Reputation: 165
I need to browse or create a new directory at the end of my setup for my database files.
I create an TInputDirWizardPage
to choose the directory, and I use a button to launch database installation.
My problem is that the new directory is not created and installation of database fails.
This is my code:
Page0: TInputQueryWizardPage;
Page1: TInputDirWizardPage;
{ Launch DB CLIP installation }
procedure ButtonOnClick(Sender: TObject);
Params: string;
ScriptPath: string;
ResultCode: Integer;
DBPath: string;
Server: String;
Instance: String;
SQL_User: String;
SQL_Password: String;
DBPath := Page1.Values[0];
Server:= Page0.Values[0];
Instance:= Page0.Values[1];
SQL_User:= Page0.Values[2];
SQL_Password:= Page0.Values[3];
ScriptPath := ExpandConstant('"{app}\DB\Create Database 2.12.3.sql"');
Params := '-v CLIPDATA="'+DBPath+'" CLIPINDEX="'+DBPath+'" CLIPLOG="'+DBPath+'" -S '+Server+'\'+Instance+' -U '+SQL_User+' -P '+SQL_Password+' -i '+ScriptPath ;
if MsgBox('' + Params + '', mbInformation, mb_YesNo) = idYes then
Exec ('sqlcmd',Params, '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode)
procedure InitializeWizard();
DBButton: TNewButton;
Page0 := CreateInputQueryPage(wpInfoAfter,
'SQL Informations', '',
'Please specify Server and Instance name , then click Next.');
Page0.Add('Server:', False);
Page0.Add('Instance:', False);
Page0.Add('SQL User:', False);
Page0.Add('SQL Password:', True);
Page0.Values[0] := ('localhost');
Page0.Values[1] := ('CLIP');
Page0.Values[2] := ('sa');
Page0.Values[3] := ('clip');
Page1 := CreateInputDirPage(Page0.ID,
'Select CLIP Database files Location', '',
'CLIP DB data files will be stored in the following folder.'#13#10#13#10 +
'To continue, click Next. ' +
'If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse.',
False, 'New Folder');
Page1.Add('Database Folder');
Page1.Values[0] := ExpandConstant('{pf}\CLIP\CLIP_DATA\DB\');
DBButton := TNewButton.Create(Page1);
DBButton.Left := ScaleX(16);
DBButton.Top := ScaleY(205);
DBButton.Width := ScaleX(100);
DBButton.Height := ScaleY(25);
DBButton.Caption := 'Install DB CLIP';
DBButton.OnClick := @ButtonOnClick;
DBButton.Parent := Page1.Surface;
Upvotes: 3
Views: 757
Reputation: 202702
does not create the selected directory on its own.
The Make New Folder button does not create a physical folder. It only creates a virtual node in the tree.
I'm aware that this somewhat contradicts the documentation, which says:
Make New Folder button will be shown that creates a new folder with the specified default name.
If you want to really create a physical folder for the selected path, use CreateDir
function in your ButtonOnClick
if not DirExists(DBPath) then
Upvotes: 3