Reputation: 429
The following screenshot shows what is displayed when printing out the metadata and next to it is the exact same image which has been exported to my mac so I can view all the data from the picture (note: neither have been modified so they're exact same).
The code which I am using to get the location data is as follows:
UIImage *image = (UIImage*)[info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
NSData *data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation( image, 0.9f );
CGImageSourceRef mySourceRef = CGImageSourceCreateWithData((__bridge CFDataRef)data, NULL);
if (mySourceRef != NULL)
NSDictionary *myMetadata = (__bridge NSDictionary *)CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(mySourceRef, 0, NULL);
NSDictionary *GPSDictionary = [myMetadata objectForKey:(NSString *)kCGImagePropertyGPSDictionary];
NSLog( @"%@", myMetadata );
// NSLog([GPSDictionary valueForKey:(NSString*)kCGImagePropertyGPSLongitude]);
// NSLog([GPSDictionary valueForKey:(NSString*)kCGImagePropertyGPSLatitude]);
NSLog( @"%@", [GPSDictionary valueForKey:(NSString*)kCGImagePropertyGPSLongitude]);
NSLog( @"%@", [GPSDictionary valueForKey:(NSString*)kCGImagePropertyGPSLatitude]);
Edit: For clarification the application has permission to use camera roll and the camera etc. Also tested on other iPhone devices to make sure not just an iPhone X problem
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Views: 280
Reputation: 429
Found out the issue was because I was trying to the GPS Data from a temporary picture which was basically a duplicated jpeg representation of the asset. The way around this is by getting the EXIF data from the Original asset by doing the following:
NSURL *assetURL = (NSURL*)[info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL];
NSData *originalData = (NSData*) [self retrieveAssetDataPhotosFramework:assetURL];
CGImageSourceRef mySourceRef = CGImageSourceCreateWithData((CFDataRef)originalData, NULL);
if (mySourceRef != NULL)
NSDictionary *myMetadata = (__bridge NSDictionary *)CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(mySourceRef,0,NULL);
NSDictionary *GPSDictionary = [myMetadata objectForKey:(NSString *)kCGImagePropertyGPSDictionary];
NSLog( @"%@", myMetadata );
NSLog( @"%@", [GPSDictionary valueForKey:(NSString*)kCGImagePropertyGPSLongitude]);
NSLog( @"%@", [GPSDictionary valueForKey:(NSString*)kCGImagePropertyGPSLatitude]);
To get Asset URL I used a method found on here (cant find link to post now)
- (NSData *)retrieveAssetDataPhotosFramework:(NSURL *)urlMedia {
__block NSData *iData = nil;
PHFetchResult *result = [PHAsset fetchAssetsWithALAssetURLs:@[urlMedia] options:nil];
PHAsset *asset = [result firstObject];
PHImageManager *imageManager = [PHImageManager defaultManager];
PHImageRequestOptions *options = [[PHImageRequestOptions alloc]init];
options.synchronous = YES;
options.version = PHImageRequestOptionsVersionCurrent;
@autoreleasepool {
[imageManager requestImageDataForAsset:asset options:options resultHandler:^(NSData *imageData, NSString *dataUTI, UIImageOrientation orientation, NSDictionary *info) {
iData = [imageData copy];
NSLog(@"requestImageDataForAsset returned info(%@)", info);
assert(iData.length != 0);
return iData;
Upvotes: 1