Reputation: 58558
I want to replace Table blocks within a markdown document, with RawBlocks which will eventually contain latex.
I can find the table blocks in a document using:
function Table(table)
However I need to convert each table block to json or native text, so it can be fed to:
local function table2latex(t)
local latex = pandoc.pipe('pandoc',{'-f','native','-t','latex'},t)
I can not find any examples that do this kind of conversion, having scoured the pandoc documentation and other sites such as github and stackoverflow.
Is it possible or will I need to write a bespoke embedded writer?
Following on. The answer below led to the following script:
-- file: boxtables.lua
-- This filter extracts tables and converts them to latex
-- The latex is then altered by a sed script to "box" each cell
-- using "|" and '\hline' as column and row delimiters.
-- The original document containing the table(s) must have
-- 'header-includes' containing '\usepackage{longtable,booktabs)}'
-- The user should have the `jq`and 'sed' utilities installed and the shell
-- script '' executable in the current working directory
-- #!/bin/sh
-- latex="$(pandoc -f json -t latex)"
-- tmpl='{blocks:[{t:"RawBlock",c:["latex",$tab]}],"pandoc-api-version":[1,17,3],meta:{}}'
-- jq -n --arg tab "$latex" $tmpl
-- The lua filter can be invoked:
-- pandoc --lua-filter boxtables.lua -o documentContainingTable.pdf
-- N.B. 'header-includes' and other details may be set on the command line or as a YAML header e.g.
-- ---
-- geometry: landscape, scale=0.9, centering
-- header-includes:
-- - \usepackage{longtable,booktabs}
-- ---
function table (tab)
-- create a new pandoc document containing only the table
local dummy_doc = pandoc.Pandoc(tab)
-- use to convert the doc to latex
local tex_doc = pandoc.utils.run_json_filter(dummy_doc, '')
-- only a single block containing the table will be returned
return tex_doc.blocks
function rawblock (rb)
local oldlatex = rb.text
local sed = [[/^\\begin{longtable}/{s/@{}/&\n/;:a;ta;/\n@{}/!s/\n\(.\)/|\1\n/;ta;s/\n/|/};s/toprule/hline/;/mid\|bottom/d;/tabularnewline/a\\\hline]]
local newlatex = pandoc.pipe('sed',{sed},oldlatex)
return pandoc.RawBlock('latex', newlatex)
return {{Table = table},{RawBlock = rawblock}}
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1476
Reputation: 22659
There is no built-in and hence no fully portable way to do this. The best I could come up with is to use a shell script invoked as a JSON filter to convert tables to latex. The following builds on pandoc.utils.run_json_filter
, which is available since pandoc 2.1.1.
-- file: table2latex.lua
local utils = require 'pandoc.utils'
function Table (tab)
-- create a new pandoc document containing only the table
local dummy_doc = pandoc.Pandoc(tab)
-- use to convert the doc to latex
local tex_doc = utils.run_json_filter(dummy_doc, '')
-- only a single block containing the table will be returned
return tex_doc.blocks
helper filter uses jq to generate JSON.
latex="$(pandoc -f json -t latex)"
jq -n --arg tab "$latex" $tmpl
Upvotes: 2