Reputation: 41362
I am trying to change CSS properties like this one.
To the JavaScript CSS property like so.
I am using this RegExp.
var exp = new RegExp('-([a-z])', 'gi');
console.log('-moz-border-radius'.replace(exp, '$1'));
All I need to do is convert $1 to upper case so it can cammelcaseify (yes I made that word up...) my CSS property into a JavaScript based one. Is this possible?
Upvotes: 13
Views: 4789
Reputation: 8559
if you need to convert an entire object of hypen-delimited keys to camelCase:
const css2js = (obj) => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(x => [x[0].replace(/(-)([a-z])/g, c => c[1].toUpperCase()), x[1]]));
const a = {
"background-color": "#00aa",
marginTop: "10px"
console.log(css2js(a)); // {backgroundColor: "#00aa", marginTop: "10px"}
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Reputation: 1564
is also possible use indexOf with recursion for that task.
input some-foo_sd_dsd-weqe
output someFooSdDsdWeqe
but is works slower
test1: 3.535ms
function camelCased (str) {
function check(symb){
let idxOf = str.indexOf(symb);
if (idxOf === -1) {
return str;
let letter = str[idxOf+1].toUpperCase();
str = str.replace(str.substring(idxOf+1,idxOf+2), '');
str = str.split(symb).join(idxOf !== -1 ? letter : '');
return camelCased(str);
return check('_') && check('-');
console.log(camelCased ('-moz-border-radius'));
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Reputation: 15912
Additional Information...
MozBorderRadius = PascalCase A.K.A UpperCamelCase.
mozBorderRadius = camelCase.
moz_border_radius = snake_case.
var string = "hyphen-delimited-to-camel-case"
var string = "snake_case_to_camel_case"
function toCamelCase( string ){
return string.toLowerCase().replace(/(_|-)([a-z])/g, toUpperCase );
function toUpperCase( string ){
return string[1].toUpperCase();
Output: hyphenDelimitedToCamelCase
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8247
Another, slightly more flexible answer:
if (typeof String.prototype.toCamel !== 'function') {
String.prototype.toCamel = function(){
return this.replace(/[-_]([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase(); })
Used like this:
'-moz-border-radius'.toCamel(); // "MozBorderRadius"
'moz-border-radius'.toCamel(); // "mozBorderRadius"
'moz_border_radius'.toCamel(); // "mozBorderRadius"
'_moz_border_radius'.toCamel(); // "MozBorderRadius"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 324567
You would be better off using a function as the second parameter in replace()
, and you could also use a regex literal instead of the RegExp
var replaced = '-moz-border-radius'.replace(/-([a-z])/gi, function(s, group1) {
return group1.toUpperCase();
Upvotes: 30
Reputation: 887453
You need to pass a callback function instead of a string.
For example:
var exp = /-([a-z])/gi;
function(match, char, index, str) {
return char.toUpperCase();
Upvotes: 4