Reputation: 1005
We have a Spring Boot application, and have scheduled tasks.
We want to deploy our application on multiple servers, so will be multiple instances of application.
How to configure Spring to run scheduled tasks only on specified servers?
Upvotes: 53
Views: 86984
Reputation: 51
This is an addition to the answer by Alexey Stepanov.
I hope this information will be useful.
Below is an example of a multi-instance Spring Boot application that launches a cron job.
The Job must be running on only one of the instances.
The configuration of each instance must be the same.
If a job crashes, it should try to restart 3 times with a delay of 5 minutes * number of restart attempts.
If the job still crashes after 3 restarts, the default cron for our job trigger should be set.
We will use Quartz in cluster mode:
At first, it is a bad idea to use Thread.sleep(600000) as said in this answer
Out job:
class SomeJob(
private val someService: SomeService
) : QuartzJobBean() {
private val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
override fun executeInternal(jobExecutionContext: JobExecutionContext) {
try {"Doing awesome work...")
if ((1..10).random() >= 5) throw RuntimeException("Something went wrong...")
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw JobExecutionException(e)
Here is the Quartz configuration (more information here):
class JobConfig {
//JobDetail for our job
fun someJobDetail(): JobDetail {
return JobBuilder
.withDescription("Some job")
//If we want the job to be launched after the application instance crashes at the
//next launch
fun someJobTrigger(someJobDetail: JobDetail): Trigger {
return TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().forJob(someJobDetail)
.withSchedule(CronScheduleBuilder.cronSchedule("0 0 4 L-1 * ? *"))
//Otherwise, changing cron for an existing trigger will not work. (the old cron value will be stored in the database)
fun scheduler(triggers: List<Trigger>, jobDetails: List<JobDetail>, factory: SchedulerFactoryBean): Scheduler {
val scheduler = factory.scheduler
rescheduleTriggers(triggers, scheduler)
return scheduler
private fun rescheduleTriggers(triggers: List<Trigger>, scheduler: Scheduler) {
triggers.forEach {
if (!scheduler.checkExists(it.key)) {
} else {
scheduler.rescheduleJob(it.key, it)
Add a listener to the scheduler:
class JobListenerConfig(
private val schedulerFactory: SchedulerFactoryBean,
private val jobListener: JobListener
) {
fun addListener() {
schedulerFactory.scheduler.listenerManager.addJobListener(jobListener, KeyMatcher.keyEquals(jobKey("SomeJob")))
And now the most important - the logic of processing the execution of our job with listener:
class JobListener(
//can be obtained from the execution context, but it can also be injected
private val scheduler: Scheduler,
private val triggers: List<Trigger>
): JobListenerSupport() {
private lateinit var triggerCronMap: Map<String, String>
fun post(){
//there will be no recovery triggers , only our self-written ones
triggerCronMap = triggers.associate { to (it as CronTrigger).cronExpression
override fun getName(): String {
return "myJobListener"
override fun jobToBeExecuted(context: JobExecutionContext) {"Job: ${} ready to start by trigger: ${}")
override fun jobWasExecuted(context: JobExecutionContext, jobException: JobExecutionException?) {
//you can use context.mergedJobDataMap
val dataMap = context.trigger.jobDataMap
val count = if (dataMap["count"] != null) dataMap.getIntValue("count") else {
dataMap.putAsString("count", 1)
//in the if block, you can add the condition && !"recover_") - in this case, the scheduler will not restart recover triggers if they fall during execution
if (jobException != null ){
if (count < 3) {
log.warn("Job: ${} filed while execution. Restart attempts count: $count ")
val oldTrigger = context.trigger
var newTriggerName = + "_retry"
//in case such a trigger already exists
.map { }
.takeIf { it.contains(newTriggerName) }
?.apply { newTriggerName += "_retry" }
val newTrigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger()
//create a simple trigger that should be fired in 5 minutes * restart attempts
.startAt(Date.from( * count).toLong(), ChronoUnit.MINUTES)))
.usingJobData("count", count + 1 )
val date = scheduler.rescheduleJob(oldTrigger.key, newTrigger)
log.warn("Rescheduling trigger: ${oldTrigger.key} to trigger: ${newTrigger.key}")
} else {
log.warn("The maximum number of restarts has been reached. Restart attempts: $count")
} else if (count > 1) {
else {"Job: ${} completed successfully")
context.scheduler.getTriggersOfJob(context.trigger.jobKey).forEach {"Trigger with key: ${it.key} for job: ${} will start at ${it.nextFireTime ?: it.startTime}")
private fun recheduleWithDefaultTrigger(context: JobExecutionContext) {
val clone = context.jobDetail.clone() as JobDetail
val defaultTriggerName ="_")[0]
//Recovery triggers should not be rescheduled
if (!triggerCronMap.contains(defaultTriggerName)) {
log.warn("This trigger: ${} for job: ${} is not self-written trigger. It can be recovery trigger or whatever. This trigger must not be recheduled.")
