Reputation: 9
I have a problem with get Ethernet usage from Task Manager. I have CPU and RAM memory usage and now I can't get Ethernet usage. I'll be very happy if anyone help me, thanks.
My code so far:
dwLength As Long
dwMemoryLoad As Long
dwTotalPhys As Long
dwAvailPhys As Long
dwTotalPageFile As Long
dwAvailPageFile As Long
dwTotalVirtual As Long
dwAvailVirtual As Long
End Type
Private Declare Sub GlobalMemoryStatus Lib "kernel32" (lpBuffer As MEMORYSTATUS)
Function Logi()
Dim date_now As Date: date_now = Now
Dim user As String: user = Environ("username")
Dim dict As String: dict = "dict"
Dim file As String: file = "file"
Dim file_size As Long: file_size = GetFileSize
Dim core_count As Integer
Dim cpu As String: cpu = CPUusage(core_count)
Dim ram As String: ram = MemoryUsage
Dim header As String
Dim log As String
header = "Date log|User|Description|File size|CPU usage|"
For i = 1 To core_count - 1
header = header & "Core " & i & "|"
Next i
header = header & "Percent of memory in use|Bytes of physical memory|Free physical memory|Paging file (bytes)|Free paging file (bytes)|User bytes of address space|Free user bytes|"
log = date_now & "|" & user & "|" & desc & "|" & cpu & "|" & ram
If Not fileExists(dict, file) Then
Set obj_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oTxtFile = obj_fso.CreateTextFile("dict & " \ " & file")
oTxtFile.WriteLine header
oTxtFile.WriteLine log
Open dict & "\" & file For Append As #1
Write #1, log
Close #1
End If
End Function
Function fileExists(s_directory As String, s_fileName) As Boolean
Dim obj_fso As Object
Set obj_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fileExists = obj_fso.fileExists(s_directory & "\" & s_fileName)
End Function
Function GetFileSize()
Dim fs, f, s
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.Getfile(ActiveWorkbook.FullName)
GetFileSize = f.Size
End Function
Function GetCores()
Dim objWMIService, cores, Proc, strQuery
strQuery = "select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & "." & "\root\cimv2")
Set cores = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery, , 48)
Set GetCores = cores
End Function
Function CPUusage(ByRef core_count)
Set cores = GetCores
Dim ind As Integer: ind = 0
For Each core In cores
'CPU, Core 1, Core 2, Core 3, ...
Select Case ind
Case 0:
cpu = core.PercentProcessorTime / 100 & "|"
Case Else:
cpu = cpu & core.PercentProcessorTime / 100 & "|"
End Select
ind = ind + 1
core_count = ind
CPUusage = Left(cpu, Len(cpu) - 1)
End Function
Function MemoryUsage()
MS.dwLength = Len(MS)
GlobalMemoryStatus MS
'divide the memory variables by 1024 (nkb)
'to obtain the size in kilobytes
Dim mem As String: mem = ""
mem = Format(MS.dwMemoryLoad, "###,###,###,###") & "|"
mem = mem & Format(MS.dwTotalPhys / 1024, "###,###,###,###") & "|"
mem = mem & Format(MS.dwAvailPhys / 1024, "###,###,###,###") & "|"
mem = mem & Format(MS.dwTotalPageFile / 1024, "###,###,###,###") & "|"
mem = mem & Format(MS.dwAvailPageFile / 1024, "###,###,###,###") & "|"
mem = mem & Format(MS.dwTotalVirtual / 1024, "###,###,###,###") & "|"
mem = mem & Format(MS.dwAvailVirtual / 1024, "###,###,###,###")
MemoryUsage = mem
End Function
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1307
Reputation: 10433
For network details use this query :
"SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetEnabled=True"
Remove the predicate if you want to get details about all the devices. Leave it on, if you want the details about active ones only.
Note: You can format the speed with ROUND(SPEED/ 1024/1024/1024, 2)
Example Code:
Sub Test()
Dim WMISrv As Object
Dim WMIObjSet As Object
Dim WMIObj As Object
Dim WMIProp As Object
Dim sWQL As String
'/ Use this query For Speed etc.
sWQL = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetEnabled=True"
'/ Use this query for Data packet information
sWQL = "Select BytesReceivedPersec,BytesSentPersec,BytesTotalPersec from Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface"
Set WMISrv = GetObject("winmgmts:root/CIMV2")
Set WMIObjSet = WMISrv.ExecQuery(sWQL)
For Each WMIObj In WMIObjSet
For Each WMIProp In WMIObj.Properties_
If Not IsNull(WMIProp.Value) Then
If IsArray(WMIProp.Value) Then
For lCtr = LBound(WMIProp.Value) To UBound(WMIProp.Value)
Debug.Print WMIProp.Name & "(" & lCtr & ")" & ":" & WMIProp.Value(lCtr)
Debug.Print WMIProp.Name & ":" & WMIProp.Value
End If
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 1