Reputation: 55
done_status = ['BAD_PU', 'TO_WH', 'RCVDPORT', 'RCVD', 'BAD_DEL', 'MISSFLT', 'OFFLOAD']
shipments = db.db_shipment.aggregate([{
{"$redact":{"$cond":{ "$if": { "status_value": {"$in": done_status } } },
"$then": "$$KEEP"
pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: An object representing an expression must have exactly one field: { $cond: { $if: { status_value: { $in: [ "BAD_PU", "TO_WH", "RCVDPORT", "RCVD", "BAD_DEL", "MISSFLT", "OFFLOAD" ] } } }, $else: "$$PRUNE", $then: "$$KEEP" }
how to fix this error? Im trying to add the latest shipment status history in the shipment record where the status value is in the given status value.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1767
Reputation: 38922
Update the redact stage for your aggregation pipeline. if
, then
and else
are a part of the $cond
operator and they're not operators in themselves.
Also, $in
operator is passed an array where its first item is checked for presence in the second item. The second item is usually an iterable.
Mongo 3.6
messenger_pipeline_status = (
+ messenger_active_status['data']['processing']
assigned_status = ['DEL_ASSIGNED','PU_ASSIGNED']
subpipeline = [
'$match': {
'$expr': {
'$and': [
{'$eq': ['$fk_shipment_id', '$$pkey']},
{'$eq': ['$fk_messenger_id', fk_user_id]},
{'$in': ['$status_value', assigned_status]}
'$sort': {
'rec_timestamp': -1
'$limit': 1
'$project': {
'fk_shipment_id': 1
pipeline = [
'$match': {
'status_value': {'$in': messenger_pipeline_status}
'is_deleted': False,
'is_postponed': False,
'is_active': True,
'$lookup': {
'from': 'db_shipment_status_history',
'let': {'pkey': '$pkey'},
'pipeline': subpipeline,
'as': 'shipment_status_history'
'$match': {
'shipment_status_history': {
'$ne': []
'$unwind': '$shipment_status_history'
'$project': {
'_id': 1,
'pkey': 1,
'_code': 1,
'date_created': 1,
'sender_full_name': '$sender.full_name',
'sender_raw_address': '$sender.raw_address',
'sender_formatted_address': '$sender.formatted_address',
'receiver_full_name': '$receiver.full_name',
'receiver_raw_address': '$receiver.raw_address',
'receiver_formatted_address': '$receiver.formatted_address',
'status_name': 1,
'team_value': 1,
'cs_name': 1,
'fk_messenger_id': '$shipment_status_history.fk_shipment_id'
result = db.db_shipment.aggregate(pipeline)
[Edit] Mongo 3.2
The following aggregation pipeline produces similar results as the above and is valid query for Mongo 3.2.
messenger_pipeline_status = ['MISSFLT', 'OFFLOAD']
pipeline = [
'$match': {
'status_value': { '$in': messenger_pipeline_status}
'is_deleted': False,
'is_postponed': False,
'is_active': True,
"$lookup": {
'from': 'db_shipment_status_history',
'localField': 'pkey',
'foreignField': 'fk_shipment_id',
'as': 'shipment_status_history'
'$match': {
'shipment_status_history': {
'$ne': []
'$project': {
'_id': 1,
'pkey': 1,
'_code': 1,
'date_created': 1,
'sender_full_name': '$sender.full_name',
'sender_raw_address': '$sender.raw_address',
'sender_formatted_address': '$sender.formatted_address',
'receiver_full_name': '$receiver.full_name',
'receiver_raw_address': '$receiver.raw_address',
'receiver_formatted_address': '$receiver.formatted_address',
'status_name': 1,
'team_value': 1,
'cs_name': 1,
'shipment_status_history': {
'$filter': {
'input': '$shipment_status_history',
'as': 'shipment',
'cond': {
'$and': [
{'$eq': ['$$shipment.fk_shipment_id', fk_user_id]},
{'$in': ['$$shipment.status_value', assigned_status]},
'$unwind': '$shipment_status_history'
'$sort': {
'shipment_status_history.rec_timestamp': -1,
'$group': {
'_id': '$pkey',
'doc': {
'$first': '$$CURRENT'
'$unwind': '$doc'
{ # last projection, I promise
'$project': {
'_id': '$',
'pkey': '$doc.pkey',
'_code': '$doc._code',
'date_created': '$doc.date_created',
'sender_full_name': '$doc.sender_full_name',
'sender_raw_address': '$doc.sender_raw_address',
'sender_formatted_address': '$doc.sender_formatted_address',
'receiver_full_name': '$doc.receiver_full_name',
'receiver_raw_address': '$doc.receiver_raw_address',
'receiver_formatted_address': '$doc.receiver_formatted_address',
'status_name': '$doc.status_name',
'team_value': '$doc.team_value',
'cs_name': '$doc.cs_name',
'fk_messenger_id': '$doc.shipment_status_history.fk_shipment_id'
res = db.db_shipment.aggregate(pipeline)
Upvotes: 1