log.warn("Remove all triggers for job: ${} and schedule default trigger for it: $defaultTriggerName")
scheduler.addJob(clone, true)
.usingJobData("count", 1)
Last but not least: application.yaml
job-store-type: jdbc #Database Mode
initialize-schema: never #Do not initialize table structure
instanceId: AUTO #Default hostname and timestamp generate instance ID, which can be any string, but must be the only corresponding qrtz_scheduler_state INSTANCE_NAME field for all dispatchers
#instanceName: clusteredScheduler #quartzScheduler
# a few problems with the two properties below: &
# class: org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore #Persistence Configuration
driverDelegateClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate #We only make database-specific proxies for databases
# useProperties: true #Indicates that JDBC JobStore stores all values in JobDataMaps as strings, so more complex objects can be stored as name-value pairs rather than serialized in BLOB columns.In the long run, this is safer because you avoid serializing non-String classes to BLOB class versions.
tablePrefix: my_quartz.QRTZ_ #Database Table Prefix
misfireThreshold: 60000 #The number of milliseconds the dispatcher will "tolerate" a Trigger to pass its next startup time before being considered a "fire".The default value (if you do not enter this property in the configuration) is 60000 (60 seconds).
clusterCheckinInterval: 5000 #Set the frequency (in milliseconds) of this instance'checkin'* with other instances of the cluster.Affects the speed of detecting failed instances.
isClustered: true #Turn on Clustering
threadPool: #Connection Pool
class: org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool
threadCount: 3
threadPriority: 1
threadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread: true
Here official scripts for database (use liquibase or flyway)
More information:
About quartz
spring boot using quartz in cluster mode
One more article
Cluster effectively quartz
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 27048
This is a very wide topic. And there are many options to achieve this.
You can configure your application to have multiple profiles. For example use another profile 'cron' . And start your application on only one server with this profile. So for example, on a production environment you have three servers (S1, S2, S3), then you could run on S1 with profile prod and cron(,cron
). And on S2 and S3 just use prod profile(
And in code, you can use @Profile("cron")
on scheduler classes. This way it will be executed only when cron profile is active
Use a distributed lock. If you have Zookeeper in your environment, you can use this to achieve distributed locking system.
You can use some database(mysql) and create a sample code to get a lock on one of the table and add an entry. And whichever instance gets the lock, will make an entry in this database and will execute the cron job. You need to
put a check in your code, if getLock()
is successfull only then proceed with execution. Mysql has utilities like LOCK TABLES
, which you could use to get away with concurrent read/writes.
Use Spring shedlock. This library aims to solve this problem quite elegantly and with minimum code. Have a look at an example here
personally I would say, option 2 or option 4 is the best of all.
Upvotes: 61
Reputation: 1
We had the same usecase but weren't allowed to use database. Simple hack,just create a file at a shared location , the instance which is able to create the file will run the scheduled process.
File file =new File(path);
//run task
You can also add a random sleep time before creating file.
SecureRandom secureRandom =new SecureRandom();
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1444
The Spring - ShedLock project is specifically created to achieve this.
Dependency -
Configuration -
@EnableSchedulerLock(defaultLockAtMostFor = "PT30S")
Implementation -
@Scheduled(cron = "0 0/15 * * * ?")
