
Reputation: 37

Unique Identifier in Obligation Cordapp

I have replicated the Obligation Cordapp Transfer functionality and i am struck with the linearId of Unique Identifier. I have successfully exercised the Issue Cordapp and for transfer of Obligation, i have provided the flow command with linearId of generated Obligation. The parameter which i am passing through linearId is interpreted as the External id [argument in UniqueIdentifier] instead of id and so it is unable to find the Obligation to transfer.

Here are reference for issue.

The generated id for the Obligation created is

**linearId : externalId: null

id: "4799c549-8c2b-401f-90dd-1dc115fbcfba"

Thu Mar 29 18:41:02 IST 2018>>> flow start TransferObligation$Initiator newLender: "O=PartyC,L=Paris,C=FR",anonymous: false,linearId: "4799c549-8c2b-401f-90dd-1dc115fbcfba

The passed argument, linearId has to take as id [argument in UniqueIdentifier and is randomly generated if external id is not equal to null] as per Obligation Cordapp and has to do required transfer functionality. Instead it is taking linearId passed as externalId [argument in UniqueIdentifier] and so total linearId becoming externalId_id.

>Linear Id parameter is:4799c549-8c2b-401f-90dd-1dc115fbcfba_ace60f85-b360-4cf7b198-4d3d471f9d63
>Obtaining IOU from vault.
>States Size:0

Observing that ace60f85-b360-4cf7b198-4d3d471f9d63 is appended as id which is randomly generated and unable to find the Obligation generated.

How corda will interpret linearId passed? as externalId/Id as default? In Obligation Cordapp it demonstrated in samples took as Id and required job is done.But the cordapp which i am exercising takes the passed parameter as externalId.

Or any changes has to be done in code level to take the linearId parameter as id?

Edit 1: We are developing the code in java The transfer obligation for reference.Although it is just a replicate.Please have a look at it

  package com.example.flow;

import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable;
import com.example.contract.ActivityContract;
import com.example.state.Activity;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import net.corda.confidential.IdentitySyncFlow;
import net.corda.confidential.SwapIdentitiesFlow;
import net.corda.core.contracts.Command;
import net.corda.core.contracts.StateAndRef;
import net.corda.core.contracts.UniqueIdentifier;
import net.corda.core.flows.*;
import net.corda.core.identity.AbstractParty;
import net.corda.core.identity.AnonymousParty;
import net.corda.core.identity.Party;
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction;
import net.corda.core.transactions.TransactionBuilder;
import net.corda.core.utilities.ProgressTracker;
import net.corda.core.utilities.ProgressTracker.Step;

import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.util.*;

import static com.example.contract.ActivityContract.Activity_Contract_ID;

public class ActivityTransferFlow {

    public static class Initiator extends ActivityBaseFlow{

    public final UniqueIdentifier linearId;
    public final Party newLender;
    public final Boolean anonymous;

    private final Step INITIATION = new Step("Obtaining IOU from vault.");
    private final Step BUILDING = new Step("Building and Verifying Transaction");
    private final Step SIGNING = new Step("Signing gathered transaction");
    private final Step SYNCING = new Step("Syncing gathered identities "){

        public ProgressTracker childProgressTracker() {
            return IdentitySyncFlow.Send.Companion.tracker();

    private final Step GATHERING = new Step("Gathering counterparty signatures"){

        public ProgressTracker childProgressTracker() {
            return CollectSignaturesFlow.Companion.tracker();

    private final Step FINALISING = new Step("Finalising transaction"){

        public ProgressTracker childProgressTracker() {
            return FinalityFlow.Companion.tracker();

       private final ProgressTracker progressTracker = new ProgressTracker(

        public Initiator(UniqueIdentifier linearId, Party newLender, Boolean anonymous) {

            this.linearId = linearId;
            this.newLender = newLender;
            this.anonymous = anonymous;

        public ProgressTracker getProgressTracker() {
            return progressTracker;

        public SignedTransaction call() throws FlowException {

            // step1:Retrieve Activity specified by linear id from the vault

            final StateAndRef<Activity> activityToTransfer= getObligationByLinearId(linearId);

            final Activity inputActivity=activityToTransfer.getState().getData();

            //step2:This flow can only be initiated by current recipient
            final AbstractParty lenderIdentity =getLenderIdentity(inputActivity);

            //step3:Abort if the borrower started this flow
             throw new IllegalStateException("Activity transfer can only be initiated by the lender.");

