Reputation: 5156
I have the following Function App
public static async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("%EmailSendMessageQueueName%", AccessRights.Listen, Connection = AzureFunctions.Connection)] EmailMessageDetails messageToSend,
[ServiceBus("%EmailUpdateQueueName%", AccessRights.Send, Connection = AzureFunctions.Connection)]IAsyncCollector<EmailMessageUpdate> messageResponse,
//TraceWriter log,
ILogger log,
CancellationToken token)
log.LogInformation($"C# ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message: {messageToSend}");
/* Validate input and initialise Mandrill */
if (!ValidateMessage(messageToSend, log)) // TODO: finish validation
log.LogError("Invalid or Unknown Message Content");
throw new Exception("Invalid message content.");
catch (Exception ex)
log.LogError($"Failed to Validate Message data: {ex.Message} => {ex.ReportAllProperties()}");
DateTime utcTimeToSend;
var envTag = GetEnvVariable("Environment");
utcTimeToSend = messageToSend.UtcTimeToSend.GetNextUtcSendDateTime();
DateTime utcExpiryDate = messageToSend.UtcTimeToSend.GetUtcExpiryDate();
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (now > utcExpiryDate)
log.LogError($"Stopping sending message because it is expired: {utcExpiryDate}");
throw new Exception($"Stopping sending message because it is expired: {utcExpiryDate}");
if (utcTimeToSend > now)
log.LogError($"Stopping sending message because it is not allowed to be send due to time constraints: next send time: {utcTimeToSend}");
throw new Exception($"Stopping sending message because it is not allowed to be send due to time constraints: next send time: {utcTimeToSend}");
catch (Exception ex)
log.LogError($"Failed to Parse and/or Validate Message Time To Send: {ex.Message} => {ex.ReportAllProperties()}");
/* Submit message to Mandrill */
string errorMessage = null;
IList<MandrillSendMessageResponse> mandrillResult = null;
DateTime timeSubmitted = default(DateTime);
DateTime timeUpdateRecieved = default(DateTime);
var mandrillApi = new MandrillApi(GetEnvVariable("Mandrill:APIKey"));
var mandrillMessage = new MandrillMessage
FromEmail = messageToSend.From,
FromName = messageToSend.FromName,
Subject = messageToSend.Subject,
TrackClicks = messageToSend.Track,
Tags = messageToSend.Tags,
TrackOpens = messageToSend.Track,
mandrillMessage.AddTo(messageToSend.To, messageToSend.ToName);
foreach (var passthrough in messageToSend.PassThroughVariables)
mandrillMessage.AddGlobalMergeVars(passthrough.Key, passthrough.Value);
timeSubmitted = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(messageToSend.TemplateId))
log.LogInformation($"No Message Template");
mandrillMessage.Text = messageToSend.MessageBody;
mandrillResult = await mandrillApi.Messages.SendAsync(mandrillMessage, async: true, sendAtUtc: utcTimeToSend);
log.LogInformation($"Using Message Template: {messageToSend.TemplateId}");
var clock = new Stopwatch();
mandrillResult = await mandrillApi.Messages.SendTemplateAsync(
async: true,
sendAtUtc: utcTimeToSend
log.LogInformation($"Call to mandrill took {clock.Elapsed}");
timeUpdateRecieved = DateTime.UtcNow;
catch (Exception ex)
log.LogError($"Failed to call Mandrill: {ex.Message} => {ex.ReportAllProperties()}");
errorMessage = ex.Message;
MandrillSendMessageResponse theResult = null;
SendMessageStatus status = SendMessageStatus.FailedToSendToProvider;
if (mandrillResult == null || mandrillResult.Count < 1)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
errorMessage = "Invalid Mandrill result.";
theResult = mandrillResult[0];
status = FacMandrillUtils.ConvertToSendMessageStatus(theResult.Status);
var response = new EmailMessageUpdate
SentEmailInfoId = messageToSend.SentEmailInfoId,
ExternalProviderId = theResult?.Id ?? String.Empty,
Track = messageToSend.Track,
FacDateSentToProvider = timeSubmitted,
FacDateUpdateRecieved = timeUpdateRecieved,
FacErrorMessage = errorMessage,
Status = status,
StatusDetail = theResult?.RejectReason ?? "Error"
await messageResponse.AddAsync(response, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex)
log.LogError($"Failed to push message to the update ({AzureFunctions.EmailUpdateQueueName}) queue: {ex.Message} => {ex.ReportAllProperties()}");
When I queue up 100 messages, everything runs fine. When I queue up 500+ messages, 499 of them are sent but the last none never is sent. I also start to get the following errors.
The operation was canceled.
I have Application Insights setup and configured and I have logging running. I am not able to reproduce locally and based on the following End-to-end transaction details from Application Insights, I believe the issue is happening at this point :
await messageResponse.AddAsync(response, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
Application Insights End-to-end transaction
"logger": {
"categoryFilter": {
"defaultLevel": "Information",
"categoryLevels": {
"Host": "Warning",
"Function": "Information",
"Host.Aggregator": "Information"
"applicationInsights": {
"sampling": {
"isEnabled": true,
"maxTelemetryItemsPerSecond": 5
"serviceBus": {
"maxConcurrentCalls": 32
Likely related is this error from Application Insights as well.
Has anyone else had this or similar issues?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 6840
Reputation: 35154
If you follow the link from exception, you will see the following limitation:
Connections : Number of outbound connections (limit is 300). For information on handling connection limits, see Managing Connections.
You are likely to have hit that one.
In each function call you create a new instance of MandrillApi
. You haven't mentioned which library you are using, but I suspect it's creating a new connection for each instance of MandrillApi
I checked Mandrill Dot Net and yes, it's creating a new HttpClient
for each instance:
_httpClient = new HttpClient
BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseUrl)
Managing Connections recommends:
In many cases, this connection limit can be avoided by re-using client instances rather than creating new ones in each function. .NET clients like the HttpClient, DocumentClient, and Azure storage clients can manage connections if you use a single, static client. If those clients are re-instantiated with every function invocation, there is a high probability that the code is leaking connections.
Check the documentation of that library if API client is thread-safe, and reuse it between the function invocations if so.
Upvotes: 9