
Reputation: 21

how to get the number of a specific element in every row of a big dataframe?

I have a big data.frame composed of 239 objects and 546639 variables. The elements of the data.frame include A, B, or 0. Now I want to know the number of every element in every row. The following is part of the data.frame.

1 rs22233… B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B    
2 rs38622… B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     A     B     A    
3 rs13933… B     B     A     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B    
4 rs38637… B     B     A     A     A     B     B     B     A     B     A    
5 rs12554… B     B     B     B     A     B     A     B     B     B     B    
6 rs41105… A     A     A     A     B     A     B     A     A     A     B   

Upvotes: 2

Views: 55

Answers (3)

Maurits Evers
Maurits Evers

Reputation: 50678

Method 1:

Using table (thanks to @thelatemail):

table(factor(unlist(df[-1]), levels = c("A", "B", "0")), row(df[-1]))        
#    1  2  3  4  5  6
# A  0  2  1  5  2  8
# B 11  9 10  6  9  3
# 0  0  0  0  0  0  0

Or (slower):

sapply(split(df, 1:nrow(df)), function(x)
    table(factor(unlist(x[, -1]), levels = c("A", "B", "0"))))
#   1 2  3 4 5 6
#A  0 2  1 5 2 8
#B 11 9 10 6 9 3
#0  0 0  0 0 0 0

Explanation: factor(..., levels = c("A", "B", "0")) ensures that table will always report counts for the same three factor levels, which you can then store in a matrix.

Method 2:

Using rle:

lapply(split(df, 1:nrow(df)), function(x)
    as.data.frame(unclass(rle(as.character(sort(unlist(x[, -1])))))))
#  lengths values
#1      11      B
#  lengths values
#1       2      A
#2       9      B
#  lengths values
#1       1      A
#2      10      B
#  lengths values
#1       5      A
#2       6      B
#  lengths values
#1       2      A
#2       9      B
#  lengths values
#1       8      A
#2       3      B

Method 3:

Using tidyr::gather and dplyr::count:

df %>%
    gather(key, val, -V2) %>%
    count(V2, val)
## A tibble: 11 x 3
#V2       val       n
#<fct>    <chr> <int>
#1 rs12554… A         2
#2 rs12554… B         9
#3 rs13933… A         1
#4 rs13933… B        10
#5 rs22233… B        11
#6 rs38622… A         2
#7 rs38622… B         9
#8 rs38637… A         5
#9 rs38637… B         6
#10 rs41105… A         8
#11 rs41105… B         3

Sample data

df <- read.table(text = 
    "1 rs22233… B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B    
2 rs38622… B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     A     B     A    
3 rs13933… B     B     A     B     B     B     B     B     B     B     B    
4 rs38637… B     B     A     A     A     B     B     B     A     B     A    
5 rs12554… B     B     B     B     A     B     A     B     B     B     B    
6 rs41105… A     A     A     A     B     A     B     A     A     A     B   ", row.names = 1)

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 10422

Using dplyr and tidyr:


df %>% 
  gather(key, value, V3:V13) %>% 
  group_by(V2) %>% 
  count(value) %>% 
  spread(value, n)

# A tibble: 6 x 3
# Groups:   V2 [6]
  V2           A     B
  <fct>    <int> <int>
1 rs12554…     2     9
2 rs13933…     1    10
3 rs22233…    NA    11
4 rs38622…     2     9
5 rs38637…     5     6
6 rs41105…     8     3

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 47320

We can use apply to count by rows using table:

# [[1]]
# B 
# 11 
# [[2]]
# A B 
# 2 9 
# [[3]]
# A  B 
# 1 10 
# [[4]]
# A B 
# 5 6 
# [[5]]
# A B 
# 2 9 
# [[6]]
# A B 
# 8 3 

Upvotes: 2

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