Reputation: 77
Hello dear people and others,
Today i wanted to create a simple script, thought it would be easy to store the outcome to var of the following command:
wmic bios get serialnumber | findstr /N /V SerialNumber
The problem is when i try to get the serial with wmic, it returns the string as expected but also an empty string/line. When i try to store the serial to a variable it stores it and then directly overwrites it with the empty string. This is the function i nearly got working now:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %g IN ('Wmic Bios Get SerialNumber ^| FINDSTR /N /V SerialNumber') DO (SET serial=%g & ECHO %g)
And this gives the following output:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %g IN ('Wmic Bios Get SerialNumber ^| FINDSTR /N /V SerialNumber') DO (SET serial=%g & ECHO %g)
As can be seen above, the loop overwrites the serial var, if someone can help me towards the right directon to get this working, would be mad.
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Views: 1607
Reputation: 38579
At the Command Prompt:
For /F "Tokens=1* Delims==" %g In ('WMIC BIOS Get SerialNumber /Value') Do @For /F "Tokens=*" %i In ("%h") Do @Set "serial=%i" & Echo %i
Or in a batch file:
@For /F "Tokens=1* Delims==" %%g In ('WMIC BIOS Get SerialNumber /Value'
) Do @For /F "Tokens=*" %%i In ("%%h") Do @Set "serial=%%i" & Echo %%i
If you're happy to use a labelled section in your batch file:
@Echo Off
Set "serial="
For /F "Skip=1 Delims=" %%A In ('WMIC BIOS Get SerialNumber') Do If Not Defined serial Call :Sub %%A
Set serial 2>Nul
Set "serial=%*"
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 9545
In a batch file, you can also use a goto
to end the loop after the first iteration :
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ('wmic bios get serialnumber ^| findstr /N /V SerialNumber') do (
set "$var=%%a"
echo Result=^> [%$var: =%]
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 57252
Try like this:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %g IN ('Wmic Bios Get SerialNumber /format:value') DO for /f "tokens=* delims=" %# in ("%g") do set "serial=%#"
echo %serial%
Mind that's a command that should be executed in the command prompt directly.For a batch file you'll need to double the %
in the for loop tokens.
Upvotes: 2