanvas: true,
        axisLabelFontSizePixels: 12,
        axisLabelFontFamily: 'Verdana, Arial',
        axisLabelPadding: 10
      yaxis: {
        ticks: 8,
        axisLabel: "Amount",
        tickColor: "rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.06)",
      tooltip: true, 

if ($("#graph").length){
        $.plot( $("#graph"), dataset,  chart_plot_01_settings );

        $("<div id='tooltip'></div>").css({
            position: "absolute",
            display: "none",
            border: "1px solid #fdd",
            padding: "2px",
            "background-color": "#fee",
            opacity: 0.80

        $("#graph").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {

            if (item) {
                var x = item.datapoint[0],
                    y = item.datapoint[1];

                var date = new Date(x);                 

                $("#tooltip").html("Date: " +x + " Amount: "+y).css({top: item.pageY+5, left: item.pageX+5}).fadeIn(200);

            } else {


The problem is chart line doesn't display any data, It's in blank. I added a line console.log(sales) after if ($("#graph").length){ line and it shows undefined in console but it shows data if I put result in console inside success AJAX function.

enter image description here

How can I fix it? I'd like some help.


I modified PHP code line:

$return[] = [strtotime($row['date'])*1000,$row['amount']];

I modified JS code adding a show_chart function:

function show_chart(labell,dataa) { 
    var dataset = [{label: labell,data: dataa}];

    var chart_plot_01_settings = {
      series: {
        lines: {
          show: true,
          fill: true
        splines: {
          show: false,
          tension: 0.4,
          lineWidth: 1,
          fill: 0.4
        points: {
          radius: 3,
          show: true 
        shadowSize: 2 
      grid: { 
        verticalLines: true,
        hoverable: true,
        clickable: true,
        tickColor: "#d5d5d5",
        borderWidth: 1,
        color: '#717171'
      colors: ["rgba(38, 185, 154, 0.38)", "rgba(3, 88, 106, 0.38)"],
      xaxis: {
        tickColor: "rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.06)",
        mode: "time",
        tickSize: [1, "month"],
        //tickLength: 10,
        axisLabel: "Date",
        axisLabelUseCanvas: true,
        axisLabelFontSizePixels: 12,
        axisLabelFontFamily: 'Verdana, Arial',
        axisLabelPadding: 10
      yaxis: {
        ticks: 8,
        axisLabel: "Amount",
        tickColor: "rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.06)",
      tooltip: true,

    $(document).ready(function () {
        $.plot($("#graph"), dataset, chart_plot_01_settings);

        $("<div id='tooltip'></div>").css({
            position: "absolute",
            display: "none",
            border: "1px solid #fdd",
            padding: "2px",
            "background-color": "#fee",
            opacity: 0.80

        $("#graph").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {

            if (item) {
                var x = item.datapoint[0],
                    y = item.datapoint[1];

                var date = new Date(x);

                $("#tooltip").html("Date: " + ('0' + (date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/'+ date.getFullYear()+ " | Amount: "+y).css({top: item.pageY+5, left: item.pageX+5}).fadeIn(200);

            } else {


} //show chart

var purchases,sales;

    $.ajax({url: "purchases.php",
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(resp)
            purchases =;
            var label1 = resp.label;

        url: "sales.php",
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(resp)
            sales =;
            var label2 = resp.label;

But the problem it's only showing Sales or Purchases chart line and I want to show both chart lines (Sales and Purchases) like this example.

How can I fix it?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 1370

Answers (2)


Reputation: 609

Finally I could resolve it joining my 2 php files in one and put a final array:

echo json_encode(array($return,$returnn));

In AJAX success:

success: function(resp)
    var result1 = resp[0];//purchases
    var result2 = resp[1];//sales

And in show_cart function:

function show_chart(data1,data2) {
    var dataset = [{label: "Purchases",data: data1},{label: "Sales",data: data2}];
    //and continues...

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 17550

Your time data has the wrong format, Flot needs JavaScript timestamps. Instead of


you need



strtotime("2013-02-01 UTC") * 1000

in your PHP code to generate the timestamps (see here).

Upvotes: 1

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