Reputation: 1328
The below code is unable to find JsonWriter or JsonFormat type class:
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import spray.json._
case class MatcherRequest2(dataType:String, testType:String)
object MatcherWriterJsonSupport2 extends /*SprayJsonSupport with*/ DefaultJsonProtocol {
implicit val matcherRequest = jsonFormat2(MatcherRequest2)
object MatcherTransfer2 extends LazyLogging {
import MatcherWriterJsonSupport2.rmobMatcherRequest
def fetchSignExtractionDone: Unit = {
val matcherRequest: MatcherRequest2 = MatcherRequest2("FeatureCollection", "testC")
Error:(24, 24) Cannot find JsonWriter or JsonFormat type class for MatcherRequest2 rmobMatcherRequest.toJson
Error:(24, 24) not enough arguments for method toJson: (implicit writer: spray.json.JsonWriter[MatcherRequest2])spray.json.JsValue. Unspecified value parameter writer. rmobMatcherRequest.toJson
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1301
Reputation: 1328
Ugh, my bad. The variable name matcherRequest is same for implicit variable and in the MatcherTransfer2 object which was causing the above error.
implicit val matcherRequest = jsonFormat2(MatcherRequest2)
replace by
implicit val matcherRequestFormat = jsonFormat2(MatcherRequest2)
Upvotes: 3