            //step4:Creating the new obligation state reflecting a new lender
             final Activity transferredActivity =createOutputActivity(inputActivity);

             //step4:Create transfer command
             final List<PublicKey> signerKeys = new ImmutableList.Builder<PublicKey>()

            final Command transferCommand = new Command<>(new ActivityContract.Commands.ActivityTransfer(), signerKeys);

            //step5:Create a transaction builder and then add states and commands.
            final TransactionBuilder builder = new TransactionBuilder(getNotary())
                    .addOutputState(transferredActivity, Activity_Contract_ID)

            //step6:Verify and sign the transaction
            final SignedTransaction ptx=getServiceHub().signInitialTransaction(builder, inputActivity.getLender().getOwningKey());

            //step7:Getting party object from the borrower
            final Party borrower=getBorrowerIdentity(inputActivity);

            //step8:Send any keys or certificates so the signers can verify each other identity
            Set<FlowSession> sessions=new HashSet<>();
            Set<Party> parties= ImmutableSet.of(borrower,newLender);
            for (Party party:parties) {


            subFlow(new IdentitySyncFlow.Send(sessions,ptx.getTx(),SYNCING.childProgressTracker()));

            //step9:Gathering signatures from the borrower and the new lender
             final SignedTransaction stx=subFlow(new CollectSignaturesFlow(

            //Step10:Notarise and record the transaction into vault and broadcast the transaction

            return subFlow(new FinalityFlow(stx,ImmutableSet.of(getOurIdentity())));

        private AbstractParty getLenderIdentity(Activity inputObligation) {
            if (inputObligation.getLender() instanceof AnonymousParty) {
                return resolveIdentity(inputObligation.getLender());
            } else {
                return inputObligation.getLender();

        private Activity createOutputActivity(Activity inputActivity) throws FlowException {
            if (anonymous) {
                final HashMap<Party, AnonymousParty> txKeys = subFlow(new SwapIdentitiesFlow(newLender));
                if (!txKeys.containsKey(newLender)) {
                    throw new FlowException("Couldn't get lender's conf. identity.");
                final AnonymousParty anonymousLender = txKeys.get(newLender);
                return inputActivity.withNewLender(anonymousLender);
            } else {
                return inputActivity.withNewLender(newLender);

        private Party getBorrowerIdentity(Activity inputActivity) {
            if (inputActivity.getBorrower() instanceof AnonymousParty) {
                return resolveIdentity(inputActivity.getBorrower());
            } else {
                return (Party) inputActivity.getBorrower();

    public static class Responder extends FlowLogic<SignedTransaction> {
        private final FlowSession otherFlow;

        public Responder(FlowSession otherFlow) {
            this.otherFlow = otherFlow;

        public SignedTransaction call() throws FlowException {
            subFlow(new IdentitySyncFlow.Receive(otherFlow));
            SignedTransaction stx = subFlow(new ActivityBaseFlow.SignTxFlowNoChecking(otherFlow, SignTransactionFlow.Companion.tracker()));
            return waitForLedgerCommit(stx.getId());


Edit 2: The getObligationByLinearId method in ActivityBaseFlow and the command we use is

flow start ActivityTransferFlow$Initiator linearId: d21827b7-e4be-4874-9383-e9f339d7c9ea,newLender: "O=PartyC,L=Paris,C=FR",anonymous: false

StateAndRef<Activity> getObligationByLinearId(UniqueIdentifier linearId) throws FlowException {
    System.out.println("Linear Id parameter is:"+linearId);
    QueryCriteria queryCriteria = new QueryCriteria.LinearStateQueryCriteria(
    List<StateAndRef<Activity>> obligations = getServiceHub().getVaultService().queryBy(Activity.class, queryCriteria).getStates();
    if (obligations.size() != 1) {
        System.out.println("Linear Id 1:"+linearId);
        throw new FlowException(String.format("Obligation with id %s not found.", linearId));
    //System.out.println("Linear Id 2:"+linearId);
    return obligations.get(0);

Upvotes: 1

Views: 701

Answers (1)


Reputation: 444

The UniqueIdentifier constructor is taking the string input from flow start as the externalId.

Change your flow to accept a string instead and manually parse it using UniqueIdentifier.fromString(inputString). i.e

public Initiator(String inputString, Party newLender, Boolean anonymous) {

            this.linearId = UniqueIdentifier.fromString(inputString);
            this.newLender = newLender;
            this.anonymous = anonymous;

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