Reputation: 751
I have an elixir application with 3 umbrella projects. I am trying to automate their releases via distellary and edeliver.
I am able to create a release by running this command:
mix release --verbose --env="production" --name="se_example"
However when I run the following: mix edeliver build release production --verbose
It compiles the app but later throws this error when creating release:
-----> Generating release using mix to generate release
** (Mix) The task "release" could not be found
I am new to elixir and distillery / edeliver world so was wondering if I am missing something in this flow.
Following is my .deliver/config file:
# For *Phoenix* projects, symlink prod.secret.exs to our tmp source
pre_erlang_get_and_update_deps() {
local _prod_secret_path="/home/meraj/se_example_build/prod.secret.exs"
if [ "$TARGET_MIX_ENV" = "prod" ]; then
__sync_remote "
ln -sfn '$_prod_secret_path' '$BUILD_AT/config/prod.secret.exs'
ln -sfn '$_prod_secret_path' '$BUILD_AT/apps/se/config/prod.secret.exs'
And here is rel/config.exs file:
Path.join(["rel", "plugins", "*.exs"])
|> Path.wildcard()
use Mix.Releases.Config,
default_release: :default,
default_environment: Mix.env()
environment :dev do
set dev_mode: true
set include_erts: false
set cookie: :"P@/3]_>gLBMM9c@&aRUg>lkN)<q6Z$0`ZM_/./!8N_/*1Fx:toH9n~I5_=O&=>$:"
environment :prod do
set include_erts: true
set include_src: false
set cookie: :"BD:?3o^s?_Yn4SV%s.;@A>Sva*A}s5NbEC[&.qBMhA.*6^?ElspFmoF%GKX]:[En"
release :se_example do
set version: "0.1.0"
set applications: [
se: :permanent,
se_stats: :permanent,
se_web: :permanent
Upvotes: 2
Views: 600
Reputation: 66
I had same error and found solution (at least in my situation), answered in another related topic here -
TLDR: point your branch explicitly and make sure, that folder /rel/
under git and committed:
$ mix edeliver build release --branch=feature/deploy
Upvotes: 1