Reputation: 81
I'd like to get a data structure from ecto which allow to write iteraly something like this in my HTML :
<%= %>
So I think I should have :
[{name: "Male", id: 1}, {name: "Female", id: 2}]
Right now my controller run well
defmodule HexProjectWeb.LandingController do
use HexProjectWeb, :controller
alias HexProject.Gender
def index(conn, _params) do
genders = HexProject.Repo.all(Gender) |>{&, &})
|> assign(:genders, genders)
|> render("index.html")
#render conn, "index.html", genders: genders
But it return me genders like this:
[{Male, 1}, {Female, 2}]
And I don't know how to show this.
So I tried
genders = HexProject.Repo.all(
from g in Gender,
select: %{name:, id:}
And it return me an error
function HexProjectWeb.LandingController.init/1 is undefined (module HexProjectWeb.LandingController is not available)
edit: full error
edit2: router.ex
defmodule HexProjectWeb.Router do
use HexProjectWeb, :router
pipeline :browser do
plug :accepts, ["html"]
plug :fetch_session
plug :fetch_flash
plug :protect_from_forgery
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json"]
scope "/", HexProjectWeb do
pipe_through :browser # Use the default browser stack
get "/", PageController, :index
get "/landing", LandingController, :index
resources "/genders", LandingController
# Other scopes may use custom stacks.
# scope "/api", HexProjectWeb do
# pipe_through :api
# end
Thank you for help.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 1971
Reputation: 9639
You could fix those problems separately.
For your first approach, you should have:
genders = HexProject.Repo.all(Gender) |>{name: &, id: &})
For the second approach, where you're building the query in your controller, you should add import at the top of the file, but inside your controller definition, eg:
defmodule HexProjectWeb.LandingController do
use HexProjectWeb, :controller
import Ecto.Query # add this line
alias HexProject.Gender
In your first attempt, you are actually building a tuple, it should be replaced with correct map syntax (%{}
instead of {}
Second problem you've encountered is unfortunately related to the fact you're using macro, and truly it relates to the lack of availability of from
function in your controller.
Hope that helps!
Upvotes: 2