@SchedulerLock(name = "AnyUniqueName",
lockAtLeastForString = "PT5M", lockAtMostForString = "PT10M")
public void scheduledTask() {
// ...
This setup will make sure that exactly one instance should run the scheduled task.
If you want only a specific instance should run the Scheduler task,
You need to config your scheduler to use the properties file and control the Scheduler switch like this -
value = "scheduling.enabled", havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing = true
@EnableSchedulerLock(defaultLockAtMostFor = "PT30S")
public class SchedulingConfig {
Now, you need to provide a property scheduling.enabled = true
in your
file, for the instance from which you want Schedular to be run.
Follow this link for complete implementation.
Upvotes: 40
Reputation: 811
One of the best options - use Quartz scheduler with clustering. It's simple, just:
And configure jobs for quartz with spring (see tutorial)
Clustering configs in application.yaml:
datasource: ... # define jdbc datasource
job-store-type: jdbc # Database Mode
initialize-schema: never # For clustering do not initialize table structure
instanceId: AUTO #Default hostname and timestamp generate instance ID, which can be any string, but must be the only corresponding qrtz_scheduler_state INSTANCE_NAME field for all dispatchers
#instanceName: clusteredScheduler #quartzScheduler
class: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX #Persistence Configuration
driverDelegateClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate #We only make database-specific proxies for databases
useProperties: true #Indicates that JDBC JobStore stores all values in JobDataMaps as strings, so more complex objects can be stored as name-value pairs rather than serialized in BLOB columns.In the long run, this is safer because you avoid serializing non-String classes to BLOB class versions.
tablePrefix: QRTZ_ #Database Table Prefix
misfireThreshold: 60000 #The number of milliseconds the dispatcher will "tolerate" a Trigger to pass its next startup time before being considered a "fire".The default value (if you do not enter this property in the configuration) is 60000 (60 seconds).
clusterCheckinInterval: 5000 #Set the frequency (in milliseconds) of this instance'checkin'* with other instances of the cluster.Affects the speed of detecting failed instances.
isClustered: true #Turn on Clustering
threadPool: #Connection Pool
class: org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool
threadCount: 10
threadPriority: 5
threadsInheritContextClassLoaderOfInitializingThread: true
Attention on initialize-schema: never
- you need to initialize it by yourself for cluster mode
See official scripts:
And you can use it through liquibase/flyway/etc, but remove DROP ...
queries! That's why in cluster we don't initialize schema automatically.
See quartz docs
See spring boot docs quartz
See article with example
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 309
The simplest solution can be you can use different properties files for different instances. Here are the steps
@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "enable-scheduler", havingValue = "true")
and for any other ones use enable-scheduler=false
in your properties file.Example:
@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "enable-scheduler", havingValue = "true")
public class AnyScheduler {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private final AnyService service;
public AnyScheduler(AnyService service) {
this.service = service;
@Scheduled(cron = "${scheduler-cron}")
public void syncModifiedCve() {"Scheduler started. . .");
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1186
I think the help you need is in one of the answers from another post.
See this post:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 569
The simplest way to do it with Spring is using an environment variable and Value annotation:
1 - Get the environment variable with Value annotation in your class:
private boolean taskEnabled;
2 - Check the taskEnabled value to execute the task:
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 50000)
public void myTask() {
if (this.taskEnabled) {
//do stuff here...
3 - Set the correct environment variable per server:
java -DTASK_ENABLED=0 -jar software.jar
java -DTASK_ENABLED=1 -jar software.jar
Example with a global configuration class
To use a global configuration class, you should say to spring it's a component with a @Component and annotate a set method to pass the value to static field.
1 - Create the configuration class with static fields:
public class AppConfiguration {
public static boolean taskEnabled;
public void setTaskEnabled(boolean taskEnabled) {
this.taskEnabled = taskEnabled;
2 - Check the taskEnabled value to execute the task:
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 50000)
public void myTask() {
if (AppConfiguration.taskEnabled) {
//do stuff here...
3 - Set the correct environment variable per server:
java -DTASK_ENABLED=0 -jar software.jar
java -DTASK_ENABLED=1 -jar software.jar
Upvotes: 3