
Reputation: 107

Joining two dataframes without a common column

I have two dataframes which has different types of columns. I need to join those two different dataframe. Please refer the below example

val df1 has

val df2 has

These two dataframe doesn't have any common column. Number of rows and Number of columns in the two dataframes also differs. I tried to insert a new dummy column to increase the row_index value as below val dfr=df1.withColumn("row_index",monotonically_increasing_id()).

But as i am using Spark 2, monotonically_increasing_id method is not supported. Is there any way to join two dataframe, so that I can create the value of two dataframe in a single sheet of excel file.

For example

val df1:
Customer_name  Customer_phone  Customer_age
karti           9685684551     24      
raja            8595456552     22

val df2:
Order_name Order_ID
watch       1
cattoy     2

My final excel sheet should be like this:

Customer_name  Customer_phone  Customer_age   Order_name  Order_ID

karti          9685684551      24             watch        1
raja           8595456552      22             cattoy      2

Upvotes: 6

Views: 18859

Answers (3)

Ben Samyn
Ben Samyn

Reputation: 91

I had a similar issue but I'm on Databricks, so I used Python/PySpark. In case anyone has the same question in a Python environment, this did the trick for me:

from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, row_number

w = Window().orderBy(lit(None))
df1 = df1.withColumn('row_num', row_number().over(w))
df2 = df2.withColumn('row_num', row_number().over(w))

df_merged = df1.join(df2, 'row_num').drop('row_num')

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 672

add an index column to both dataframe using the below code


then join both the dataframes using the below code and drop the index column


Upvotes: 10


Reputation: 23119

monotonically_increasing_id() is increasing and unique but not consecutive.

You can use zipWithIndex by converting to rdd and reconstructing Dataframe with the same schema for both dataframe.

import spark.implicits._

val df1 = Seq(
  ("karti", "9685684551", 24),
  ("raja", "8595456552", 22)
).toDF("Customer_name", "Customer_phone", "Customer_age")

val df2 = Seq(
  ("watch", 1),
  ("cattoy", 2)
).toDF("Order_name", "Order_ID")

val df11 = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame( {
    case (row, index) => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ index)
  // Create schema for index column
  StructType(df1.schema.fields :+ StructField("index", LongType, false))

val df22 = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame( {
    case (row, index) => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ index)
  // Create schema for index column
  StructType(df2.schema.fields :+ StructField("index", LongType, false))

Now join the final dataframes

df11.join(df22, Seq("index")).drop("index")


|karti        |9685684551    |24          |watch     |1       |
|raja         |8595456552    |22          |cattoy    |2       |

Upvotes: 7

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