Reputation: 2519
Me again. So, yesterday I faced a bit of a problem with zooming to selected features and I'm hoping that some of you can push me in right direction.Here it goes...
I'm trying to implement autocomplete/search bar using Materialize Materialize Framework. (Here is fiddle example of simple searchbar)
data: {
"Apple": null,
"Microsoft": null,
"Google": ''
Now, what I'm trying to do is to call and populate data using geojson features and to implement fit to extent for selected feature. If I'm understanding correctly I need to save extent for selected feature and pass it in with
map.getView().fit(selectedFeature.getSource().getExtent(), animationOptions);
Or Am I doing this completely wrong?
$(document).ready(function() {
function sendItem(val) {
var animationOptions = {
duration: 2000,
easing: ol.easing.easeOut
$(function() {
type: 'GET',
url: 'geojson/jls.geojson',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(response) {
var jls_array = response;
var features = jls_array.features;
var jls = {};
for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
var geo = features[i].properties;
jls[geo['JLS_IME']] = null;
data: jls,
limit: 5,
onAutocomplete: function(txt) {
map.getView().fit(vectorJLS.getSource().getExtent(), animationOptions);
And here is example of my geojson object
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name":"EPSG:3765" } },
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "JLS_MB": "00116", "JLS_IME": "BEDEKOVČINA", "JLS_ST": "OP", "JLS_SJ": "Bedekovčina", "ZU_RB": "02", "ZU_IME": "Krapinsko-zagorska", "ZU_SJ": "Krapina", "pov": 51.42 }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 461117.98, 5108379.85 ], [ 461124.53, 5108368.39 ], [ 461132.37, 5108354.26 ]...
So, as fellow Dube nicely pointed out with logical and practical solution where he's finding feature and zooming selected feature within geojson layer source with simple .find() method.
I only tweaked a bit existing code with added variable before ajax call
var source_layer = vectorJLS.getSource(); // collecting layer source
$(function() {
type: 'GET',
url: 'geojson/jls.geojson',
dataType: 'json'.....
onAutocomplete: function(txt) {
var feature = source_layer.getFeatures().find(function(f) { return f.get('JLS_IME') === txt; });
if (feature) {
const extent = feature.getGeometry().getExtent()
Here is layer that I'm trying to iterate and on select to zoom on feature
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Views: 12654
Reputation: 5039
The feature itself does not have an extent, but it's geometry has one:
const extent = feature.getGeometry().getExtent()
However, so far you seem not to have OpenLayers feature objects, just a plain json object, which you got in the ajax response. Let's transform it:
var source = new ol.source.Vector({
features: (new ol.format.GeoJSON({
featureProjection: "EPSG:3765" // probably not required in your case
You do not need to add the vector to the map to determine the specific feature and it's extent:
onAutocomplete: function(txt) {
var feature = source.getFeatures().find(function(f) { return f.get('JLS_IME') === txt; });
if (feature) {
const extent = feature.getGeometry().getExtent()
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 123
I'm not sure how your map-application should work, but i think you should use the Select-Interaction if you want to handle selected features ('ol/interaction/select') because you can use all the events fired and set a custom style for your selection. The content of the Select Interaction is an ol.Collection which contains your selected features. So beside your Vectorlayer you should also implement an Select-Interaction:
const selectedItems = new ol.interaction.Select({
layers: [yourbasicvectorlayer],
style: new{...})
//Listen if any new items are pushed into the selection
selectedItems.getFeatures().on('add', function(feature) {
//for one feature:
map.getView().fit(feature.getGeometry().getExtent(), AnimationOptions);
//for multiple features --> so everytime a new is added
//Create an empty extent like:
let extent = new ol.extent.createEmpty();
selectedItems.getFeatures().forEach(feature) {
//add extent of every feature to the extent
extent = new ol.extent.extend(extent, feature.getGeometry().getExtent();
map.getView().fit(extent, animationOptions);
// Dont forget to add the Select Interaction to the map
//you can fill the selection interaction programmatically
Didn't tested the code. With an Select-Interaction its more overhead but better structured. You can also just use the part in the listener for a single-multi feature(s) approach. Let me know if i'm completly misunderstanding :-)
Upvotes: 1