
Reputation: 11

adding assembly code erase displayed strings

I try to write my mini OS. I learn from other projects, so I truly have no idea if my code is 'ok' for a bootloader and a kernel. I use assembly 16 bit, NASM, and load the bootloader and the kernel as .bin files to a floppy image. I run the OS with qemu. I came to a point where adding more code lines erase the displayed strings that appear when I start the OS. For example, if I start the os and it says 'Welcome to my OS!', after adding some code lines it would appear like this 'Welcome to m' (the end disappears).

here is my code:


[bits 16]
[org 0x7c00]

                                ; Use the boot drive number passed to us by BIOS in register DL
    xor ax,ax                   ; We want a segment of 0 for DS
    mov ds,ax                   ;     Set AX to appropriate segment value
    mov es,ax                   ; In this case we'll default to ES=DS
    mov bx,0x8000               ; Stack segment can be any usable memory

    mov ss,bx                   ; This places it with the top of the stack @ 0x80000.
    mov sp,ax                   ; Set SP=0 so the bottom of stack will be @ 0x8FFFF

    cld                         ; Set the direction flag to be positive direction

    mov si, welcome_msg
    call print_string

    mov si, kernel_load
    call print_string


    mov ah,00h                  ; Reset Disk Drive
    int 13h

        mov ax, 0x0
        mov es, ax              ; ES = 0
        mov bx, 0x1000          ; BX = 0x1000. ES:BX=0x0:0x1000 
                                ; ES:BX = starting address to read sector(s) into
        mov ah, 02              ; Int 13h/AH=2 = Read Sectors From Drive
        mov al, 01              ; Sectors to read = 1
        mov ch, 00              ; CH=Cylinder. Second sector of disk
                                ; is at Cylinder 0 not 1
        mov cl, 02              ; Sector to read = 2
        mov dh, 00              ; Head to read = 0
                                ; DL hasn't been destroyed by our bootloader code and still
                                ;     contains boot drive # passed to our bootloader by the BIOS
        int 13h                 ; Read Sectors From Drive

        jc error_kernel_load    ; error loading kernel
        jmp 0x0:0x1000          ; jmp to kernel offset
        cli                     ; Disable interrupts to circumvent bug on early 8088 CPUs
        hlt                     ; halts the central processing unit (CPU) until the next external interrupt

        mov si, error_msg
        call print_string
        mov si, restart_msg
        call print_string
        mov ah,00               ; wait for key press
        int 16h
        xor ax,ax               
        int 19h                 ; reboot the computer

print_string:                   ; Routine: output string in SI to screen
        lodsb                   ; Get character from string
        or al,al
        jz exit
        mov ah,0x0e
        int 10h                 ; int 10h 'print char' function
        jmp print_string

; Messages to print
    welcome_msg db 'Welcome to Bootloader!!!',0x0D,0x0A,0
    kernel_load db 'Loading kernel....',0x0D,0x0A,0
    error_msg db 'Kernel.bin not found!',0x0D,0x0A,0
    restart_msg db 'Press any key to restart..',0


times 510-($-$$) db 0       ; Create padding to fill out to 510 bytes
dw      0xaa55              ; Magic number in the trailer of a boot secto


[bits 16]
[org 0x1000]

section .data:
    cursor_col:     db     0                ; cursor column
    cursor_row:     db     0                ; cursor row
    line_col:       dw     0                ; line column
    line_row:       dw     0                ; line row

    color:          db     3Fh              ; background and forground color (at start set random the formal way > number+letter)

    mode:           db     0

    mov ax, 07C0h                           ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader
    add ax, 288                             ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 4096

mov byte [color], 3Fh
    call clear_screen                       ; clear the screen and color it

                                            ; VVV print "Minerald welcome" message VVV
    mov byte [cursor_col], 08               
    mov byte [cursor_row], 28
    call set_cursor                         ; print at the requested position of the screen
    mov si, welcome_string                  ; Put string position into SI
    call print_string                       ; Call our string-printing routine

                                            ; VVV print "Press Space" message VVV
    mov byte [cursor_col], 14
    mov byte [cursor_row], 26
    call set_cursor                         ; print at the requested position of the screen
    mov si, press_key_string                ; Put string position into SI
    call print_string                       ; Call our string-printing routine

    mov ah, 0h                              ; wait for key press
    int 16h                                                 

    mov byte [color], 1Fh
    call clear_screen                       ; clear the screen and color it

    mov byte [cursor_col], 2
    mov byte [cursor_row], 0
    call set_cursor                         ; print at the requested position of the screen
    mov si, basic_background                ; Put string position into SI
    call print_string   

    mov byte [cursor_col], 22
    mov byte [cursor_row], 0
    call set_cursor                         ; print at the requested position of the screen
    mov si, basic_background                ; Put string position into SI
    call print_string                       ; Call our string-printing routine

    mov ah, 0                               ; set display mode function.
    mov al, 13h                             ; mode 13h = 320x200 pixels, 256 colors.
    int 10h                                 ; set it!

