Reputation: 6710
I'm trying to set up an HKAnchoredObjectQuery
that will only deliver results from the last time I made this query, but I can't get my head around the logic in setting up my HKQueryAnchor and how I persist it? In Apple's sample code they do not show the initial declaration for the HKQueryAnchor
. Do I need to store locally the date of the last sample I downloaded and construct an anchor from that date? This code below returns every sample in HealthKit.
func updateWorkouts(completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
var anchor: HKQueryAnchor?
let sampleType = HKObjectType.workoutType()
let workoutPredicate = HKQuery.predicateForWorkouts(with: .hockey)
let sourcePredicate = HKQuery.predicateForObjects(from: HKSource.default()) //limit query to only this app
let compound = NSCompoundPredicate(andPredicateWithSubpredicates: [workoutPredicate, sourcePredicate])
let anchoredQuery = HKAnchoredObjectQuery(type: sampleType, predicate: compound, anchor: anchor, limit: HKObjectQueryNoLimit) { [unowned self] query, newSamples, deletedSamples, newAnchor, error in
self.handleNewWorkouts(newWorkoutsAsSamples: newSamples!, deleted: deletedSamples!)
anchor = newAnchor
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1769
Reputation: 7363
When initializing an HKAnchoredObjectQuery
, you are expected to either provide nil
or an anchor object that you received from a query that you executed previously. You cannot directly construct an HKQueryAnchor
yourself. To persist an anchor between application launches, you can encode it in persistent storage using NSKeyedArchiver
. It is common to store the resulting encoded NSData
in NSUserDefaults
Upvotes: 1