Reputation: 791
My app loads different types of files from my server to the device storage.
For all my files i want to open, i have the path of the files in the storage.
For .pdf-Files I am using a WebView which opens the .pdf-Files at the given path (for example) Therefore I split the path
var fileType = path.Split('.').Last().ToLower();
and if the fileType is pdf, I open the WebView.
For .docx, .xlsx, etc. files, I want my app to ask me, what program I want to use to open the file.
I do not want to open the file explorer (for example via an Intent.CreateChooser
if you want to choose an image from the galerie)
I just know the path from a file in the storage, and I want to open this file directly.
I thought there would be a simple solution for Android Xamarin. However, I have not found anything working yet.
EDIT: Short & clear:
I have the path storage/emulated/0/MyApp/myFile.docx and I need a method that takes the path, detects if there are apps that can open this file, and if there are, asks me to choose an app to open the file.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4799
Reputation: 4358
1) Use ActionView
to open the file:
private void openFile(File file)
Intent intent = new Intent();
string type = getMIMEType(file);
intent.SetDataAndType(Uri.FromFile(file), type);
2)Get the MIME type by file extension:
private string getMIMEType(File file)
string type = "*/*";
string fName = file.Name;
int dotIndex = fName.LastIndexOf(".");
if (dotIndex < 0)
return type;
// get the file extension
string end = fName.Substring(dotIndex, fName.Length).ToLower();
if (end == "") return type;
//from MIME_MapTable to get the respond type
for (int i = 0; i < MIME_MapTable.Length; i++)
if (end.Equals(MIME_MapTable[i,0]))
type = MIME_MapTable[i,1];
return type;
3) Here is the MIME_MapTable array:
public string[,] MIME_MapTable = new string[,] {
{".3gp", "video/3gpp"},
{".apk", "application/"},
{".asf", "video/x-ms-asf"},
{".avi", "video/x-msvideo"},
{".bin", "application/octet-stream"},
{".bmp", "image/bmp"},
{".c", "text/plain"},
{".class", "application/octet-stream"},
{".conf", "text/plain"},
{".cpp", "text/plain"},
{".doc", "application/msword"},
{".exe", "application/octet-stream"},
{".gif", "image/gif"},
{".gtar", "application/x-gtar"},
{".gz", "application/x-gzip"},
{".h", "text/plain"},
{".htm", "text/html"},
{".html", "text/html"},
{".jar", "application/java-archive"},
{".java", "text/plain"},
{".jpeg", "image/jpeg"},
{".jpg", "image/jpeg"},
{".js", "application/x-javascript"},
{".log", "text/plain"},
{".m3u", "audio/x-mpegurl"},
{".m4a", "audio/mp4a-latm"},
{".m4b", "audio/mp4a-latm"},
{".m4p", "audio/mp4a-latm"},
{".m4u", "video/vnd.mpegurl"},
{".m4v", "video/x-m4v"},
{".mov", "video/quicktime"},
{".mp2", "audio/x-mpeg"},
{".mp3", "audio/x-mpeg"},
{".mp4", "video/mp4"},
{".mpc", "application/vnd.mpohun.certificate"},
{".mpe", "video/mpeg"},
{".mpeg", "video/mpeg"},
{".mpg", "video/mpeg"},
{".mpg4", "video/mp4"},
{".mpga", "audio/mpeg"},
{".msg", "application/"},
{".ogg", "audio/ogg"},
{".pdf", "application/pdf"},
{".png", "image/png"},
{".pps", "application/"},
{".ppt", "application/"},
{".prop", "text/plain"},
{".rar", "application/x-rar-compressed"},
{".rc", "text/plain"},
{".rmvb", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"},
{".rtf", "application/rtf"},
{".sh", "text/plain"},
{".tar", "application/x-tar"},
{".tgz", "application/x-compressed"},
{".txt", "text/plain"},
{".wav", "audio/x-wav"},
{".wma", "audio/x-ms-wma"},
{".wmv", "audio/x-ms-wmv"},
{".wps", "application/"},
//{".xml", "text/xml"},
{".xml", "text/plain"},
{".z", "application/x-compress"},
{".zip", "application/zip"},
{"", "*/*"}
If you want your app to run on >7.0, you need use FileProvider.
Upvotes: 2