Reputation: 49
only some api call needs the token. and when 401 occurs refresh token call will be taken place.and for each call the token is refreshing. how to execute more than 1 api synchronously when 401 occurs
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2356
Reputation: 3291
This is upto you, how you design the flow but I did almost same problem like following in Objective C
If successful refresh token, call the userProfileAPI API with updated refresh token.
+ (void) userProfileGETRequest:(NSDictionary *)headerParams urlQuery: (NSString*)action parameters:(NSDictionary*)params docOpenPassword: (NSString*)password docOpenOtp: (NSString*)otp
onComplete:(void (^)(id json, id code, id url))successBlock
onError:(void (^)(id error, id code, id url))errorBlock {if ([[SingletonSDK sharedInstance] isTokenExpired:[NSDate date]]) {[self refereshToken:nil :^(id json, id code) {
[[SingletonSDK sharedInstance] handleLoginResponseObject:json];
[self userProfileAPI:headerParams urlQuery:action parameters:params
onComplete:^(id json, id code, id url) {
successBlock(json, code, url);
} onError:^(id error, id code, id url) {
errorBlock(error, code, url);
} onError:^(id error, id code) {
[[SingletonSDK sharedInstance] hideProgessHud];
return ;
} else {
[self userProfileAPI:headerParams urlQuery:action parameters:params
onComplete:^(id json, id code, id url) {
successBlock(json, code, url);
} onError:^(id error, id code, id url) {
errorBlock(error, code, url);
//userProfileAPI Methods
+ (void) userProfileAPI:(NSDictionary *)headerParams urlQuery: (NSString*)action parameters:(NSDictionary*)params
onComplete:(void (^)(id json, id code, id url))successBlock
onError:(void (^)(id error, id code, id url))errorBlock
NSString *authorizationValue = [self setAuthorizationValue:action];
NSString *language = [self editedLanguageNameAsApiRequired];
AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager];
//set headers values
[manager.requestSerializer setValue:@"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept"];
[manager.requestSerializer setValue:language forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept-Language"];
[manager.requestSerializer setValue:authorizationValue forHTTPHeaderField:@"authorization"];
[manager GET:action parameters:nil success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
NSLog(@"getRequest response success");
NSString *url = [[[operation response] URL] absoluteString];
NSInteger statusCode = [operation.response statusCode];
NSNumber *statusObject = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:statusCode];
successBlock(responseObject, statusObject, url);
failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error)
NSString *url = [[[operation response] URL] absoluteString];
NSInteger statusCode = [operation.response statusCode];
NSNumber *statusObject = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:statusCode];
if ([self takeDesiredActionIfAccessTokenExpired:statusCode]) {
return ;
id responseObject = operation.responseData;
id json = nil;
id errorMessage = nil;
if ([statusObject integerValue] == 404) {
errorMessage = [[SingletonSDK sharedInstance] getStringValueFromLanguageKey: COMMON_ERROR_SHARED_PREFERENCES];//NSLocalizedString(COMMON_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, nil);
} else {
if (responseObject) {
json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:responseObject options:kNilOptions error:&error];
errorMessage = [(NSDictionary*)json objectForKey:@"Message"];
json = [error.userInfo objectForKey:NSLocalizedDescriptionKey];
errorMessage = json;
if(![errorMessage isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]){
errorMessage = [[SingletonSDK sharedInstance] getStringValueFromLanguageKey: COMMON_ERROR_MSG] ; //NSLocalizedString(COMMON_ERROR_MSG, nil);
Upvotes: 1