    ;=================================      ; rectangles
    mov byte [line_col], 80
    mov byte [line_row], 165

    call print_rectangle                    ; print rectangle

    mov byte [line_col], 80
    mov byte [line_row], 135

    call print_rectangle                    ; print rectangle

    jmp $                                   ; Jump here - infinite loop!
    mov ah, 06h                             ; Scroll up function
    xor al, al                              ; Clear entire screen
    xor cx, cx                              ; Upper left corner CH=row, CL=column
    mov dx, 184Fh                           ; lower right corner DH=row, DL=column 
    mov bh, byte [color]                    ; set background and foreground color
    int 10h

print_string:                               ; Routine: output string in SI to screen
    lodsb                                   ; Get character from string
    or al,al
    jz exit
    mov ah,0x0e                             ; int 10h 'print char' function
    int 10h
    jmp print_string


    mov dh, byte [cursor_col]               ; cursor col 
    mov dl, byte [cursor_row]               ; cursor row
    mov ah, 02h                             ; move cursor to the right place
    xor bh, bh                              ; video page 0
    int 10h                                 ; call bios service

    %INCLUDE "print_rectangle.asm"

; Messages to print
    welcome_string       db 'Welcome to  my OS!', 0
    press_key_string     db 'Press any key to continue...', 0
    enter_message_string db 'Enter your message below',0
    APM_ERROR_string     db 'APM Error...'
    basic_background     db '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'


this are the load commaneds:

nasm -f bin -o kernel.bin kernel.asm
nasm -f bin -o bootloader.bin bootloader.asm

dd if=bootloader.bin of=floppy.flp bs=512 seek=0 conv=notrunc 
dd if=kernel.bin of=floppy.flp bs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc

qemu-system-i386 -fda floppy.flp


from listing file of nasm before the messages are truncated:

   300                                  ; Messages to print
   301 00000191 57656C636F6D652074-         welcome_string       db 'Welcome to my OS!', 0
   302 0000019A 6F204D696E6572616C-
   303 000001A3 644F532100         
   304 000001A8 507265737320616E79-         press_key_string     db 'Press any key to continue...', 0
   305 000001B1 206B657920746F2063-
   306 000001BA 6F6E74696E75652E2E-
   307 000001C3 2E00               
   308 000001C5 456E74657220796F75-         enter_message_string db 'Enter your message below',0
   309 000001CE 72206D657373616765-
   310 000001D7 2062656C6F7700     
   311 000001DE 41504D204572726F72-         APM_ERROR_string     db 'APM Error...'
   312 000001E7 2E2E2E             
   313 000001EA 2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D-         basic_background     db '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

from listing file of nasm after the messages are truncated:

   332                                  ; Messages to print
   333 000001E8 57656C636F6D652074-         welcome_string       db 'Welcome to MineraldOS!', 0
   334 000001F1 6F204D696E6572616C-
   335 000001FA 644F532100         
   336 000001FF 507265737320616E79-         press_key_string     db 'Press any key to continue...', 0
   337 00000208 206B657920746F2063-
   338 00000211 6F6E74696E75652E2E-
   339 0000021A 2E00               
   340 0000021C 456E74657220796F75-         enter_message_string db 'Enter your message below',0
   341 00000225 72206D657373616765-
   342 0000022E 2062656C6F7700     
   343 00000235 41504D204572726F72-         APM_ERROR_string     db 'APM Error...'
   344 0000023E 2E2E2E             
   345 00000241 2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D-         basic_background     db '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
   346 0000024A 2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D-

Upvotes: 0

Views: 178

Answers (1)


Reputation: 16606

Answer to your original question:

That's because your kernel gets longer, and it is more than one disk sector size in total, but you keep loading only one sector (512 bytes) of it into memory, so the rest of the string stays on the disk only, never entering the memory.

There're also several other problems (some mentioned in my comments), but those are not really relevant to the string truncation, and I'm not in mood+time to review all of your bootloader+kernel and fix all of the bugs you have there, so I will stop here (answer-wise).

Upvotes: 1

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